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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. That's what I was thinking. How freaking loud would your headphones have to be to not hear a train horn?
  2. Are you a fucking tard? Going to do the HP per liter thing? How about something that matters...like size and weight of the motor. Your precious little 4.2L Audi V8 is physically LARGER than a 7 liter LS7.
  3. Audi doesn't sell the new RS6 here. As for the M3; hard to say....it weighs less, but makes a LOT less power. M5, though far more expensive, won't hang power wise, and probably similar handling wise. Price wise, M3 sedan is about equal once you add options to equal a base CTS-V. But that's a different size/class of car, and again makes a lot less power (414HP vs. 556HP, and the CTS-V makes a lot more torque with a far better power curve). Interior wise; CTS is pretty nice...and BMW isn't exactly the class leader for interiors. Audi interior might be nicer, but if Audi sold a competitive car here, it would be a LOT more money.
  4. I know several places that are hiring, and not your minimum wage crap either. You can't be an uneducated fuck stick wanting $18/hr though.
  5. Ehh, blinds wouldn't look right there. I've seen blinds on windows like that, and I don't like them. We don't have a privacy issue at the back of our house, so they aren't necessary at all. I did shop for NEW Plasmas, even ones with the anti-reflective technology, and they still reflect like crazy. Trust me, I was all for a Plasma...they just reflect too much. The thin edge is awesome. They really did a good job improving the case on their newer models.
  6. They are cute when they are kittens. But then they end up becoming cats.
  7. 73" Plasma = very pricey. Plus, a Plasma would be worthless in that room...way too much light; all you would see is your own reflection. LCD's past 58" are VERY expensive, so DLP was really our only option. WD-73C9. Honestly, all three models they offer in 73" are pretty much identical. From what I read online, even options they say are turned off on this model really aren't. Hardware is identical other than this only has 3 HDMI inputs (only the 837 has 4)...and since I only need to use one, no biggie for me. Transformers on Blu-ray.
  8. Old one is now in our bedroom. Took my 57" CRT rear projection (HD, but 225lbs of heavy) out of the bedroom and it is now in the basement - will be the workout room TV.
  9. Looks far better than when the old TV was there: http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/7310/dsc01714wdv.jpg
  10. Best bet is to get a job that has health benefits.
  11. Okay, it was used, but bought it on Black Friday: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=168&pictureid=3379 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=168&pictureid=3380 73" Mitsubushi DLP Manfactured 9/09, guy said he bought it 10/09. Tried returning it, but was outside his return date. From what I figured out (I never got the whole truth), he bought it to replace the LCD his kids broke, and this TV was VERY inappropriate for the room he had it in (basically unwatchable). I think his wife said to get rid of it. Scored it for $1000 WITH the stand, which is a decent enough stand. Had to drive over an hour to get it, and spent an hour cleaning it (mostly the stand, it was freaking nasty). SSSSOOOO worth it. Blu-ray looks amazing now vs. how it only looked slightly better than DVD on our old 50" LCD rear projection 720p TV. HD looks better now too. Standard definition and DVD looks slightly worse, but our 50" is REALLY good at displaying non HD content. Best TV deal on Black Friday.
  12. Foreign car manfacturers care a LOT about this car: http://www.autoclub.com.au/uploaded_images/cadillac-cts-v-2009-712496.jpg Other than the mid-engine 120k+ R8, Audi doesn't sell ANYTHING that can keep up. Hell, even go back to when they were selling the RS cars...no stock RS4, RS6, etc. could either. Sure a modded one could, but the CTS-V takes to mods nicely as well.
  13. Late 90's, maybe even an 00, LS1 F-body can be had for 10k. 20mpg or better - with a 6-speed, you can EASILY beat that Decent power - More power stock than anything else listed here 4 Seats - Check. Not a truck or SUV - It's a car Not a Grand Prix - It's not a Grand Prix, it's not FWD Not a Honda - Not an econo box. Seems like that meets 100% of your criteria.
