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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. 3V's began with the 2005. 2004 is the last of the 2 valves.
  2. If you don't have time to wait for a replacement key (and especially if you plan to replace the locks with standard lug nuts anyway) the Craftsman (Sears) 3 piece wheel lock remover set worked well for me. It wasn't with the easy-outs, it was over by the air tools and compressors. I think it was about $30 bucks for the set, and it fits several sizes. I found singles at NAPA, but they were about the same cost for each one, so this was a better buy. I'd offer to just let you use mine, but I gave them away not long ago.
  3. 82011 is a universal dry kit. It fits lots of applications (mostly 4 & 6 cylinder). See link. http://impactparts.com/Zex/media/Zexapplications.htm
  4. Hmm. Maybe they don't use an after-cat O2? Odd.
  5. That year Jeep likely has a secondary O2 sensor, so a test pipe may require an O2 Sim (probably around $50). Aftermarket high-flow cats that could probably be adapted over fairly easily go for around $150. It's not free, and it sucks having to pay for STOLEN stuff, but it's less than $1200 . Just an idea.
  6. I had to take the detour down Hudson when they shut down 71. I think everyone would have been better off staying on the freeway. Hudson was a sheet of ice most of the way to High st. There's a hill at the intersection of Hudson and High and there was already an accident there. I had to keep bumping the curb to keep from sliding down the hill into the intersection. In the 2 hours it took to get to non-icy pavement I saw 4 wrecks happen, probably 8 or more that had alrady occured (including a car up on the sidewalk on High), countless near-misses, probably 10 emergency vehicles (ambulances and such) but NO salt trucks until I was almost under 270. Needelss to say, I think the city was ill-prepared for this one.
  7. I hit an illegal with my car once. Didn't get cited, so apparently it's legal. - although technically he hit me, but with himself instead of a car.
  8. They're BoyScouts - Motto: "Always be Prepared" Honestly, I have never been the type to run out and buy things to prepare for these "The End is Near" kind of things... but if something ever did go down, I guess I'd feel dumb for not being at least somewhat ready. Also, I can't afford to stockpile MREs and respirators in my underground bunker - so in the event of a catastrophe, I am probably ass-out anyway.
  9. I know RetroBox used to do alot of large scale recycling. They have a warehouse over by Gahanna I think. Somewhere in the columbus area anyway, although I am not sure if they take drop offs or what. I bought some basic computers from them a couple of years ago and you could pick them up. Now they don't offer local pickup as an option. http://www.retrobox.com
  10. Congrats. What department were you trying to get into originally?
  11. Doing the 24 Hours of Lemons? I was looking really hard at getting in with another group putting a team together locally. I think they're going with a 240Z. I decided I couldn't spare the money to chip in on the car and such - and get myself to California. It would be interesting to see a bunch of cars show up from Columbus.
  12. AllMusic is always good for crossrefferencing music by style. This links to the page about Fischerspooner and provides links to similar artists. http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll
  13. They classify themselves as NewYork Art-Pop on their MySpace page.
  14. These are $33 each new and are "very similar" to say the least.
  15. That's even dumber than these: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v691/twistedfocus/Vette2.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v691/twistedfocus/Vette1.jpg
  16. Yeah, to me, guns are only scary in the hands of the unfamiliar or ill-intentioned. I think if you can show some semblance of safety knowledge and pass a detailed background search (requirements for the license), there is no good reason for a person not to carry if they so choose. The only potential issue outside of that, in my view, is that there are probably a few out there that are plenty stable most of the time, but can be easily swayed to the "When you're holding a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail" mentality (like, people getting into an argument and someone pulling a gun while not under threat of loss of life of severe injury - just to be a "badass" or to "win the fight"). However, I haven't seen much of that kind of thing around here yet, and hopefully we won't because it will make things harder on the rest of us. I agree. I'll take a bit of red tape on the front side if that's what they had to agree to for the bill to pass... Now we just need to make sure it sticks around and work at making it less cumbersome - which in itself will make carry safer for everyone.
  17. Jegs has 4" in 4-foot sections. No bends that big that I know of, though.
  18. The vehicle transport part of the law is the dumbest part. Inside the a vehicle (which, yes is the same if you are ON a motorcycle to them) the firearm has to be in Plain Sight (loose term) on your person - OR locked in a compartment out of view. So if I am in my car the gun that was once completely undetectable now has to be in plain sight, and if you're on a motorcycle - it's pretty darn obvious to everyone around you. I have been hoping they would change that part, but so far.. no change. It just seems really dumb to have to fumble with a loaded gun MORE in public and potentially have people see you messing with a gun while getting in/out of your vehicle and freaking out. I can't understand why I can be trusted to hide a gun on my person anywhere that isn't explicitly posted against it, but have to fumble around with it in plain sight when a vehicle comes into play. As a police officer it's probably nice to be able to see what you're dealing with more readily, but if the person carrying does what he's supposed to - any police officer would already be notified that you have a gun on you before they'd spot it anyway. I could cry about this topic for hours, but like anything - there'a alot of red tape to overcome and hopefully they'll get it all smoothed out soon. Edit: Oops, John beat me to some of these points above.
  19. +1 Pantera - "F*cking Hostile" for instance.
  20. I have had a lot of help at Audio Encounters (Dublin). I got most of my current Home Theater setup from there (mid level Paradigm components mostly in my case). It's a great place to audition stuff from their low end (which is still good stuff) to insane reference equipment. They also have a knowledgeable staff that are good at educating you and demonstrating what they are saying... not just talking you into more expensive product, although better sound often goes together with more $ - but not always (BOSE - better sound through...marketing).
  21. It's probably seized/rusted to the sleeve inside the bushing. Worst case, you can run a sawzall up the middle of the bushing tube until it cuts the bolt in half then push both halves out from the middle with a screwdriver/prybar - assuming you don't intend to re-use the factory control arms.
  22. Thye are now saying it was a small plane.
  23. That's cool, I know nothing about game consoles. Question... the specs listed above sound like blank media and not drives themselves. What am I missing? Thanks!
  24. A friend of mine just had the drive in his XBox go bad and apparently a regular PC DVD drive won't work as a replacement. He's looking for a fried "parts-car" XBox (with a working drive) or a drive itself. I guess he found some new for 30-40 dollars, but doesn't want to put much money into an old system like this. If anyone has such a thing or knows where to find them cheap, let me know. Thanks.
  25. A friend of mine uses this and seems to like it. I have never tried it, but it's free, so the price is right . http://www.tucows.com/preview/427178 If you don't care for that one - Cyberlink's PowerDVD is a decent program that comes in alot of bundles free, but it's not free to download from their site(here). I can send you a copy of it if you have time or you could try the 30 day trial for now. Also if you are set up woth any of the gnutella networks (Bearshare,Shareaza, etc.) you can probably find it there. It's not so great that I would buy it, but it works and would be a fairly quick download if you're on broadband.
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