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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. - 400 Disc DVD changer = me sitting on my couch. - $4.99...ouch. Far cheaper to have a Netflix / Blockbuster Total Access account if you watch movies regularly. But until Blue Ray burners and media get cheap, I won't move on.
  2. http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/ I used that on one of my PC's to shrink down my XP partition enough to install Vista. Works great.
  3. Too bad my tax money is paying to for his surgery. I say let him bleed out.
  4. That place is a shit hole. Me and a buddy went one night a while back, just for the hell of it, knowing it would be bad. There were 2 other guys there besides us, and around 7 broads working. I think 2 or 3 of them had just delivered a child shortly before getting on stage...STRETCH MARKS and looking pretty beat up. A couple others looked like they were from the "he beats me because he loves me" club, and if it wasn't so dark, I'm sure I would have seen at least one partly healed bullet wound. One of the dancers dared say to us "this is a really nice place." I was afraid to touch anything when I took a leak, and when the lights do come on, I guarantee the cockroaches scatter. I know there are worse titty bars out there, but that doesn't mean you should go looking for them!
  5. Nitrousbird


    That's your computer's way of telling you that you shouldn't buy an Apple. Ever.
  6. I got a pair of Sketchers for $30 there. Got a couple OSU shirts cheap too. I'm waiting for the next big price drop, then I might consider one of their "expensive" (by what the Schot carries, at least), kitchen table/chair sets I sort of liked. Cheap and better than what I'm sporting now, but I'll have to wait and see.
  7. That's pretty funny (in a bad way)...I washed my cell phone last night. Then I dried it, wondering WTF was clunking in the dryer. I didn't think much of it at first, then checked the dryer about 20 minutes in. Umm, yeah, it isn't coming back from the dead. Luckily, it is insured. First time I've ever broken a phone (ran one over with a car, but didn't hurt it somehow). I've had piles of defective phones, but in the 10 years of having cellphones, this is a first.
  8. Yeah, that could make a nice daily driver. For someone willing to spend more money that me, that is.
  9. I have my Mach 3 at my g/f's place, and my Fusion at home. I normally shave at home, but I notice a big difference when shaving at her place; the Fusion works a lot better. Plus I really like the 5th blade on the top for getting a couple of tight spots. Fusion is a much better razor IMO.
  10. Country, but just outside the city (as in, only a few minute drive). This tends to be some of the more expensive land; imagine that. I hate having neighbors, and I live in a house. I can't imagine living in some stupid apartment...that has to SUCK. My g/f lives in a condo, but luckily she is in a condo complex that doesn't allow renters, no one has kids, top floor so no dealing with people pounding around walking, and barely any shared walls due to its setup. It still sucks, but better than most. City living is lame. I want some space to do stuff. I hate cramming all my outdoor stuff in a small area. I want room to do what I want to do. Next place I live will NOT be in a suburb.
  11. I have a Panasonic I bought @ the Best Buy Black Friday sale. I used it for part of my face one time, and that's how I discovered I am not an electric shaver kind of person (I'll stick with my Fusion Power). $20 and it's yours. Used once and thoroughly cleaned; been sitting on a shelf for almost 2 months.
  12. Get a good lawyer, NOW. You'll be spending that money one way or another, and probably more in the long run without a lawyer. You can't afford to NOT have a good lawyer. That said, you are probably fairly screwed this late in the game.
  13. That's a sad situation. But let's say the two never knew. They are head over heals for eachother. They had sex...probably a lot. They get married. A year into it, hey, we are brother and sister. At taht point, where does getting divorced make any difference. They already married and banged. Just don't have kids. What, because way after the fact they find out they are related, somehow that love and bonding (in a marital sense) goes away?
  14. I wouldn't vote for him. I would vote for Ron Paul.
  15. Your original link didn't have a button to select a canidate, but the link inside it does. Somehow, I agree most with Huckabee, but yet he isn't a match for any of the issues I really care about. Not only that, for all canidates, it doesn't show WHY I don't match them. I do match Ron Paul for several things on there that are important to me, ESPECIALLY IMMIGRATION (the only one that does match). Sadly, Ron Paul probably won't get voted in, but rather the same old political nightmare of a canidate that we seem to keep getting. God forbid we get someone that can actually make a positive difference.
  16. Why is everyone busting it out for its weight? This is a high-powered luxury sedan, not a sports car. Besides, the new Challenger many of you are whacking it to will weigh just as much and make far less power. And the SRT-8 Chrysler cars make far less power and weigh just as much.
  17. I bet running native resolution in a game with that monitor is exceptionally taxing on your video card. That said, Alienware is a quad SLI vendor, and that can handle it pretty easily. That "could" take the place of my three 22" monitors......but not for the price!
  18. Stop being simple. The talk was about the BCS National Championship game...something Michigan has never even been to.
  19. Okay, I already knew I wanted the ZR1. Now I want the CTS-V too. My wallet wants neither.
  20. I swear half the "buyers" on Craigslist are also on welfare. I love the "do you still have xyz item?" E-mails; you respond back yes and never hear from them again.
  21. That's not really correct. From Columbus to there is about 360 miles (depending on your to/from locations, give or take a few miles). Round Trip = 720. I average 18 MPG in my Avalanche there and back (not exactly the vehicle you take to get good gas mileage), @ $3.00/gallon (purchased for less than that today) = $120. For say a mid-size car getting 25 MPG, which is quite realistic, we are talking only $86. Then don't forget the cost of a rental car if you want to visit anything around there (my g/f and I went in October, made the 1/2 hour one-way trip to do the awesome jet-boat rapids tour, as well as drove to visit some sites and go to a vineyard). We stayed at the Sheraton on the Falls, so even though we were in the thick of things, we still would have spent money on a cab to get to/from the airport. Parking wasn't costly due to where we stayed. Overall, driving is still cheaper, especially if you want to drive anywhere. Plus it is far easier to get things through duty-free in a car. Drive time is ~ 6hours one way. Figure it is probably an hour flight, plus dealing with airport time, you probably have 3 hours wrapped up flying there total (customs in a wash regarding time driving or flying). Even with airfare that cheap, I'd still rather drive there. There are so many things to see around there that aren't the falls; you really do need a car. But have fun everyone, the place is awesome. Maid of the Mist is very overrated. Some damn awesome places to eat. Casino at Sheraton was decent...made some profit there. You HAVE to try the Jet Boat; it's not cheap, but very memorable.
  22. We are there, and look at what is happening with the cost of oil. We need to pull out and start using alternatives to where we get our oil...the middle east isn't the only oil-rich area in the world.
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