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Everything posted by 1Quik7

  1. anyone know when the new Sonic is gonna open up here? i'm getting quite excited.
  2. is it just me...or is that a bargain?!
  3. i don't think there's anything wrong with Columbus, it's not terribly exciting, but not terribly boring either...it offers some entertainment. it's a fairly clean town, compared to places like Cincy or Cleveland which are very industrial and run down in a lot of areas. i dont think people hate Columbus, they just hate where Columbus is...if we were oceanside in a sunny warm state or had some snowy peaks nearby, i bet it'd get a lot of votes. we're landlocked in the center of a rather dull state. as for city or country....just depends. actual city living, like Manhattan...hell no. i stayed with my cousin for a few weeks, no car, had to walk everywhere or pay for a cab...45min round trip walk to the store and you can only buy as much as you feel like carrying. i'd rather live in a smaller city like Columbus, or an even smaller city just beyond the outskirts, ie; Circleville, Delaware, etc.
  4. think it's kinda funny...i want one of those Apteras...that's pretty sweet for a hybrid.
  5. FTW! we weren't a Championship team this year and i don't think anyone can honestly say they were positive we'd go all the way, it's because the rest of the BCS looked like monkeys fucking a football that we got catapulted into the limelight..and LSU got 3 chances to take #1...third times a charm huh? i still think the BCS needs to be destroyed or re-tooled, the bowl game match-ups this year were pathetic at best.
  6. hmm, maybe...awful weird coincidence if it's true. Hamburger Inn Cville is a small mom and pop place with a campy old diner feel to it, been there since the 40's i think my 1st grade teacher used to own it, but it's under new management now. As for Wampler's on 23S...it's changed it's name so many times, i've been there a lot over my drunken upbringing...at 4am it's quite tasty. it is the quintessential truck-stop dive...one time we were there, the cook was drunk, the only waitress there quit on the spot...my drunk friend started serving food to people as it came out from the kitchen and the gas station manager from next door had to sort everything out, what a good time.
  7. do they serve breakfast? we have one in Cville and their hamburgers make White Castle look like a 5-star restaurant.
  8. been looking for some good pizza in the Westerville/Worthington area...some of the smaller mom and pop places...Pizza Hut/Dominoes/Papa John's/etc. all suck, sure they're great for a cheap "pizza" but i really dont like them. i like the kind of pizza you have to use a fork to eat, cheesy, greasy, and the pepperonis are tucked underneath.....mmmm. any suggestions?
  9. true dat! it's Alienware....so it will probably cost a couple thousand dollars.
  10. nice! makes me wish i still had all my gear. if you're looking to score some good deals on AV equipment, check out http://www.audiogon.com i've bought and sold many things on there...lots of good deals.
  11. is it just me....or are there not enough nips showing?! hey goober, where's the beef?
  12. i'd say spring for the few extra bucks for a well known brand. Vizio, Olevia, LG...these brands are fairly new companies...sure people have them and have no problems, but they've also only had the tv for maybe 1yr or so...you shouldn't be having problems from any brand tv in such short time. i'm not saying these brands are bad, but i myself would rather give them time to iron out bugs, or see if they even last without going under or being bought out. but tv's are similar to cars, out of 10...2 will be lemons, 6 will be normal, and 2 will be freaks and run forever. i myself am partial to Sony, yes i know they're over-priced, but i have a Sony monitor that is going on 10yrs old and is on 24/7 365 and is just now starting to take 'warming up' before the colors normalize, then it runs strong. also a 53" big screen, the 4:3 kind you cant find anymore...knock on wood it has been wonderful for the past 9 years, never been serviced or had a glitch yet, even after being moved to 5 different places including a trip to Florida. if i had the money, i love the Sony SXRD DLP's....friend of mine has a 60"+ and it is CRISPY.
  13. this question is far too situational for me. haha, and yes the 'not MY dog' thing is kinda funny, and while it may seem true you have to remember that you're in play mode with your dogs...sure they can take you down and pull you around, they're trying to 'win' the game, you on the other hand are just having fun...i bet if you were pumped full of adrenaline and stark raving pissed off you'd pick up your Boxer or whatever by it's tug-rope and twirl it around the room. dogs are kinda like snakes(well unless you're a giant Anaconda) they are all teeth and nothing else...get outta reach of teeth, or behind the head, and the match is over. most large predators are all teeth too, but they have other means of attacking....like bear/cat/bird claws, alligator tails, poisonous spitting...etc. hence in the wild most dogs hunt in packs, they aren't efficient enough by themselves. all that really matters in the end, the food chain: Chuck Norris | | Man. | | Everything else.
  14. i don't mix it, but i'll have a sandwich or just plaing bread, heavy with yellow mustard....the tartness offsets the cheese...so good!
  15. haha...always a classic. "once there were 3 kings...Martin Luther, Don, and Rodney"
  16. man i'd like to see what a XJ220 looks like with some nice wheels...the stockers are fugly!
  17. hahaha awesome, i hate Bear Grylls. he has his camera crew following him around, and does the dumbest shit. Les Stroud at least uses more realistic situations....i mean come on, how many people are going to have to deal with lava bridges, or gut a camel in the desert for shelter?
  18. meh...kinda dark, but not Batman dark...is Tim Burton directing? if he is i'm surprised Johnny Depp isn't in the movie lol. also, is it just me or does the joker now look like The Crow?
  19. Audi for me, it's the only one that goes in a 'new' direction. Challenger is a pig, and there isn't much aftermarket support. Camaro looks cool and all, but once you see 1000 of them everyday like the new retro Mustangs, it's appeal will fade fast and it'll look more and more like a fat rubbermaid tub of crap. Nissan, like others have pointed out looks too much like a G. Toyota, meh, it's just a concept and not that appealing anyways. ZR-1 will be a badass car i just don't like the fact they are supercharging it, the ZR1 should be all motor, a crazy motor like a V10 LSx
  20. holy crap Pet Palace is expensive!
  21. 1 gallon apple cider 1/2 gallon apple juice 2 cups sugar 5 cinnamon sticks 2 cups Everclear alcohol served warm, mmm, tastes just like grandmas apple pie. spiked nog is definitely a must, i've already gone thru a gallon myself. mint chocolate chokers are always fun too...just get some Hershey's syrup, and a decent bottle of vodka...sit down and open wide...someone pours in syrup, then they pour in some vodka...swish swish and down it goes...mmmm. can get a little messy when you have drunkards trying to hit your mouth, but very fun.
  22. 2 is enough for me...in no particular order. Miranda Kerr http://imageghost.com/files/5veqd6kei05oz5wid9dh.jpg and Marisa Miller http://www.picture10.net/data/media/41/Marissa-Miller.jpg :drool:
  23. how are you liking a 'juiced' car as opposed to 'boosted'?
  24. in all honesty i'm not trying to ride OSU's nuts...but this season has been hella fun. no dominant powerhouse like USC in the past years....almost every game has been a nail-biter and a lot of fun to watch. it's been so unpredictable.
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