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Everything posted by 1Quik7

  1. Bucks #1? BCS Bowl? this has been one hell of a season...discuss.
  2. 1Quik7

    what to do....

    go with the old'skool muscle car...Corvettes are a dime a dozen, pimped out pre-70 Camaro's are a little more rare.
  3. we didn't even look like the same team that week. i'd like to play WVU...just remember.... "There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."
  4. i've had people kick in my apartment door back in the day to steal a television, parents house was broken into and they stole a diamond ring that I had bought for an ex...and have also woken up to go to work only to find my FD up on blocks and my Volks stolen..and yes i was very mad, but in the end it really didn't matter insurance covered it and i actually came out even better than before because i'm a bargain shopper =P the most important thing in my life is exactly that: my life! my friends/family/gf/pets...i don't look at a Nintendo and think i would be lost if someone stole it. i aslo don't think it would matter if someone wanted the $100 i keep in my sock drawer.....if it was the briefcase full of 20's i have under the bed, well that's a different story the point is, what material possession is really worth the value of someone's life? allbeit, this may be some scumbag who's life is worthless, but it also may be someone who needs desperate help and makes bad decisions. oh well, it's a Saturday....time to party....GO BUCKS!
  5. ^^ haha, they showed that blonde so many times...i think she needs a little pity sex for some cheerin' up. as for Hart, it's a shame really, he's a good payer but i think his emotions got the best of him today, not to mention our defensive line.
  6. i'm sorry, you have a right to protect your own life or that of friends and loved ones in self-defense as in immediate danger or an asshole with a weapon...but you don't have the right to use deadly force just because some jerk wants to steal your or/neighbor's Playstation, money, tv...or whatever. i'd venture to say 90% of these people are petty crooks that will run like the wind when you shout at them. to let an action like this slide, imho, opens up a whole new can of worms. you'll have people accidentally on private property being shot and killed, or an easy out for murderers...just invite the person to your house, then just claim they came barging in trying to steal stuff so you let'em have it.
  7. wow Sony is smoking some good shit...you can get the SXRD projections version of this tv for $5.5-6k, why drop and extra 25k so it's so slim you can mount it on a wall. that just cracks me up, the rear-projection tv's have gotten so slim, like 10" deep...people pay an arm and a leg to get a "flat-panel" woohoo! also Bestbuy is smoking the same shit, i've seen this same tv for around $27k....that's 5 thousand fucking dollars saved!
  8. 1Quik7

    OSU loses

    this is the fallacy that is called the BCS...when you look at the teams now, sure it looks like we played nobodys...but at the start of the season we had Michigan and Wisconsin both placed Top 10 teams and argued to be contestants for the championship, also Penn State was well ranked and favored. we lost, oh well, we're still guaranteed a bowl game, and maybe even the Rose Bowl which is a big honor as well. i think every OSU fan is proud of the team we have, on a 'rebuilding' year we have a fantastic record.
  9. 1Quik7


    watch your speed, try to keep it around 65 or so on the highway...after you go past 70 your fuel consumption goes up drastically.
  10. pfft. that's just wing envy....shame on you!
  11. i'll give you a call, if you still have the same number. i dunno how much help the car will be...the driver's side door panel is spoken for though, i need it for the new FD.
  12. i just mortgaged my house and placed an order for one...they said it should be here by April.
  13. <- from Cville. i'd say go with some kind of swap, like the Datsun....or maybe an older muscle car with big cubes and a blower?
  14. 50k miles for $1000? what was wrong with it? must not include the T56 or the wiring harness. when i was looking at doing the swap a decent mileage LS1/T56 combo with harness was 3k-4.5k. Ebay usually has some good deals.
  15. +3 BJ's ftw! best food for the money. evar. yea, Easton kinda sucks now, gonna be changed to Eastonland and be nothing but shoe stores and pimp wear.
  16. i've done this as well in my old S4...although it was from Daytona, and i had to stop a couple times to let my dog go to the bathroom. we left the Sat eve. before Easter Sunday....during the night and early morning there wasn't a car on the road, or truck for that matter.
  17. i believe i had a quote from them and it was $1000+ :gay:
  18. i say keep the rotary...to do an LS1 swap properly isn't a whole lot cheaper or easier than doing a 20B. it still takes a good bit of money and hassle trying to get all the parts, most places who pre-fab the parts are on back order due to the recent popularity of this. unless you plan on doing everything yourself.
  19. it's a rolling chassis down in Birmingham, Alabama....so far the lowest quote i've gotten is $625.
  20. Edit: i think i used Able Auto Transporters....so far they have been the lowest quote, anyone familiar with them?
  21. looking into getting a car shipped....it doesn't run so i don't need anything fancy, just semi with a trailer. i forget who i used in the past, it was only $780 to get a car here from San Diego though....
  22. 1Quik7

    Buckeyes #1

    as far as i'm concerned...every team in the entire ranking is over-rated...almost every opponent we still have on our roster was favored very highly in the opening of the season. USF beat Rutgers.....ranked 24, dropped out.....Oregon(i love the Ducks) they beat Michigan...is that a feat? all i'm saying is this team is very reminiscent of our championship year, great defense, questionable offense...a complete surprise...at least to me.
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