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Everything posted by Doug1647545489

  1. I made it through our first round of layoffs. Not a fun week. A lot of walking around on eggshells. I guess you just keep working as hard as you can and not worry about it. I've built up a nice little nest egg so if it happens I'll be ok for 8-9 months. You could guess most of the people that were going to get layed off. Most were dead weight anyway. If we have to have another round, we'll be actually losing good people
  2. Ski mountains are only an hour away. 2 hours if you want to go to WV. That's close enough for me.
  3. You should transfer down here. There is a huge IR facility on the lake.
  4. Cool, I love my Tech 1000 at work. I don't need anything bigger since I only work on one engine over and over.
  5. My Boston Market turkey tv dinner was ruined since I apparently left the freezer door open. My thanksgiving is ruined
  6. I was playing GH:WT and mine just froze up. Restarted it and now it won't play Blu-ray discs. I'm very pissed right now. I have 700 bucks in games, a logitech G25 with playseat($600), and all the guitar heros peripherals so I have to buy another one or get this one fixed.
  7. Yeah Denver was much warming than I expected when I was out there a few winters ago.
  8. Layoff everyone in the union and re-hire without a union at a lower wage. If they don't like it, they can go somewhere else. What's worse? No union and making less money or letting GM go under and no jobs?
  9. Doug1647545489


    Half day for me. Sunny and 79 out Fishing and then bar for me.
  10. I love how they say subaru.... wow.
  11. Doug1647545489


    No they're not. 100-130 for a pair of jeans is not bad. Probably about average for a decent pair nowadays. I usually only wear jeans on friday since I usually work a half day and rarely go into the test cell. I made the mistake of wearing jeans on a day I was working on a motor and douched myself pretty badly.
  12. Doug1647545489


    95% of tatoos are retarded.
  13. It has been a long time since I've gone. I'm sure none of my shit fits anymore.
  14. Amazing ending. I was pissed because I thought tech was going to lose after paying such a great first half.
  15. Doug1647545489

    Why do

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