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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. Obviously it's very fast, it says so on the window. Should be lightweight as hell once the rest of the rot falls off. Plus that awesome 400 horsepower ignorance cam. I wonder if it's actually a CFI car as indicated. If so, shits even weaker than you'd expect.
  2. Makes cents, but fuck insurance other than liability on that heap. Maybe $50/month max I would guess.
  3. This. Spray paint over the gay graphics and rust and jump snow mounds Dukes of Hazard style all day erry day as a winter beater or add some cheap coilovers and rally that bitch as is.
  4. From my beer brewing experience, I'd bet you're absolutely correct about the underlying taste being the particular strain of yeast you are using. I changed to a different brand of yeast in my last back and was dissapoint. It's funny how much it really rounds out the flavor profile.
  5. Miles and miles in my opinion. Seems too risky anywhere I have ever been, unless you have an uninhabited huge ass ranch or something. Also, you could try pretty much anywhere on the hilltop (especially on New Years).
  6. Marmite. Chris: "Ooh, delicious. Smear that on a crisp and eat that shit." America: "The fuck is this shit? I throw that shit away after I make beer" :gabe:
  7. Troof. The soda people are probably from Northern Ohio and they likely pronounce it with a long O. I get that soda is actually part of the name of this shit, but saying it the "wrong way" is the right way here. Get it right. While we're at it, how do you pronounce this word...? Caramel It fucks me up almost every time. I see that second "a" in there but I can't seem to remember to pronounce it. :dumb:
  8. Thanks for taking my new business idea, asshole. :lolguy: At my range the live chicken shoot is the advanced course. We'd start you out with fish in a barrel and move up.
  9. In that case, I have a Walther clone I have considered selling. It would pair well with your suit and accent.
  10. Besides, all it would take is a few .50AE rounds to make everyone in the place deaf and blind as fuck.
  11. Agree with RymerC. It doesn't seem to fill a role that the AR15 you already have doesn't. Additionally, though I have the SKS-M around, I don't consider it a proper home defense gun compared to a good pistol or shotgun. At least not one of my first choices. A good handgun is good close up and fine for any home defense range shots you would be taking. Both offer adequate power without much fear of over-penetration (though maybe the 5.7s would disintegrate in wall material?).
  12. If you're looking to offload the Pony wheels let me know. I may be interested in some street wheels for spring time. Sharp looking car.
  13. I could still see this happening. Especially since so many people were upset about this version being called 4S and not 5, like it means any fucking thing at all. Not really an Apple fanboy as computers go, hate them because they are different... Macsist? Maybe it's the crazy no-buttons mouse mind-fuck.. Either way, I prefer the iPhone, even though I hate the company and their hipster faggot followers... except me... I'm no hipster.
  14. The BJs on Polaris does not brew on the premises and does not sell kegs, though it used to be on the menu. Only their primary locations actually fill kegs. They do have some equipment on the premises but it's either for root beer or marketing purposes only.
  15. I guess that makes me a part time Mom. I like it. Wonder if I can get some Guvmint Assistance... Though I usually am in racecar mode. Like. Boss.
  16. Can't wait until 2013 when Chris (Kickass) is rocking a 23" HTC MayanBolt.... Running iOS7 :lolguy::gabe:
  17. I'm not saying I wouldn't, but the more she talked the more I enjoyed the car sounds over her fake ass titties and the expressions on her overly-tanned semen-target face.
  18. 8 pages and still not sure if any actual fucks are given... just saying. :gabe:
  19. This thread has decided for me that I need the following plate when it comes time to renew. Too bad our plates are so gay looking right now... Not very Hoonigan.
  20. I believe MattsV8 owns the mockup car. There is a build thread on here I think.
  21. This. I'll probably never go back to another Westland Mall gun show again in my life unless I'm wearing body armor and have too much money to spend on junk. The 2 times I have gone I have been greatly disappoint. Perhaps if i start my own gang and need an arsenal of Hi-Points and Chinese knives... otherwise, F that place in the A.
  22. This. Boost = less cam overlap needed to reach your goal and better torque from filling smaller intake ports. All of that = better driveability. Port velocity is key on a street car and there's no better way than to force that shit in there... Real Talk. I've done it the hard way too many times. The best part about it is that if you fall a little short of your goal you can just up the boost for essentially free...assuming your internals will hold. :no:
  23. Dinner somewhere with a good draft beer selection, preferably close to home (probably 1808 American Bistro). Basics. I don't buy into Hallmark holidays but women do, no matter what they say or how much Bud Light and WalMart chips they provide.
  24. Makes cents, however it sounds like the turbo kit wouldn't be much more cash up front and wouldn't really affect drivability at all at a reasonable boost level. Seems like a low boost turbo car should have no issues going 10's. Having done a complete N/A street car in the past I would go boost every time in the interest of retaining street manners. My old fox made around 400hp N/A but could be a pain to drive regularly in traffic.
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