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Everything posted by 1Quik7

  1. haha i had no idea Albe's was still in business, ordered a few things from them back in the day...mostly from Dan's and Mental Jimmy's, i had a Graveyard freecoaster radial laced 48 that cost me like $200 back in the day lol. that's cool, i thought maybe the "driver" hubs offered something different. prolly just stick with my "mid-school" Basic frame, already had a guy offer me $300 for it, so might just keep it aroiund for a little while and get a new powdercoat.
  2. i've been out of riding for a few years, like 10, haha....anyways thinking about getting back into it this spring. i have a pretty rare Basic frame that i'll prolly build if i can find enough parts, since it's "mid-school" it still has the 1" frame so some parts might be kinda hard to track down if i get picky. anywho, have a couple questions...after looking at newer frames and bikes, it seems they either have 1 brake or none, and my old companies like Standard only offer jumpers....is that what people are switching to? i ride mostly flatland with some street on the way to and from parking lots. also, what are drivers? i keep seeing all sorts of different hubs that are called drivers and spring-loaded something or other...i'm not sure i understand what they do exactly. just wanna make sure it's worth building my old frame or getting newer gear.
  3. 1Quik7

    dog woes

    had a friend in high school that had a black lab, he ate a 20lb bag of bird seed....looked like he swallowed a damn basketball, he was pretty sick for about a week, the vet had them feed the dog alcohol to break down the seeds and eventually make the dog puke it up. this same dog has eaten drywall, 10lbs of potting soil, a 12pack of tube socks, gallon of antifreeze or some sort of washer fluid cant remember...some other rather hilarious stuff...ended up being put down last year from old age, so i dunno yours just might be ok.
  4. 1Quik7

    It's Miller Time

    Miller sucks, true story! Steel Reserve was brewed by the hands of god. Be a man, and drink a man's beer.
  5. /FALSE chicks dig expensive cars and motorcycles...they do not care if you're Boosted, Blown, Juiced or Stroked (unless their jailbait HS chicks, then they like Hondas and roflcars) TRUE STORY!
  6. 1Quik7

    Emo Kids

  7. nice color...not feeling the wheels, i'd go with a set of 18" Cobra R style, i think the skinnier 5-spoke looks better.
  8. it's a very sweet ride...i'm just not too thrilled with the styling this time around
  9. is powder coating expensive?...and is there any stipulation on the type of wheel? i have a set of Forgelines i was thinking of having powdered.
  10. i think there was a person/persons on here that worked for Wheel Medic? anyways, i've always been happy with the work you've done, i went to the website to see about getting some rims polished up and i saw something about the "Roundhouse"? what exactly is that? also, do you guys powder coat, or know someone that does?
  11. +1 for Handke's and Morton's...i had a $125 lobster from there and it was insane!
  12. 1Quik7

    Race Gas

    that's where i used to get mine...but last time i checked it was 6.75/gal....no thanks! looks like i'll be going to the 'Fuel Depot'
  13. exactly...the 'myth' is that if a "treadmill" matches a planes Vr speed (at which it can rotate and gain lift) the plane won't go anywhere...it says nothing about a plane going beyond it's Vspeed(which is the catch)...however...if the Vr speed is 25mph for 'said' plane (which is extremely low)...and the tarp is being pulled away at 25mph..it would need to compensate for this loss, but it had 2000ft to do so...which is why i said booo for an Ultralight, it still goes back to the original mistakes of the thread...most people thought the plane and tread would "match" speeds...from all the responses i saw...i honestly thought people thought the propeller creates the wind that creates lift on the wings. in the end it was a simple answer....it's just a hard question to explain.
  14. i still think most people who originally saw the project had the wrong idea because they didn't word it well...that if it matched take-off speed...it wouldn't take off...that even if the plane did accelerate the belt would match whatever the plane did...i knew when i first read about it that's what i pictured. but just for it to match the Vspeed...yea it's gonna fly.
  15. from the video preview...i'm rather disappointed with their "plane"...it's a simple park flyer...prolly makes 5grams of thrust. i dunno if that's just a working model and they plan to step it up....but that little plane is so light the wind coming off the rotating tread mill would be more than enough to get it off the ground. we'll see..usually they do something crazy.
  16. honestly i think the mods should shut/lock/delete any and all threads that are related to the accident...with the exception of the memorial thread. you wanna talk about it...take it to PM's or Senior area.
  17. nope not LP...it's a Stone Sour song...i googl'd what i could remember from my drunken haze, i think it's a newer song, but i dont know ttheir music that well.
  18. ok..so we were drunk earlier and i heard a song on the Blitz...i think it was newer because i never heard it before...anyways...it had a piano for most of the song and it was just a guy ..kinda a sad song too.....then it picked up towards the end...LOL anyone help me with this?
  19. +1....that's what it's called Jewel of Russia, that's some good vodka!
  20. i'll support ya bro...i usually have a 40, or a couple tall boys of Steel before we hit the bars on the weekends...which is pretty much the only time i drink now, as i'm getting older
  21. i don't foresee this scenario playing out anytime soon, seems like all the future of America points to is tighter laws and less freedom...i say before anything they'll start cracking down hardcore on people, giving citations just for having aftermarket modifications...start building your sleepers now!
  22. i don't know personally, but a friends parents have been to Sandals numerous times and seemed to enjoy it...then couple years ago they went to Atlantis and said it was paradise and that's the only place they'd ever go again.
  23. the Goose is prolly the best Vodka you'll find at most bars and whatnot, it's good neat or as a mixer, especially with apple juice. Pride of Russia is a fantastic vodka some liquor stores carry...very clean, almost no after-taste...however they've gone up in price recently for some odd reason and run around $85 and it's not a BIG bottle ; ;
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