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Everything posted by Wease

  1. This is in partly to make up for the rained out Norwalk even last month. The link to register is here. Note that there is no Paypal this time. You must send your payment to the name and address on the signup sheet. Your spot will be reserved for 7 days. If you haven't paid by then, you will lose your spot. Notice that this is a Sunday, people. Not the usual Friday/Monday... graemlins/thumb.gif
  2. Nascar blows monkey scrotum... graemlins/puke.gif
  3. No, that's not what happened. His neighbor claimed to be the one in the suit, yet thousands of professionals have studied that film over the past 37 years and most have agreed that whatever is in that video is not a human walking. Here is a link about the guy claiming to be in the suit. smile.gif
  4. No it doesn't. Your car insurance gets cheaper. smile.gif And I'd rather be the age I am now than a poor guy in his late teens/early 20's... graemlins/thumb.gif
  5. Wease

    Newbie Type R

    Welcome. Nice Mustang... graemlins/thumb.gif
  6. Well put. Ride in a blown one, they are even better... graemlins/thumb.gif
  7. That's pretty freaky indeed...
  8. A few weeks ago, I stumbled across a pretty cool website, www.bfro.net, the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization. While I don't believe or disbelieve any of the reports taken on that site, I found many of them to be very interesting reading and was very surprised so many reports occur in Ohio. Here is the link to the Ohio reports. What are everyone's thoughts on Bigfoot? I thought since we had a hauntings of Ohio thread, something like this might be cool to discuss as well. smile.gif I read some of the reports on that site when I get bored and this one has been my favorite so far. Pretty freaky...
  9. Dammit, wish I had thought of that...
  10. I've always been told Mr. Tint is the place to go... graemlins/thumb.gif
  11. Very cool. Sucks for the guys who currently have or will have the LS1 version...
  12. Here is where you start. My first choice would be a 5.0 Mustang, but you might have to have another grand or two to find a halfway decent one. And even then, that's iffy. Good luck... graemlins/thumb.gif
  13. Wease

    Worst Show on TV??

    +1 Reality TV blowing farm goats. I can't wait until like 5 - 10 years from now when America will look back and go "God Damn, do you remember Reality TV? WTF were we/they thinking? How the hell did we watch that shit?" graemlins/thumbsdown.gif That's the best part about the fads of today. In 10 years or so, we'll be doing something else and making fun of what we did 10 years ago. Same goes for clothing. I told my daughter the other day that there will come a time when you will look back at your hair and clothing and say "I can't believe I used to look like/wear that!"...
  14. What hotel is this? I looked at the pics first and then started to read. I thought at first maybe the bastards torched your car...
  15. I'm assuming that it was in the zone downtown where the speed limit goes from 65 to 55? 'Cause 4 MPH over is a pretty shitty ticket to get... graemlins/wtf.gif
  16. They aren't, it was a joke. They don't sting or bite... graemlins/thumb.gif
  17. Wease


    Yes, I tell people all the time to stay at the Tropicana. Great "Bang For The Buck". Excellent location, very reasonable rooms, lots of games, and a sweet pool. But all three times I have been to Vegas I've stayed at the MGM. The wife loves it and I can't convince her to stay anywhere else...
  18. Wease

    14-sec Sentra

    Wait a minute: You mean to tell me a gaudy bodykit, giant spoiler, and oversized wheels do not make a car faster? graemlins/wtf.gif
  19. +1 on the consultant sucking thing. Did it for around 2 years and it blew dog. I'd work 6 - 8 months on a project while I was hired on full time with the consultant company. If you want to call it that. When the contract was up, with one company, I was let go right away, touting that they couldn't find anything for me. I was out of work nearly 4 months then. This was literally one week before September 11, 2001. I found work again in Dayton for 10 months. When that was up, they put me on the bench for a month, which was nice. But they still couldn't find shit for me. I quickly found a job back in Columbus at Nationwide (as a consultant, of course), but left a month into that because my current job panned out, which is full time with a company, no consulting. Been there around 19 months and I don't plan on going anywhere. Doing some cutting edge stuff in .Net, etc.. smile.gif Consulting was good back before 2000. I got into it in early 2001 and that was a bad idea. Most of those companys only care about making money, not about their "employees". The only way I'll ever consult again is if the market gets hot and I go independent (with my wife covering benefits) and make some serious dough. Right now I part time consult (at a pretty good rate) doing PHP/MySQL work. Considering I do that in my spare time at home, that's pretty sweet... graemlins/thumb.gif
  20. Yes, checks for everyone. I had to write out like 40 checks, plus the envelopes...
  21. Refunds were sent out, expect them soon... smile.gif
  22. All about cicadas. These things are all over the news, I can't believe there are people who haven't heard of them. If you live in a residential area, you more than likely will not have them. They like the edges of forest and will not be in areas of construction or where there had been digging in the last 17 years. That would have disturbed the ground where they were and killed them. This group was last present in 1987. They are harmless and more of a pest than anything else... smile.gif
  23. Well, up where I live they seem to be pretty common. Drive on Riverside Dr., the sound is crazy. Actually, it wasn't that I was bored, a friend needed some bugs for a school project, so I figured a cicada would be cool. And my dogs freak out around flying insects that land on them, so I brought them along to see what they would do. However, since it just rained, they weren't flying, just hanging off of trees. And they can't grip dog hair, I found that out...
  24. I was over by the zoo today, checking them out and sure enough, I look up at one in front of my face, and it's got blue eyes. Those are pretty rare. smile.gif I'll try and take pics of it tomorrow. If only that rumor of universities offering $1K for them was true...
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