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Everything posted by Doug1647545489

  1. I know. You know you're a baller when you can part out a GNX.
  2. word. Job and then GNX. Part out said mint GNX for the el camino project.
  3. lol I only recognize three-four people in here. Times sure have changed.
  4. Sorry I mis-read that while skimming.
  5. It's been 100 here for awhile. Not too bad.
  6. http://photos-224.ll.facebook.com/photos-ll-sf2p/v164/125/6/515552224/n515552224_273016_2789.jpg http://photos-224.ll.facebook.com/photos-ll-sf2p/v96/125/6/515552224/n515552224_73281_9547.jpg http://photos-224.ll.facebook.com/photos-ll-sf2p/v119/125/6/515552224/n515552224_104070_3569.jpg
  7. Doug1647545489


    Yep my bad. If you wait until you are 59 1/2 it is tax free.
  8. Doesn't your truck have a built bottom end? Needs more blower or turbos. But instant torque FTW.
  9. Doug1647545489


    Well I guess what I do isn't technically day trading. I've only been in and out in the same day a few times. But I'm usually in and out in the same week. I've pulled all my play money though since I'm buying a house. Haven't done any trading in 4-5 months.
  10. Doug1647545489


    Well first as already said at least contribute the maximum you're company matches in your 401k. It's free money. I also recommend a Roth IRA. Deferred taxes FTW. As for play money. If you are a buy and hold type investor you can just start buying up stock. But IMO you might as well just invest the money in a stock based mutual fund. For day trading you are going to need to start with a bit more money to make it work. Try to save up 8-10k before starting. You will also have to do quite a bit of homework and get to know the companies you want to invest in. This includes looking at the balance sheets, keeping up on the news, and listening to the quarter conference calls (or reading the transcripts). Day trading can easily be a full time job. You will also have to get to know the whole industry. How to pick out trend lines and stay ahead of the game. Which is all the stock market is, one big game. Oh and try to keep emotion out of it. I've made thousands and lost thousands. When you let you're emotions get in the way, you make stupid decisions. I try not to listen to tips. There's no harm in doing some research on a tip, but don't invest blindly or on just someones elses word.
  11. Yeah I kinda tired of this thread too. I concede Geoff. You are the coolest person I know. I wish I was just like you, in fact I wish I could be you. Oh well, maybe one day I'll be half as sweet as you.
  12. 1. I'm pretty sure you don't speak for anybody but yourself. 2. We? Is there a squirrel in you're pocket? I didn't even know you when I put a turbo on my Grand Am. 3. Like I said before, you're just pussy hurt that I made fun of you. But if I remember correctly, everyone did. Geoff we were never laughing with you, always at you. 4. I don't think I'm better than anyone, except you. How much money did you waste rebuilding your stealth over and over again?
  13. I made fun of Geoff four-five years ago and his pussy is still hurt.
  14. Please don't sell them if they arn't PACs. I delt with tons of people with broken 918s from CC new springs supplier. That and you should never use used springs. It's not worth saving the 20 bucks you can get new PAC-1218s (old good 918s) for. Sorry for ruining your FS thread
  15. Well it's better than having no rally.
  16. I'm a pussy because I didn't answer your rhetorical question? Interesting logic.
  17. Damn the Kangaroo looks sweet, but dirty. There's some pretty cool pets you can get like small monkeys, foxes, etc. It seems the more exotic the pet, the more work it is though.
  18. Yeah I know it's a ghetto way to do it. Leak down is the proper test procedure.
  19. You can also pour a little oil in the cylinder you are compression checking. If compression comes back it's probably rings.
  20. Did you fill the ports with water and watch for leaks? Quick and easy way to see if you have a good seal.
  21. Leak down test. You can hear where it's leaking. Crankcase, exhaust, intake, etc...
  22. So you're nobody. Cool, Got it.
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