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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. Makes me wanna go order a McRib. Seriously, that sucks. Hope you get it sorted out.
  2. The bolts holding it on are covered up by the pulley. If it has the plastic pulley (I think all LS1 cars do), it's difficult to get it off without breaking it. Alot of people just buy a new pulley and break the old one off by levering against it with a prybar (prying outwards against the back of the pulley until it shatters). This saves alot of time, and is a good excuse to upgrade to something like the Turn One pulley, which is kind of blingy and expensive, but it allows access to the bolts for next time.
  3. He's saying it's your case (the part the dif goes into) that dictates which size bearing you need, not the diff itself. A factory case can be either of the 2 sizes depending on what it's out of.
  4. If it's a factory trac-loc, it will be either 2.89" or 3.062". I believe only the aftermarket offers 3.25". I don't have a part # x-ref, so I can't say which of the two it would be.
  5. Unless you changed your shifter to one with overtravel stops (I don't think the factory Hurst has them), you may have bent the shift forks muscling it into gear and possibly caused the synchro keys to come loose (if its sticking in/out of gear but moves when its actually in gear). If it's working fine at rest but not high RPM, then it probably needs the clutch shimmed to disengage properly, or it could be a hydraulics issue like Zane had. (or both)
  6. I got bit by a few times by black flies several years back while on a fishing trip in Canada. I even had some bug repellant on. They do in fact chew you up in no time. I had a couple that got a little infected and they hurt like hell for days. Definately pack a can of OFF or some such repellant if you're going to be around the woods.
  7. Suddenly if I log out to swith users, it says "all cookies cleared" as usual, but then one I navigate away it still has me logged in. Any ideas on how to correct this? Could it be something on my end?
  8. SOLD Sad to see it go, but it seems to be going to a good home.
  9. +1 I have one of these I bought when they first came out (Way more $ then) and I am very impressed at the features and quality of the photos. It won't focus as quick as a good DSLR, but if you're not doing alot of high speed action shooting and can handle something medium sized (it's no pocket cam), it's hard to beat.
  10. It's amazing how much newer it looks with a little paint.
  11. GMC Caballero Looks basically identical to the El, so it should be easy to spot.
  12. Yeah, I think that's someone else... although I'd gladly go back to 19.
  13. I'll be 28 tomorrow, so I think so.
  14. I might actually make an appearance for once. Mostly to whore out my car for sale, but partially due to my addiction to chicken and beer. Eric (Nther91) and Zane (LS1Plus) may go too. We had talked about going down there tonight even if no one else was.
  15. Broad and Georgesville? Not far from my "encounter".
  16. I graduated from Teay's Valley, but I didn't go to college . Clearly, by that logic, I is dumb.
  17. I got hit by an illegal back in '98. Unfortunately for him, he didn't use a car. It was right in front of the Jade Kirin/Ramada Inn across from Jeg's on W. Broad. I was doing about 40 driving by when this guy (Later found to be drunk as hell) came darting out into the road on the other side of the bus stop shelter that used to be there. I had just enough time to start swerving left, which only centered him on the hood more squarely. He came partially through the windshield and rolled up over the top of the car. When I got out and looked around I couldn't see him. People started coming up and asking if I was alright and where the guy went. We found that he had rolled most of the way under the car against the rear tire (but not under...good thing I hit the brakes quickly). He was out like a light. Fortunately there was an ER nurse behind me that was on her way home from Doctor's West and she took care of the guy for a few minutes until the Paramedics showed up. An off-duty police officer was across the street using the payphone and saw the whole thing also. The Deputy that took my report said they found out his name was Sergio Garcia and that they don't think he was legal (still not sure if they found ID on him or what because he wasn't speaking). Anyway, I ended up paying to have my windshield replaced out of pocket b/c I needed the car. I had a dented hood and busted license plate bracket also. When the insurance company contacted him a few days later, he played like he couldn't understand them nor did any of his family. They had an interpreter call back and when they found out he spoke Spanish they hung up on him and stopped answering the phone. He skipped out on the hospital 2 days later. Actually, I doubt he skips at all. He had one broken leg, a shattered knee (maybe both, can't recall), broken ribs and a huge gash all the way across the top of his skull from the windshield. I never got a dime from anyone for that. My insurance didn't pay because he had no insurance. They said my Uninsured Motorist coverage only covers... uh, motorists. The only really funny part was showing up when the Safelite guy was putting the old windshield in his van and picked up a big clump of skin and hair and asked "You hit a dog or something?". He seemed a little grossed out when I explained it was chunks of some dudes scalp he was holding. At least he had gloves on.
  18. That's definately the way to do it if you're not scared to cut up the floor.
  19. I doubt the Granatellis will work without modifying the crossbrace. It's probably worth the effort to get some connectors on there anyway. Also, I don't think the GMS bars are technically a full-length design but they seem to do the job just fine (I have them on my 99).
  20. It's tempting, as I have gotten the motorcycle bug since it warmed up, but I'm gearing up for a house and will need the cash.
  21. Josh, For your birthday, I got you a brand new non-working MSD Digital 6. Again.
  22. This looks useful, although I didn't try it. https://www.abika.com/forms/Verifydmvrecords.asp
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