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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. Here is the best part. I took the time to listen on my way to work to the Blitz people having a discussion about it. It is obvious the DJ's didn't want this; probably just North American Broadcasting and maybe some upper mgmt. Blitz people. It seems they are getting rid of him due to fines from the FCC. Alright, fine. But those fines are from broadcasts from 3 years ago. Anyone who has listened lately can tell you they hack the crap out of the show now. Whether they kicked him off the Blitz or not, they still have to pay those fines. They honestly have nothing to gain by getting rid of him. And his replacement; some guy from Houston that couldn't hack it in a bigger market, so he moves to Columbus because some desperate radio station needs a morning host.
  2. Pussy. I've broken numerous things at the track and been towed home; never caused me to puss out.
  3. Fuck North American Broadcasting and the Blitz. To you fucking cry babies (yes, I am talking to you little fucks), if you don't like Stern in the morning, listen to something else. Oh, nothing else on the radio?? That's because broadcast radio sucks ass; quit being a cheap bastard and get sat. radio. It's so much better than regular broadcast radio that once you have it, you can't fathom not having it. I'd like to once again say fuck North American broadcasting for having no fucking backbone. The ONLY time I listen to the Blitz is for Howard. THE ONLY TIME. Being 100% serious, on my commute to work tomorrow, I'll be removing their station from my radio presets. Stern was the ONLY business they attracted from me; now I'll just listen to my Sirius stations during his broadcast time until he come onto Sirius, when I'll listen to him. I honestly might listen to the Greg-o-fag-show Tuesday just to hear people give the fucker shit about being in Howard's place. It's so freaking sad that the FCC goes after him, yet don't go after the unorigional, talentless asses that just attempt to copy his style. The fact that the Blitz and their POS company support this just tells me that I'll never listen to their crap again. It's alright, in 5 years, Sirius and XM will have so much market that stupid ass broadcast radio stations with their 8 song rotation will barely be able to make ends meat, as advertisers will discover no one is listening anymore.
  4. I don't do too bad with mine. $174/month. That includes the monthly fee, full coverage on the Formula AND the Mustang, theft and fire on the Jimmy (since it is currently not-running), and insurance on the house. Single, 26, 2 points, w/ State Farm.
  5. Hey, I'm good at looking at tits, what can I say??
  6. Come on guys, let's get some more people going!!
  7. I'm driving my car to Norwalk. Come on, if I can do it, so can you Marc!
  8. How much is 100 octane unleaded at the Sunoco on Hamilton right now? I just filled up the Formula with 94, but if these prices are going to continue, I'll go ahead and bump up the timing and run straight 100 instead. I mean, if it's only going to be $1 more a gallon over what 94 will cost me, might as well, since I don't normally rack the miles up on it anyway. As for the Moostang.....might have to break out the timing light and turn back the timing so I can run 87 again.
  9. Interior looks pretty decent. I'm impressed they put a navigation setup in it, which really makes the dash look better. I'm not real sure about the gauge cluster, though. Exterior wise, well, it looks like tC that had a few too many drinks and isn't feeling 100%, but isn't barfing all over the place either.
  10. Did it w/ 26 seconds to spare. I was hoping for more levels, though.
  11. I just don't know how R-burg calcualtes their taxes (is it just a % of property value, or is it a base number + %, is it a flate % or varying based on value, different in different locations thru R-burg, etc.). Obviously I can calculate the difference based on just the increase in value. I also don't know if any new levys were passed or expired, either. My "guess" is my taxes will go up approx $300/year, but I'd like to know for sure. And what I am paying overall is a bit lower, even though my loan value is higher. This is due to getting rid of PMI, and a lower interest rate, even though other costs have risen. My point was a few times w/ my escrow, the numbers didn't quite seem to add up. They also had an issue every year with making sure my insurance was paid, which was a PITA. Now I just take care of it.
  12. I used to have Escrow, but got rid of it during the refinancing. Greg suggested doing this, as these loan companies have a tendancy to mess with the escrow account and overcharge for things. I know I had a couple issues w/ them paying my insurance premium on my old loan, and sometimes it seemed like I was being overcharged a small amount. I like the way I'm billed now better, except that I have to save back some money every 6 months (that said, my payment is a couple hundred bucks lower a month too).
  13. Well, taxes have went up every year since I bought my house in Reynoldsburg. Now they just sent me something saying the adjusted value of my house has went up $18,000 (which is correct based on what other houses sell for around here, but still sucks). I'd just like to get a good estimate on what I'll be paying next year, so I can save back accordingly. Rather save it back now when I'm not needing the money to buy X-mas stuff when the bill becomes due.
  14. But where's the big wing, mad tyte graphics, bling-bling rims, neon everywhere? How can it be fast without that? That's pretty damn quick for a Honda.
  15. It's Top Thrill Dragster. Best ride at the part, no doubt about it. Other than when it has broken down for an extended period of time (it's about as reliable as a rotary ), I've never waited much over an hour to ride it. It's definately an awesome ride.
  16. I found out the BP at Morse/I-71 limits you to only $65. Was filling up the work van, and that's all they will sell at one time. Of course the damn thing had several gallons to go! Certified at Westerville Rd. and 161 limits you to only $50! These prices have to drop. If it goes much higher, I'm going to just change the timing on the Formula and run straight race gas, as the price gap is narrowing quickly!
  17. Wait a second. I could read, write, and type WAY better than that guy when I was in the 3rd grade. I'm offended!
  18. That guy is a crack smoker if he things his broke-ass, stock w/ shitty paint job Formula is worth anywhere near 12.5k. That car isn't worth half that, seriously. #1: Not a Corvette motor; it's an LT1. There are suttle differences between the C4 and F-body LT1's. #2: Vette LT1's were 300HP, F-body LT1's were 275HP in that year. #3: Someone please rescue that car and repaint it.
  19. I test drove a loaded 2000 C5 Coupe at Denny Motors today; 22k for the car. Good price, but not quite doable until I save back a bit of $$ first. Loved that car though. Bob McDorman had 2 04 CE Z06's in stock. Also a white C5 Coupe M6 w/ the magnesium wheels, and a bunch of other newer C5's and new C6's.
  20. Nitrousbird


    Looks down at sig. Nope....Mustangs loose all the time. But at least it's reliable.
  21. WOW, that video is a crappy hack of the origional one I posted here long ago. Better version F-body's don't have sunroofs. Those are T-tops. T-tops > Sunroof
  22. Moving to correct forum.....
  23. The current conversation is about you bitching about the site (imagine that), and dinner (or attempted gay sex, no one has cleared that up yet) w/ Anthony. So I'm right on topic there bub.
  24. It's not my fault you have the logic of a woman.
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