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Everything posted by Doug1647545489

  1. You should have contacted a lawyer the minute you were laying in that hospital bed. Workers Comp and insurance companies will always try to fuck you as much as possible. It's up to you (and your lawyer) to get the benefits you payed for. It's a fucked system. With no lawyer you are looking at huge medical bills that you will be paying for the rest of your life and probably bankruptcy. I'm sure you can find one that is willing to work for a % of the settlement and no money up front.
  2. SHe's just covering her own ass and throwing Brandon under the bus.
  3. The funny thing is that NASCAR doesn't know what they are looking at half the time, but anything that looks "odd" will get banned right away. So as long as it looks like it should be there, they won't know the difference. Nothing cobbled, it's just discreet. They also don't like one manufacture making significantly more hp than another. So what we try to do is all find power at relatively the same rate. If say the Toyota motors make a good amount more horsepower than the rest of the field after a race, they might change a specific rule that will only affect them. They did this in the Nationwide series last year. It really sucks because we're paid to find horsepower and it's like punishing us for doing a good job. But really other than driving, there's nothing else I'd rather do.
  4. We're as sophisticated as the rules allow us to be. A lot of technology that you can't see or will never know about comes from F1. We share a lot of the same suppliers.
  5. I just had five guys tonight. It was yummy.
  6. B-1B on the afterburners is rediculously loud too.
  7. G25>* This is my GT5 set up in my old apartment http://i37.tinypic.com/261l1y0.jpg I would love to do some online sims, but I don't have a computer capable right now.
  8. Contacted a lawyer yet? My buddies dad had something similar happen to him, but with his hand. He got a really nice settlement. His hand still works, but it gets really sore I guess and is a little weaker.
  9. I have 3 MACs. Haven't had to adjust them yet. I check them every month. Oh and I loosen almost everything with them
  10. They've been on the brink of shutting down for the past couple years. Crane owes a lot of money to their suppliers.
  11. No other reason other than the regulations. We've built F/I versions of our cup engine for other projects. We ain't skerd. The people who run Nascar live in the past. If they can't measure something with calipers and a micrometer they want nothing to do with it.
  12. Only because we technically don't sell them. We lease them. Anything we do sell is not going to have the lastest and greatest for obvious reasons.
  13. The big change is the bore spacing. Our nationwide/truck program will continue to use our old engine/heads so it will be a while before you see a huge increase in used heads available.
  14. New block and heads. It's kinda funny that our current engine which is very old compared to everything else, is still very competitive.
  15. Building a large network of contacts in and out of school, working my ass off, past work experience. It's very rewarding. Daytona 500 rings come in this month I hope to add many more in the future. What I do at work is very different than what you would do on a street car. Kinda like if you flew a F-18 as your day job and owned a Cessna 182 for your personal pleasure.
  16. This is the new FR9 Ford engine on my Spintron test fixture. I designed part of the valve train and have been spending countless hours recording and analysing data from it to design the next generation of parts for it. It should hit the track in the fall. The pictures are from a recent magazine article. The first is my test cell and the second is just a complete motor in one of the assemblers area. I'm really surprised they released a photo of it on my spintron, but it's what you can't see that makes these motors special. ~900 hp from 358 cubes and old ass pushrod technology. Yes Nascar sucks, but the engines are pretty sophisticated pieces. http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj114/powertvmedia/P1040475-1.jpg http://www.ridelust.com/wp-content/uploads/09fordbc0015_01.jpg http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj114/powertvmedia/P1040503-1.jpg
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