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Everything posted by 1Quik7

  1. i've got an idea, since you're obviously not in high school anymore. QUIT GOING TO RIVER FUCKING VALLEY MALL! spend the extra 10-15min and drive to Easton or Tuttle...or go get you're swurv on at Eastland.
  2. The Rx7 Club will be there next weekend i believe, in case you want to see some cars that can take the twistys fast.
  3. No surprise here. Sounds like a typical Teays Valley kid...hey i live 15min from Columbus in a crappy little town, therefore i am a hardass thug, criminal and/or gangsta!
  4. Hmm..still might go with the matte black, i don't like the 'murdered' look to begin with, just the ratrod looking paint. i'll have a widebody kit, get the Forgelines powderdoated white...get some red/white pin-stripes going on...we should be alright.
  5. let me know if you do this...the matte black was on my short list of paint options.
  6. i'd say it depends on the crowd, a dead craps table isn't as much fun as a wild one.
  7. had one come from San Diego for $750, took about 1.5 weeks and one from Alabama for $500 was here in 2 days.
  8. Sam does make a good point, back in the day there was a lot more action and vids floating around of races, highly ILLEGAL races. as for Brian's original point, i get the idea...but like Sam said, people wanna see illegal stuff...Columbus Racing the Movie might be a little boring. Let's face it, prolly 80% of the members are just enthusiast that drive normal every day drivers, i really don't wanna watch a guy in a Saturn and a guy in a mini-van hang out in a parking lot. at the same time though it's not really fair to single out members... let's just make a video "The Sam Demeter Experience featuring Columbus Racing"
  9. life is fleeting, it may end tomorrow. should of, would of, could of will not describe me on my death bed. been there, done that, is all i want to say. i will never put a price tag on my youth and fun. i will do whatever it takes to remain happy and live my life, whether it be long or short, to the very fullest.
  10. i had a B5 S4 w/chip, intercoolers, exhaust....best daily i ever owned....damn i miss it.
  11. i really don't think that is 'chopped'....i remember when that happened, i love going to air-shows. also, the article is correct, that plane is an SU-27 'Flanker'.
  12. it's full of LOL. i thought about that the other night when i was watching Pinks All Out(which is also LOL), all the money i've wasted on cars i coulda had a single digit car with a matching truck and trailer it's really sad.
  13. hmm, a lot has happened since last year bought a turbo Buick, decided it was too much of a boat, so i sold that and bought another FD and am transplanting everyting that can be salvaged over to it...after all that, body/paint work, prolly be dropping another $20k including the roller.
  14. 1Quik7

    Smash Bros Brawl

    i've never even touched a Wii, but i think i'm gonna get one just for the sole purpose of this game, i'm a huge Smash fan, especially on gamecube. kinda pissed off though, from what i hear they dropped Gannondprf, and he was my character
  15. to realize that she or myself won't die if we don't talk more than 1-2x a day or even every day if need be!..or if i need a night out with friends....she can have a night with the girls too!
  16. Lea Thompson..oh forgot about Phoebe Cates. http://www.deluxe-celebs.com/sinful/lea-thompson/lea-thompson-018.jpg http://www.nude-celebrities-network.net/free/19_pictures_phoebe_cates/17.jpg
  17. Tony, if you'll notice this thread has been dug up from 2yrs ago, the original Skyline in question had a price near/of $70k. i'll have to agree with others on the board, been in the game for years and i've never heard a good comment about Denny Dotson, would never buy from him.
  18. 1Quik7

    during sex

    Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood during sex? it's sad this is what i'm doing on a fucking friday night.
  19. haha CR's early days were kinda sad, just a couple dozen members, seemed like there was a new thread like every 2 days and it was usually pointless...sure didn't think it would grow into what it is today.
  20. um, define a "cage". because it's sounds like you plan on going a little overboard. honestly a 4/6 pt setup would be more than enough unless you plan on adding rocket packs or jumping school buses. as for the helmet, that's what pads and 5pt harnesses are for.
  21. get rid of limewire....it sux0rs! beyond that, keep your old versions..when they prompt you to update, say "no thanks beotch"...new versions usually come with more tracking bugs and pop-up bs.
  22. 150 IQ huh? lol, just trying to stir the pot. :asshole: anywho, i agree, prison justice is far better than him sitting in isolation for a year to be lethally injected. he'll most likely get shanked and be handed a similar death to his victim.
  23. :nws: http://www.buck1690.com/Kyla-Ebbert/ meh. not my type, but whatever.
  24. yea...it's a shame "flatland" has fallen to the wayside...we're talking 'decades', 'hitchhikers', backpackers', etc....guess i'll just roll with the old stuff. see you guys out on the streets.
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