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Everything posted by 1Quik7

  1. It's funny how much baseball I played as a kid and now I hate the sport...it's nice to see the Cubbies finally get a Series, but it would also be cool if a "local" team won; or had a trifecta of championships NBA/MLB/NFL..but dem Browns, hahahaha.
  2. I was just saying that we usually meet a loser PSU team with a chip on their shoulder. This year we show up humbled from our scare at Camp Randall while they are riding high after their beatdown last week. I think they may need a bite of reality sandwich.
  3. Meh, maybe in other years. Don't forget PSU is coming off a pretty big win against Maryland, they wracked up a lot of yards and McSorley had career highs running, LOL....while we are coming off a squeaker against the Badgers.
  4. I've had 4 tickets over the years for no front plates...2 from our old Pedophile friend S. Miller....the wife got one from him as well, hope he's had rough unconsensual anal sex in jail. Anywho, now I just toss it in the front window...haven't had any issues.
  5. Did anyone hear Herbstreit talking about Alabama? He said Alabama is #1 and as far as he's concerned 2, 3 and 4 don't exist....they are that good the next best team is 5th place.
  6. +1 Last I heard temps will be mild with spotty rain but winds could be gusty. I think I feel a little better that its a road game and for some odd reason we seem to be more comfortable away from home.
  7. Stay well within budget...just remember, the Engagement ring is so she'll say yes...you still have to put another ring on her finger at the wedding.
  8. Corso tribute on GameDay was pretty good. Ok, so 2 things that are botrhering me. 1. Yet again GD is at a Tennessee game...this will be the third time. 2. Florida game got canceled because of Matthew...yet Miami is playing and has anyone seen the poor people at NC State?
  9. Winners this wknd: Wash Mich Lou
  10. Dem Huskies...that D is real...or Stanny is way over rated.
  11. This snake has been on Ebay a few times now...I agree, a bit much even though its been nicely done. I've seen TTs with half the miles go for around 50-flat.
  12. Awe come one...State represented our conference so well last year against Alabama....with all their not points.
  13. Why in the hell is Game Day going to another Tennessee game? Did they really put that much stock into them this year...
  14. +1 If I hear that other guy say "Fastball Offense" once more I might have a alcolhol induced meltdown.
  15. I forgot how many people jumped...I still can't imagine having to make that choice.
  16. Amazon or CA forums for the purchase...then DIY
  17. Bah, I hate coffee. It smells so good and I want to like it....but if I ever have any, its more French Vanilla cream than beans. Love me some Tea though.
  18. I think with the recent tension among the public / police they decided to go a different route this year. They were very lax up at QSL even videoing the burnouts with their phones. I have to say the 161 Continent cruise area is on the decline...def not what it used to be, its kinda sad.
  19. I'm curious if anyone knows if this will work, I guess I could just buy/try and send back, but if someone has seen this before...all the better. I've been running an Eyefinity setup since AMD released it years ago and my middle original monitor is on its last legs, the 2 flanking screens had been replaced...so 7years is pretty good considering it runs nearly non-stop. Anyways, I was looking at some of the new wide-screens and ran into this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824014487 Which my flanking are just plain jane BenQ 27" 1920x1080 60Hz monitors, but the screen dimensions seem like this would fit between them...I just don't know if anyone has ran a setup like this before a 27" - 35" Ultrawide - 27"? I mainly just do windowed gaming, since I'm sure full widescreen would not work...it would be like 6400x1080, which is rather odd size. If thats a bad idea...has just a regular curved monitor between 2 flats ever been used for a little extra depth perception?
  20. I still want one as a DD...but if you are looking for a 'toy'...I'd look elsewhere, it was kinda boring and bland after the first initial charge to 60. They shoulda put a 6spd in these.
  21. They aren't naturally aggressive like some spiders, but they will bite if threatened. I put on a pair of shorts off the laundry room floor and got one hell of a pinch on my waist...I freaked out ripped the shorts off and saw one of these go flying...left one hell of a welt. I'd liken it to a bee sting.
  22. Spiders don't make it at my house, especially on the lower floor. http://pre10.deviantart.net/45bc/th/pre/i/2009/299/0/0/house_centipede__by_megamimao.jpg Honestly think I'd rather deal with spiders, these guys can run up to 16in/sec they "jump" off the walls when you go to kill them and their bite is none too pleasant.
  23. Last I heard there were lots of suspected ruins swallowed up by the jungle yet to be discovered. The don't need a kick-starter...they should just slash and burn their way in there...not only pay for the project but make a buck as well I don't think we give a lot of ancient civilizations enough credit, I think most were either more advanced than believed or at least they really knew how to fully utilize whatever tools they had.
  24. Get a quad cab SRT Ram...then you have enough room for the kids..or your drunk friends.
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