i've had people kick in my apartment door back in the day to steal a television, parents house was broken into and they stole a diamond ring that I had bought for an ex...and have also woken up to go to work only to find my FD up on blocks and my Volks stolen..and yes i was very mad, but in the end it really didn't matter insurance covered it and i actually came out even better than before because i'm a bargain shopper =P
the most important thing in my life is exactly that: my life! my friends/family/gf/pets...i don't look at a Nintendo and think i would be lost if someone stole it. i aslo don't think it would matter if someone wanted the $100 i keep in my sock drawer.....if it was the briefcase full of 20's i have under the bed, well that's a different story
the point is, what material possession is really worth the value of someone's life? allbeit, this may be some scumbag who's life is worthless, but it also may be someone who needs desperate help and makes bad decisions.
oh well, it's a Saturday....time to party....GO BUCKS!