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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. I assume you have a heat pump then? Have you noticed your heat running in "AUX" alot lately? If the heat pump fails or it's under a pre-set temp outside it reverts to the strip heat inside the furnace and that shit gets expensive. My system is programmable and I have it set to use the heat pump all the way down to 20 degrees. Since it has been cold as hell lately I expect about $200 for this month because of the aux running a fair amount. If your thermostat isn't clear, just try to see if the air coming out is warmer than usual. If so, it's probably on the AUX, not the heat pump. TL;DR: Make sure that shit is working correctly or it will cost you. If you suspect anything I'd be calling the rental office to get it looked at.
  2. My guy is Michael Miller. I think his primary location is Gahanna, but he floats to different locations. The Gahanna phone # is 614-471-8808, his email is michael.miller@tax.hrblock.com He's very thorough and knowlegable, but if you need a long form I think you're going to be at $200 regardless. There are some first time user coupons floating around though. I get by on the standard 1040 long-form, but if you can do an EZ it's less..
  3. Agreed, taxes are stupid. I just had mine done with a guy I have been going to for years with HR Block. I grilled him at length about self-employment, write-offs, etc. He confirmed that ANY business related travel expenses are valid write-offs (flights, travel, meals, etc) as long as you're the one paying (obviously). It works just like writing off mortgage interest and such except it's on a separate form. When you're self-employed you need every write-off you can take. As I'm finding out, you get fucking robbed on taxes. Keep receipts for anything and everything business related. Also, look into writing off a home office if you qualify. You can even write off mileage put on your car for business purposes. I paid about $200 to have my taxes done this year. I considered a CPA this year since I just went into business for myself, but I felt pretty well taken care of by my normal tax guy.
  4. Nice. I used to work with Lisa. She has a heck of a voice. Will likely be out of town but if not maybe the wife and I will slide by.
  5. Not a complete solution, but pretty easy would be to simply go to View in your browser and disable the navigation and menu bars and such. That won't prevent people from using keyboard shortcuts, but unless you're leaving it totally unattended it's probably enough to thwart low-level shenanigans.
  6. Some of the trolling I see these days is mildly entertaining. Mean-spirited trolling, however, is for worthless faggots.
  7. Yeah, that kind of nonsense in the plot is what makes me threaten to stop watching it. Sure, people can be irrational at times but why the fuck would she go chase down people to bring them back when that's all they're doing themselves (going to bring someone right back). All she can accomplish is bringing more attention to them and risk injury to herself. Also, she hit a walker at maybe 40mph, careens off the road and flips. Pretty thin premise. I have hit a pedestrian at that speed. Came to a dead stop. No flips. :dumb: Maybe BECAUSE WOMAN DRIVER
  8. What is this shit even about? Apparently I missed the thread that spawned this faggotry. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-elAgVdEgiuU/TtQc1XITrVI/AAAAAAAAAa4/e3cb-UkJfpQ/s1600/what+the+fuck+is+this+shit+3.jpg
  9. I don't come to meets because I haven't had anything fast since I sold my last Mustang (except the Buell) until just recently. I was often busy or so stressed out by my job the last couple of years that I never wanted to leave the house (though I have been to a couple gatherings here and there). That and I'm kind of socially retarded. :fa: Now that I have remedied the job stress situation and have the Fox on the road I plan to make it out more if fucking spring ever returns. Y U NO WARM, OHIO?
  10. To be fair, the BB only makes ~360 HP also. :gabe: ...at 4200 RPM, to the wheels on a Mustang dyno...
  11. You got a problem? Yo, I'll solve it... :lolguy: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v691/twistedfocus/fox.jpg?t=1323354817 Burgundy Blunder, yo.
  12. I saw this car in person a few months ago. It's in really good shape, especially at this price. GLWS
  13. Judging by the pic of your SP I assume you're semi-young and down for a party? If so, Key West is hard to beat for relative cheapness and good weather.
  14. True, but so much effort compared to a drip. You should really grind your own beans too, making it a bit more expensive. http://i.iflip.im/t/first-world-problems.jpg I do use a stainless steel press for camping though. Where I camp there's no electricity.
  15. Name change to "Internet Smokey Yunick?" It would be funnier if spelled Smokey Eunuch though... :gabe:
  16. "Welcome to Costco. I love you." http://homepage.mac.com/dtrull/pix/welcometocostco.jpg
  17. This. I have been eyeing one of the ones with no hot plate and a thermal carafe for a while. They are great if you like to have a few cups over a long period and not just guzzle it down so it doesn't get burned on the hot plate. I keep saying I'm going to quit drinking coffee, so I always talk myself out of it. :fa:
  18. Don't forget about fixing all the cleft pallets in Haiti. It's clearly their biggest issue according to the commercial I've seen 13 times today.
  19. Underarmor? I was looking at a few for workout shirts and noticed most of them are really long on me and I'm 6' 2".
  20. Yeah, me too. This is mostly why I don't have any. My wife got a fairly large tattoo on her back when she was around 20 and made the decision to become a firefighter and EMT (it's a large star of life with flames around it). Years later she regrets both the size and theme. She's now an RN, so she may have it redone to reflect the change in directions, but it's too big to simply cover up.
  21. I think the name is Big Daddy's. It was only open for a few months. It's basically right across the street from another tattoo shop that has been around for a while.
  22. That's more or less what I'm looking to do. Most of the houses on my street have actually already had this done over the years. Most are only maybe a 1-2" lip at the gutter. The curb was a minor annoyance with the bike but is a real problem with a lowered car, so it's time.
  23. A Unicorn within a Unicorn...? It's more serious than we thought... dun dun dund und dun dundundundundun http://newsroom.mtv.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/insheeption_281.jpg
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