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Everything posted by 1Quik7

  1. i had one for a while...found it on my ceiling in Florida...and i've had a few friends with them. they are pretty laid-back lizards, fun to watch but otherwise boring, and they are very fast. just remember, Geckos can climb walls and go upside down...so if he gets out it migh be amusing. i'd say they need just what any other lizzie needs, aquarium, heat rock and lamp, they have to have a place to hide, maybe a spray bottle to give him a little rain, crickets or mealworms.
  2. not true. a peripheral port 3-rotor can make upwards of 500hp N/A...and there is a 4-rotor runnning around somewhere that was deep in the 9's...i wanna say well over 600hp. yea, ok, they might not make the torque that a V8 does, but they are far more reliable than their turbocharged counterparts...and making that kinda power N/A in a street car that can weigh 2400lbs can be quite impressive.
  3. I couldn't feel the pedals with these new shoes.
  4. 1Quik7


    i was having boost issues and traction problems pretty much the whole day, i wasn't very happy with their track prep either. i think my best trap was 114 on the last run when it finally held 16psi, i sandbagged a little bit...the car just doesn't feel safe above 100+, it starts to get light and wants to float and i get nervous...but at least my fender rubbing problem has been eliminated.
  5. 1Quik7

    national trails

    Cincinnati area: Drive north on I-71 to the south side of Columbus. Take I-270 East to I-70 East. Exit onto 126. Turn left onto State Route 40. The track is one mile on the right. They have signs once you get close to the exit.
  6. 1Quik7


    don't be hatin'. my fender well problem has been fixed....uh oh
  7. 1Quik7

    Bikini contest.

    interested. i think Tilley and Sams wifey's should be the other 2 judges, don't wanna play favorites. bonus points for nudity!
  8. i dunno...they might be real. if they are fake, then she got a crappy job done, look how un-proportional her left breast is to the right, it's 1/3 larger! that's something that occurs with natural breasts. but Scott wouldn't know that, he's used to man titties.
  9. GIAC and APR make good stuff. I opted for MTM, they are a little more expensive but do quality work. a chip is all he will need, it makes the car feel pretty quick. with a good driver you might be able to scratch into the 13's.
  10. the C6 coupe, Z06 and now this "Blue Devil" look far too much alike, i think GM should go back to the drawing board and quit being so original.
  11. haha, someone should edit in a giant squid wrapping it's tentacles around the "whirlybird" to make it even more believable. (Note to the slightly retarded people who find this to be real: read caption. look at photo. read caption again. look at photo background. read caption yet again. look at photo, notice big red bridge. next step, go to Google, type in Golden Gate San Francisco.)
  12. i was expecting the Teggy to lose, but not by so much. regardless, it was a cool car, if it does make 441 it sure doesn't look like it, i'd probably dismiss it as just "another Integra" on the streets...i'm sure it could surprise a few people.
  13. nice. the car's got it's top down...why doesn't she?
  14. it was bad enough when we had all these idiots trying to "street race"....now we are gonna have a bunch of kids in FWD econo boxes trying to slide them around everywhere. graemlins/gay.gif
  15. 1Quik7

    Porn :)

    don't need to look at those...they are just a phone call away graemlins/thumb.gif
  16. trains are very efficient, when compared to the amount of weight they are pulling in contrast to the power being supplied. only a few inches of the wheel are in contact with the track at any one time. friction = traction, if the track was oiled the train wouldn't go anywhere, that is why they sometimes spray sand onto the track ahead of the wheels to create enough friction/traction. the only way for this thing to be completely "frictionless" would be to use MAGLEV technology. just my $.02
  17. might stop by, then cruise over to Hooters
  18. go on a shooting spree, if i'm gonna die, i'm not going alone.....bwahahahaha graemlins/finger.gif
  19. i used Escrow to buy my RX7, the car was located in San Jose. it was fairly simple and easy to use, just need to coordinate with the seller. it was a little more expensive than using Paypal, but i felt it offered me the protection i was looking for. i'm not a big fan of shipping animals, especially from such a distance and so young, it can be very traumatizing. i encourage you to wait, new puppies pop up every few weeks, i'm sure she'll find another one she will like. but if you want a Brazilian dog, go for it.
  20. i bet it's a typical 15sec Integra, anyways, i thought these poles were designed to 'break-away'? i know when i hit one with the Viper, i went right thru the damn thing, actually i think i took out 2 of them.
  21. DING DING DING...we have a winner! i personally have more luck at strip clubs for some reason, and i don't even hand out cash. but a majority of girls dance with friends, be it male or female, from "outside the box" it might look like she is slutting around when really she's just having fun with people she knows. andif she takes someone home, who cares? you'll know what she's capable of and you can quit wasting your time and money on the cunt.
  22. 1Quik7

    Computer Games

    look at all you "first-person shoot'em up weenies". yes, some of the games mentioned above are fun to play, but they are all very similar. a couple games i would mention: Fallout (there are 3 of them, classic game) Final Fantasy XI (if you want an online game that can take up every minute of your day)
  23. 1Quik7


    welcome, did you get your car on the dyno yet? i was the guy in the blue RX7 that day
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