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Everything posted by 1Quik7

  1. 1Quik7

    Buckeyes #1

    Cal was on the OSU 12 or something close...freshman QB couldn't find an open receiver...decided to run instead of throw it OB....got hit mid way up the field and the clock had run out.
  2. does Mappy approve of this?
  3. when i lives in Florida, i had a Banana Spider(at least i think it was, kinda thought it was a St. Andrews Cross spider though)..anywho much like the picture above living in my side yard...it had a web between a tree and shrub, prolly a good 4-5 ft. in diameter...it had a couple of those annoying little Anole lizards in it's web. i discovered it mowing the lawn one day...i grabbed a stick and coaxed him off, handled him a bit, he had some good weight. i've never really been scared of spiders that aren't deadly. edit. almost forgot the whole point of the thread...yes i've seen Widows before down in southern Ohio in outhouses and such....they creep me out, not because their poisonous, but because they're that orb-weaver shape...like i said spiders dont scare me...but those orb-spinners make me say yuck!
  4. this reminds me of a haiku: Little Jewish boy I never even knew you I will sex your corpse.
  5. i got one while parked down near Grant....i ran in for 10min long enough to get a copy of medical records...sure enough i come out and there is a ticket on my windshield. so about a year ago i just threw my plate up onto the front dash and i haven't been hassled since.
  6. +1 for Toyota. all the Jeeps my family/friends have had have not been all that reliable, sure the motor might run to the moon but there are a lot of other things that can/will break. plus with a Jeep, especially an older one, you'll have to carry a 50 gallon drum of gas with you or you'll never make it to a gas station.
  7. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=42312
  8. 1Quik7

    I hate Mercedes!!

    ok...i'm a little tipsy..i didnt read the whole post...but i bought my AMG C32 from the Toy Barn and i had an S4 from them previously...both have been above 50k and i've never had a problem with insane prices....for the most part they've always said everything is covered....maybe its becasue we buy2-3 cars every 2-3 years from them....i dunno...but i have gotten things in the mail from Mercedes of Easton...i'd rather try my hand at MAG....everytime i've been there...someone knows what my car is and gives me a fair price...fuck those large dealerships!
  9. that is one hell of a cold air intake there rice boi :gone:
  10. i made a rather large cash deposit into National City back during the summer...we're talking a brown bag full of money no questions were asked, all the teller told me was because the amount was greater than $10k only $2k were immediately available, the rest would be in increments of $5K/week.
  11. mmm...i picked up a 24-pack of Natty Ice yesterday for $9.99...couldn't resist teh price.
  12. +1 the signal area has increased dramatically, but it's strength seemed to drop. my house is somewhat a split level, and i'm always on the lower level at my comp or watching tv...and my service drops to zero unless i'm sitting near a window.
  13. i think you should let him watch it...he's a child, kids don't understand/realize what different social groups are...to him it's just loud cars and pretty colors. once he gets into school he'll realize none of his friends like it and it'll be a passing trend. i'd look at it as the lesser of 2 evils...he could be wanting to watch some other creepy program like the Doodlebops... or even worse, watching Go Diego Go! and learning Spanish....preparing for the great hispanic take-over of the United States.
  14. when you buy a 'performance' car, you should always assume the car has been ran hard. that being said, i'm agreeing with Sam, i'd take the one with less miles...30k less is an like an extra 1-2 years of longevity depending on how often you drive it.
  15. hahaha....it's so funny, people who are 'against' Michigan usually have no idea what they are talking about. i am NOT a Michigan fan, but App State just took the 1AA championship in '05, they are not a team to be overlooked, and if were them in the 'shoe instead of YSU or Akron we would have lost...OSU was pathetic at bst for the first 2 games. Oregon is also another team not to be underestimated, they are usually under-rated every season, i'll cheer for the 'Ducks. OSU hasn't proved anything, we still have PSU, Wisc, and Mich before we can swing nuts. i respect the Michigan ball club, and i think they always offer a strong opposition. today for the first time Boeckman looked somewhat confident as a QB....only time will tell.
  16. 1Quik7

    Any advice?

    i'd say look into it as well...if it says '7-year' on the application then i can't see why it would matter, although most companies do a 10-year background check. i applied to a company before, passed many tests, background checks and what not....but i didn't pass their personality exam?....haha, made me LOL seriously, i was smart enough to work for them, but they just didn't like who i was.
  17. what kind of power can an LS1 make N/A on the 'stock displacement'....prior to boring, stroking, honing, waxing, shaving, lubing or whatever? driveability aside, a car that can barely find it's idle, what kind of numbers can be seen, and ET's? after NAWS? after FI? i know it can prolly make 1000+hp with enough money, i'm talking about realistic parts that come from everyday manufacturers. just trying to get an idea where the stock displacement starts falling behind...and you need to stroke it or upgrade to a BBC. please ignore if this post sounds retarded....because i'm 'rotarded' i have no knowledge when it comes to V8 engines.
  18. they are helping the Big10 look as aweful as they could, and OSU didn't help much today either. Oregon played a great game and Dixon had one of the best games he's ever played. i know it's nice to LOLMICHIGAN but if it were us in that stadium today, i think the Ducks would've rolled over us as well.
  19. i'll have to go with that one as well...although it's a mullet mobile '87 Regal T-type. http://www.mintyfreshproductions.com/ASCR/ascr_11.jpg
  20. "A high-speed car accident in Florida has left the teenage son of wrestling star Hulk Hogan seriously injured and a companion in critical condition late Sunday, police said. Nick Bollea, 17, was the driver of a Toyota Supra that went out of control while driving at a "high rate of speed" about 7:30 p.m. Sunday, said Wayne Shelor, a spokesman for the Clearwater police in Clearwater, Florida." i'm sure he will be fine, prolly a few broken bones...i think his 'passenger' sounds like their far worse off, if they die he could be hit with an involuntary manslaughter or something, i'm sure. edit: whoops, he's only 17...anyways i'm sure some kind of legal action could be taken.
  21. i'd assume you'd be in the Street Class, just as me. (muahhahahaha) can we run TnT and compete?
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