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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. I know what that would go for; more $$ that I'm willing to spend; I already have the barebones system I got in trade...that was worth more than what I traded for it.
  2. Thread title pretty much says it. Memory needs to be PC3200 DDR...of course the higher overclocking stuff is cool too, but I'm not really in need of it. Need one 1GB sticks. DO NOT need 2x512mb.
  3. I got my g/f one for her birthday a few days ago (she is thin and doesn't need it, but wants to stay in shape). Got her a gym-type bike with the heart-rate monitor, big display screen, etc. on E-bay for $167...used but in awesome shape. I suggest checking there; I had to drive about 30 minutes to pick it up. Far more impressive than a home unit.
  4. When did I get a new job? Take it easy, I'm just giving you shit. I get $0.00 X-mas bonus. Well, I got a card like Mitch, so I feel pretty freaking special too.
  5. We get a holiday party that they dump a good chunk of cash into (free drinks for an hour for ~200 guests, catering, a staff of people running casino games, couple grand in prizes, big hotel "ballroom", etc.) that 95% of the people go to wish they would just split that up and give it out as Christmas Bonuses.
  6. Good thing this post is about a Christmas Bonus, and not about a quartely earnings bonus that just happens to happen somewhere near the "Holiday Season."
  7. Somehow, I don't think that Cartek just died under the near stock power it was at when you got it, while being fine under the well above stock power it had been subjected to. As for the "bolt in the head" please don't have me bringing that old thread back up; because you won't be pleased with the results. It's a nice car for sure; and I know Adam wants it back (but not for anywhere close to that price).
  8. Nope; I just saw a couple sell for $210 + shipping on E-bay...I'd much rather go that route first!
  9. And why is this? I love it when people say this, and they either have a very correctable issue, have problem paying their bill on time and blame WOW for that, or the most often cause: user and their own equipment problems.
  10. #1: A half covered spy photo taken from a camera phone is not away to judge a car. EVER. That's any car. I wouldn't put any belief into what the car will look like by this picture. #2: Bet it gets the LS3 = 430HP #3: Bet it weighs a lot less than the Challenger (which looks way too retro).
  11. I actually laughed out loud at that one; awesome.
  12. Exactly (well, no holiday music for me). Why suffer through commercial laden music that's chopped up to be "radio friendly." Or lack of selection. Not to mention there isn't any good talk radio on testicle radio. Nor are there any comedy channels. Any time I'm suck listening to testicle radio (a rare occurence), I normally get about 5-10 minutes into it then just choose silence. I'd gladly pay 3x my current cost for Sirius over listening to broadcast radio CRAP.
  13. Challenger: Too retro, 4100lbs (what a pig), Camaro will most likely get the LS3 = more HP than this thing too. Camaro: Concept is still a little more retro than I'd like, but way better than the Challenger, most likely faster and cost less too. Should be pretty awesome. GT-R: Ricey wing (fixable), looks too much like a 350Z. Interior looks nice from the pics, but I'd rather have a Z06 for the money. FT-HS: The "Supra replacement" is a Hybrid. Sad. Toyota seems to want to stay on the bland path they have been on for years, counting on Lexus to sell anything remotely exciting. R8-RS: pretty awesome, but that's way more expensive than everything else listed too...... ZR1: Pure sex. Must have one. Or 2.
  14. Not that hard to work on...and old setup would have outran yours with no power adder w/ a stock intake, stock throttle body, ported stock heads, AND much heavier...... Not saying a 4.9L can't perform, but the LT1 isn't any slouch either.
  15. Hey, that's Daron's old car (well, how he sold it after pulling most of the mods). Heck, he may even be interested in buying it back, but not for MORE than what he sold it to you for over 2 years ago.
  16. That is very misleading. Analog will only be gone from over-the-air broadcasts. Cable companies can (and will) still broadcast analog over their cable. ONLY for those sporting the rabbit ears. That said, cable and dish companies are all for it...more so on cable because a huge source of ingress will just disappear, and uneducated people that sport rabbit ears will feel they are forced to get cable or dish. Happen in Feb. of 2009. About 10 years later than what originally was planned. You can still buy a set-top box (basically a box with an ATSC tuner) to make your TV pickup over-the-air digital broadcasts. If you have an HD TV with an ATSC tuner already, you are good to go for going the rabbit ear route.
  17. Sorry I didn't get back to you the last time you PM'ed me about one. I'm off the next few days; I can buy/pick it up, or if you are interested in any of the electronic goodies I have for sale, we can make a trade too.
  18. Perhaps you would be better off not buying a brand new car and spending the money on a better neighborhood to live in.
  19. I didn't really like him back then...he was constantly getting injured, and IMO was made out to be way more than he really was.
  20. I think Blue Ray will win, but I won't buy either format until the burners and media become cheap. I see more available Blue Ray discs, and retailers like Best Buy seem to carry a lot more Blue Ray, and Blockbuster seems to carry a lot more as well. As far a technology goes, Blue Ray is more advanced and holds more data.
  21. Some of those landings looked painful.
  22. Sell the car, buy an LS1 car. It's not uncommon for a 6-speed LS1 car to be 300RWHP or more bone stock.
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