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Everything posted by Doug1647545489

  1. I hated my Pearl with a passion. Much happier with the Curve 8330.
  2. Marriage scares the hell out of me. Especially when 40-50% of people will get divorced. That's crazy. Prenup for me.
  3. Still doesn't really look right unless that is a before dyno graph. A/F is a little "safe" too.
  4. I'm getting a Curve 8330 for work tomorrow. Looks like a nice phone.
  5. HDR or something? It looks so clean that it looks fake. Still a really awesome job though.
  6. I doubt he'll go to jail or discharged. She'll probably get full custody and half your paycheck even though she cheated. Fucked up world we live in.
  7. I also like using our AVL dyno.
  8. What happens when someone dies in a 1000 ft race? Oh noes lets only go to the 1/8 mile mark now.
  9. yeah it doesn't like being linked I suppose. I fixed it.
  10. http://i25.tinypic.com/1z1r6nn.jpg Emergency Barricade Net on the Eisenhower
  11. meh I'm not a fan. I don't think it would have helped Scott in his case. If his engine had blown at 1000 ft, he still would have been going almost 300 mph and been going way to fast into the kitty litter. It was the lack of a blossomed chute and probably being knocked unconscience that killed him. I think they need to focus on the parachutes and a better netting system at the end of the track. If they can safely catch fighter jets on a aircraft carrier deck, they can catch a car at the end of a track.
  12. Shit. I'll have to build a gaming computer now. BTW I just got a Logitech G25. Holy shit is GT5:P so much better.
  13. It allows me to measure valve travel so I can look at bounce, velocity, acceleration, duration, area, and loft at any rpm. I've also got a bunch of custom tools our cnc shop came up with that makes my life a whole lot easier.
  14. My fleet of four Makita 3/8" drive electric impacts. One for each bolt size on the engine. I also like my $400k laser vibrometer.
  15. There's a mint grey 87 Turbo-T on craiglist Charlotte.
  16. E-town is one of the oldest tracks and their run off is like half of what most tracks have. That will change now though.
  17. I worked closely with the Kalittas at my last job. That vid is hard to watch E-towns run off area is way too short.
  18. Word, He should never have posted that pic. haha Now we all understand why he's so angry all the time.
  19. Jesus christ just re-air the UK version on Monday. Way less work, much better show, everyone wins. Cut out the interview and use that time to add commercials. Just like BBC-america has started to do but on a network station like NBC to get a much larger audience. If it's not broke, don't fix it. It's not the #1 show in the world for nothing.
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