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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. http://i613.photobucket.com/albums/tt218/DichVuMaiTang/political-pictures-do-not-want-surprised-guy.jpg
  2. Well played. That thing even has the proper 80's oversize shoulder cut. Just need a pair of Reebok Pumps and you'd be ballin' outta control. :fuckyeah:
  3. Entitled "Freedom Costs a Buck-O-Five".
  4. This. I hate that it has gotten so high, but I'm still trolling for the right deal on a Fox so I can throw on some turbo goodness from Chad. I doubt I'll be out of boost enough to get better than 12 MPG.
  5. Eh, I call him a dirty bitch to his face all the time. :fuckyeah:
  6. This. These have come way down in price. Many of them have optional or built-in wireless if you don't want to tun a LAN cable to it. Even on wireless I have no trouble streaming HD content.
  7. Did you put anything in the Additional Comments box? I believe it's required.
  8. I fell off the wagon for a couple of months after this post but I have been back at it. I have kind of leveled out in the past week but I have been lifting some and putting on some pounds that way, which is okay. Name----------------Jason Starting Weight------226lbs Current Weight------207lbs Bodyfat % according to my scale (approximate at best) Starting------ 30% Current------ 26.1% I'd like to lose another ~20 pounds but I'm feeling much better already. :fuckyeah:
  9. I like turtles. http://www.maniacworld.com/i-like-turtles.jpg
  10. Not to hijack, but since this is very related... I was looking at <$100 Cameras lately as a gift for my niece. This low-end Fuji (AX300) seems like it has decent specs for a relatively cheap camera. I have had good results with the couple of mid-range Fuji cameras I've owned personally. I'm no camera expert though. Anyone have any insight/opinions on these? I would buy something a little further up the scale for myself, but she's just going to use this for retarded Facebook pictures, vacation and such, most of which will probably never be made into prints. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16830122328&cm_re=ax300-_-30-122-328-_-Product
  11. True Story. You'd probably have similar or less money in this: http://www.on3performance.com/mustanggt3v.html
  12. Hmm. The updates tab won't load for me either. First time I have seen that.
  13. Forgot to ask, is it post-recall? http://www.ruger.com/LCPRecall/ Nevermind, it appears to be a 371 series, so it should be done already.
  14. Interested. I can pick it up today if you're available.
  15. It's kind of a mixture of both. The front sight on the SKS has a hood around it but a post in the middle. This isn't looking through the sight, but you probably get the idea. http://www.tech-sights.com/realgun2.jpg
  16. Just to be clear - I'm not one of those guys that runs out and buys a new iPhone each time it's released. The phone is actually the only Apple product I own except for an iPod Nano I won in a drawing. I had a 3G and said no thanks to the 3GS when it was released. I upgraded to the 4 because it was actually a worthwhile upgrade and my 3G was damaged in an auto accident. The wife is still on her old 3G and it is starting to act a bit flaky. I see no reason to upgrade her now until the new one comes out though, unless it completely dies.
  17. AndroidVsiPhone - Engage! Agreed in that it's gay of them to do that, but it's easily remedied if it's a problem (which it likely isn't for most users). Mine is jailbroken, but only so I can tether for free - which I think all smart phones should be able to do regardless of OS. Buying 2 data plans for one device is BS when I already have an "unlimited" plan. Again, I understand why the "App Censorship" is off-putting to some people but if that's what it takes to keep sketchy junk off the App Store then so be it. That said, there are lots of good Android devices these days. I'm not sure that I feel one is actually any better than the other, just different. I might have gone Android if there were more than a couple of mediocre choices at the time I adopted the iPhone platform.
  18. <~Hates Apple. Has iPhone. We'll probably upgrade the wife to the iP5 when available. Also, do not want 4" screen (Too big). Rumor is that it will be dual-core. They already have the A5 chip in the new iPad.
  19. I decided to throw a Tech-Sights rear peep on my SKS-M. I kinda wanted a scope, but most of the mounts are flimsy and this is certainly no long-range weapon. I have a nice bolt-action 30-06 for that. Anyway, I think I understand the concept but it just seems too simple. I take it you just focus on the front post, put it on target and let the rear ring kinda fuzz out of focus. I haven't fired it yet but it seems like I almost instinctively center the front sight ring pretty dead center in the rear peep without trying. Is that really all there is to it? Any tips on how to more effectively use this sight? It just seems like a very imprecise way to aim but I haven't actually tried it yet. They use peeps on all kinds of weapons these days so I'm sure it's good enough for the SKS. I'm just a newb to this kind of sight.
  20. Yes. They are pretty peppy but I like to practice with my actual carry ammo and was afraid I'd cause unnecessary wear on my tiny plastic gun with repeated use (not to mention the added cost). That's why I dropped back to the Black Hills EXPs. They are still pretty stout (around 1200 FPS / 400 ft lbs ME) but are loaded a tad shy of the +P designation. Also, I could get a box of 50 EXPs for about the price of 20 Corbons at the time. Looks like they are around $30/50 currently versus $25/20 for the CorBon, so it's actually a bit better than that. The EXPs actually group a tad better for me than the CorBon (out of this particular gun anyway).
  21. Agreed with above, but I'd add Black Hills in there. They have a pretty good performance to price ratio on SD ammo in various calibers. I believe they do some .38 special as well. I use their 9mm EXP for CCW. Like all ammo these days it's a little more $$ than it used to be but it's still a good deal for a box of 50.
  22. Fiero No, you'll never see another one. Automakers are too busy making money hand-over-fist on shit like V6 Mustangs to worry about the cool cars they could make for comparatively small group of enthusiasts. I'm not saying there aren't some cool similar cars available these days, but very few and not for a reasonable price in my opinion.
  23. All I learned from this thread is that if I ever form a band it will be called Wireless Nemesis.
  24. The Kahr CW9 is a pretty good deal (<$400 last I looked). It's functionally the same as the P9, just some cost cutting on the non-essentials. It's about the size of a Walther or Bersa .380. You get the punch/value of 9mm ammo in a small package. The PM has a shorter grip, making it a tad easier to conceal, but I have no issues concealing a P9 even in summer with only a t-shirt on. The only issue you might have is that if she's recoil-sensitive, she may find the recoil to be a bit heavy because it's so light. Most women who have shot my P9 have no issue with it though. I would say recoil is about on par with the Blowback .380s anyway. Edit: Above all - it's super-simple to use.
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