  14. Screw it, I feel like sharing my Time Warner story from when we moved from our condo to our new house (were stuck with Warner at our condo too). Mind you I NEVER let the Time Warner techs in my home, as I can do 10x better job than anyone they could send, and the issues have never been signal/cable related, as my install is RIGHT and the plant is fairly new underground plant where I live. I'll just copy/paste the running document I have: Time Warner Call and Issue History 6/22 – Called to do a no truck roll, move transfer. Everything was up and running. Per rep, transfer would complete on 6/26, and we would then get our new number, as the old one was a different area code. 6/26 – Checked the phone that evening, still the old phone number, but all services working. 6/29 – Checked phone, no dial tone, HSD and Cable fine. Called TW, they stated the work order was somehow cancelled. 45 minutes on the phone, they were able to get us up and running, and transferred everything to the new account. But because of this screw up, now there is a cancelled account under the same phone number that causes a hassle every time we call. Also, our old number is still linked to the account, which also adds to confusion on future calls. 7/6 – Notice a $9.95 transfer fee on the bill. I call because they totally screwed up the transfer, so why should I pay a fee, and they never had to roll a truck. This rep decided to cold transfer me to Cleveland without ever telling me a thing. Cleveland was totally stumped, and then transferred me back to Columbus. This is when I discovered the two account deal, which confuses the reps every time I call in (though that had nothing to do with being transferred to Cleveland). I basically had to demand to get the fee off of my bill. The rep was so confused she had to call me back, and did take care of crediting my fee. 7/11 – We notice that when we call others, the wrong name shows up on the caller ID. The name is my wife’s ex-boyfriend from YEARS AGO. We only use this phone for the free LD to Canada, so it gets a bit awkward calling home with his name showing up. He was on the old account a few years ago, but was pulled well before Janet and I ever met, and he has had no contact with her for years (never in the entire time I’ve known my wife). He has never lived at this address or had this phone number. The rep had a bit of an attitude with me (mind you, I have been VERY polite with all of my transactions with Time Warner). The rep finally asks what I want the name to be…I tell her, and she says it will be changed within 4 business days. 7/27 – Check the CID again, and still showing my wife’s ex’s name. I call in, and the rep is telling me it must be on the people we are calling, and not Time Warner, as she could see nothing wrong. Mind you this was verified on both a Rodgers Cable (Canada) switch, and a WOW Cable switch, neither with pre-programmed phones. She then tells us it is after hours (8:30ish PM), and to call back the next day to have the PAC group look at it. 7/28 – Called again, and the PAC group opened up a trouble ticket. We were told this would be fixed within 5 business days. 8/4 – We get our bill, and it went up A LOT ($60!). Before calling, I verified the CID was correct, which it now was. The credit that was supposed to go on the account did post. But then there were 3 other charges from that same day (7/6), all listed as “TRANSFER BALANCE TO (AUTO)”. The charges were for $14.77, $7.89, $7.03. The rep I spoke with did some research and could not figure out why those charges would be on the account, and after a good 10 minutes on the phone, was able to credit my account. BUT, my standard bill (pre-tax) went from $126.50 to $155.20. That’s a hefty $28.70 hike. The rep stated it was because a 2-year discount to the account had expired. I told him this was unacceptable, and I will likely change service to DirectTV and Verizon. He tried to get me to sign a 1-year contract to bring the bill down. There is no way anyone in their right mind would sign a contract after dealing with all of these headaches, and this is cable…cable isn’t supposed to have contracts. He then transferred me to the retentions department. After a bit of looking, the retentions department was able to take my bill down to $112.80 pre-tax. Finally, SOMETHING good from Time Warner. 9/20/09 – We got our bill a few days ago. Found all of the credits were placed correctly, and the new billing rate is correct as well. Then we notice ANOTHER miscellaneous charge on the account of $10.56. I call in on 9/20 and the guy says it was supposed to be a credit and not a charge, and credits back the $10.56 twice ($21.12). We also noticed that this bill STILL shows the old phone number on it from before we moved (which was also a native Time Warner number); the guy claims to have changed it this time. I haven't had to call back since, so who knows if the phone number issue is corrected. Their service works for the most part (typical POS software issues on the box since TW insists on doing their own custom software), plus your typical single channel out here and there, or inconsistent data speeds (though far better than our speeds at the condo...again, with good signal/cabling).
  15. Be honest...most of those areas won't get updated. Cost per homes passed is way too high...you will never make your money back. There is a reason most rural areas don't have cable. But unlike the other companies, WOW the JD Power awards for cable, phone, AND internet this year, with the highest scores nationwide, for customer satisfaction. WOW is growing in Time Warner areas every month, taking Time Warner customers. Why? Because the customer comes first. Better customer service. WOW runs on a much smaller budget, with FAR less advertising dollars and not nearly the brand recognition. Can be competitve in price, but can't do price undercuts. But yet WOW still thrives. I am stuck with Time Warner service where I live, and the customer service has been aweful. It has always been back end issues...random charges being added to my bill that no one has explaniation as to what the charge is for or how it got put on there. Caller ID that took several phone calls and weeks to fix (on a native Time Warner number, no less). Somehow not being able to delete an old number that was ALSO Time Warner native and discoed when we moved to a different area code that took a pile of calls to get removed so we could be looked up correctly in CSG. Now your troubleshooting for the digital breakup issue is partly correct. It can be from low signal, high signal, cable box problem, or issues with ingress caused by a pile of problems (loose fittings, crap cable, damaged cable, bad splitters, etc.). Or it can be plant related, both in signal, SNR, ingress, headend issue, or a number of other problems. There is no one explanation to digital breakup.
  16. The builder pretty much stated that, and had to build something Mac based because he was forced to use Final Cut for a job. This statement says it all: "There was nothing I could do on a Mac that I couldn't do faster and better on a "PC". "
  17. No you don't, it's call being an overbuilder. What do you think WOW is. I don't see FIOS in Columbus because Columbus is too saturated with competition as it is.
  18. My dog Dexter was a black lab/shepard mix. He was one hell of an awesome dog.
  19. Way more work than they are worth.
  20. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=71224 Nothing I will let for for $40, but I might be able to talk a little bit on the Sony.
  21. Ahh, look at all of those Black Friday TV's on Craigslist, asking standard retail (or more) on what they bought at a super deal yesterday for. Being the Craigslist Nazi that I am, I made sure to e-mail several of them with links to the same TV's for much cheaper, or better TV's for less money.
  22. Nitrousbird

    GPS Units

    If doesn't speak street names, pass on it. They will all speak and tell you when to turn, but some will just say "turn left in .2 miles" while the street name ones will say "in point 2 miles, turn left on Main Street." Much better.
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