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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. Hopefully it contains meme's http://madnewworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/FZjzi.jpg
  2. Last month somebody was foaming at the mouth to bring 10g cash for my car and I said no.. I offered my car for trade for this (he said NO FBODIES BRUH :fa: ), so, yeah it's worth whatever someone will pay.
  3. Hey wasn't there a bigass purple guy named Bane on some oldschool MTV cartoon? edit nvm his name was maxx. That was a cool show http://www.toplessrobot.com/maxx-banner.jpg
  4. oh.. I know nothing about comics except what some of the movies show, which I'm sure is about 50% "right" My apologies.
  5. So that scrawny ass little guy is supposed to be this? http://student.ucr.edu/~anguy042/images/bane.jpg
  6. this myth was busted like ten years ago when that chain email first circulated..
  7. youtube poop is the funniest shit ever http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWDeOqifLIk
  8. gimme some roofies viagra and an 8ball I can change that
  9. http://www.omaha.com/apps/pbcsi.dll/bilde?Site=OW&Date=20110713&Category=NEWS01&ArtNo=707139920&Ref=AR&maxw=600&maxh=400 :lolguy::lolguy::lolguy::lolguy::lolguy::lolguy:
  10. The parents are getting a lawyer and backing her up and shit. If I were her dad I'd be like bitch you can't dress a pig as a monkey and expect that shit to jump around.. go back to your room and tongue your keyboard on facebook about it ya dumb ho
  11. saw this stupid shit last week, her parents are fucking retarded.
  12. The article says "ouside" Columbus.. I think of that as outside 270. Otherwise yeah, Whitehall.
  13. Aug 6, 2006 wrong section
  14. http://forgifs.com/gallery/d/187686-1/Kangaroo_playswith_junk.gif
  15. http://forgifs.com/gallery/d/80844-13/Vacuum_vag.gif http://forgifs.com/gallery/d/188047-1/Cat_under_bed_sheets.gif
  16. Have you ever given a girl a crack rock to have anal sex while her four month old baby is in the room with you? I haven't, but you seem like a guy who would. j/k I did last thursday So far I don't think you can handle this site.
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