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Everything posted by Doug1647545489

  1. His brother won't change anything.
  2. If you're not at the pro level in a series it's going to be nearly impossible to get a sponsorship that pays you in cash. The most you can hope for is free to heavily discounted parts. For example I helped out one of the all motor runners at the LSX-shootout. I set her up with a set of small high rate cup springs so she could rev the hell out of it. For a sticker on her car during the event. Being a good looking girl that has a fast car, I knew she'd get some coverage. Sure enough they interviewed her for the TV special. We also had some nice advertisement on the cover of National Dragster with our contingency sticker on Fullers car this week.
  3. just some suspension suff to get rid of the wheel gap.
  4. Cup teams have something like this to break in camshafts. Except that it's not a running engine. They spin it with an electric motor.
  5. I was thinking the same thing.
  6. I have drove a shit ton of new Sonata's. Good value for the money. Not quite as nice as a accord or camry yet, but they're getting closer.
  7. When I worked at CC Sawmill we weren't supposed to leave the store no matter what. And If we saw someone shop lifting we were supposed to confront them, but act like they were still going to buy the item.
  8. Hyundai is doing what the japanese companies did in the mid-90s. The Genesis looked nice.
  9. Damn you cleaned up your garage.
  10. Cool, If you need valve springs... let me know
  11. Just a 42" 1080P in my family room. My computer is a laptop.
  12. http://i.i.com.com/cnwk.1d/i/bto/20070705/PieChart.gif http://paulstamatiou.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/bluray_hddvd_studios_chart.jpg Anyways sucks I paid 399 a couple months ago.
  13. I made a "how it's made" for valve springs a few months ago for PRI.
  14. Stocks that trade on the pink sheets are very risky. There isn't much regulation on the pink sheet exchange and companies don't have to file with the SEC or report their earnings. Huge risks... but also huge reward potential.
  15. I used to eat at steak escape two to three times a week. The perimeter loop one was the best. The other ones were no where near as good.
  16. I was a first timer too back in December. It was really fun and can't wait to go again. I went to Blue Mountain in Canada. Seemed like a good place to me. I'm probably giong to try a couple of hills here in MI soon.
  17. Single, no Kids, higher tax bracket = me getting raped. I don't think I'll be getting much of my 20k back
  18. no. I use ameritrade too. I like it.
  19. I just got back from Europe. Which is cake compared to traveling to asia. I loved it and can't wait to go back. Holland and England were awesome.
  20. Drugs, so I don't give a shit.
  21. I just got back from being over there. In europe a honda civic or ford focus is considered having a pretty nice car. If you have a lot of money you drive a 3 series, A4, Jaguar S type, C-Class. Everything is too damn expensive. There were a few 300Cs and mustangs. They looked really out of place.
  22. lol at not saying Hi. Don't be scared he doesn't bite too hard. Just walk up and say. "Hi, I'm from the internet"
  23. The state should and probably compensate him. Its probably different in every state but I though I read that its usually about 200-250k a year incarcerated. I would want much more than that though.
  24. I didn't want anything but I still got - Fender Mexican Strat and practice amp - Snowboarding stuff - 5 day trip to Blue Mountain to use said snowboarding stuff. I give really good gifts though.
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