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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/comment/4/2010/01/839d13e878f995133cac67d195e06302/original.jpg
  2. Agreed. We knew we would be footing the bill for the wedding and decided we we'd be much happier spending more on a nice honeymoon trip than making a lavish ceremony out of it. I have never been very big on ceremonies anyway. We only spent around ~$2000 on our wedding. It was outdoors by a small pond with shelter in a nice location. We served food that we made earlier in the day and rented DJ equipment that a family member ran for us for free. Sounds pretty rednecky maybe, but I actually thought it was pretty nice. Very simple, but nice.
  3. Similar and similarly funny: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUW2oGHLCPw I can't think of one without laughing the the thought of the other.
  4. Also, if I were going to steal all those guns it'd be nice if someone could get them all pre-packed for me in a Durango so that I could just drive off with all of it. My arm strength isn't what it used to be.
  5. My programming skills are weak to none, but I would try %20 in place of the space in that path.
  6. As an Iphone user, I agree. I always said I'd never have an iPod... but I essentialy do now because, despite some obvious shortcoming, I like the device (iPhone, not so much the iPod) - I HATE being tethered to iTunes). However, I think Kickass is referring to Android phones as a whole, not just the Droid specifically. Personally, I don't like the Droid all that well so far based on some limited tinkering. I don't see any of them as iPhone killers, but the new stuff like the Nexus and such are starting top really "bring it".
  7. http://www.theiphoneblog.com/images/stories/2008/09/iphone_vs_android_ufc.jpg
  8. http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/03/funny-pictures-hedgehog-paper-roll-youtube.jpg
  9. Hell with that, I'd hand the FiveSeven over to Michael J Fox. He's always with me during times of crisis anyway. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v691/twistedfocus/MJRaptor.jpg
  10. That's probably wise, since I hear meth-heads can be hard to put down, not to mention that he's also a fucking Raptor (underdeveloped forearms/biceps aside). On second thought, we should refrain from shooting Raptor Jesus. He'll just Raptor-Resurrect himself on Raptor-Easter and Pwn us like Noobs.
  11. Mine is always chambered, safety off & ready to fire. It has no safety actually, though it's striker fired like a Glock so I'm not worried about dropping it and shooting a hole in my sack.
  12. No Kill Raptor Jesus on Meth - No Care
  13. Yeah, I think a 40ish grain slug is a bit light still for self defense even at a high speed, though I guess it's 2/3 the kind of energy of .223 that has killed many a bad guy... and you get 30 tries at hitting vitals. I do think it would be an awesome plinker/hunter and or maybe toss it in a pack for camping or survival situations. I already have a nice .22lr for plinking and such, but I may have considered this otherwise. I heard they were saying ~$415 MSRP at the SHOT show, which would probably be an actual street price in the $300-$350 range. EDIT: By the way, they just announced this thing recently. I'm not sure that it's available yet, though I assume it will be shortly.
  14. Not to get way off topic, but since there are some FiveSeven fans out there, have any of you seen the Kel-Tec PMR30 yet? Yeah, it's "only" .22 mag, but 5.7x28 isn't a huge amount hotter (They're actually quite similar). I'm sure it will be a ton cheaper to buy than a FiveSeven and a little cheaper to feed. I don't have a need for such a gun, but I still think it's pretty cool. If were in the market for a FiveSeven I'd definitely be taking a hard look at the Kel-Tec. Link: http://www.kel-tec-cnc.com/pmr30.htm
  15. Agreed. Though I can understand military forces wanting a pistol that fires the same round as their primary weapon. I'm sure it's easier to supply an army that uses only one (or a few) ammunition types. I'm a retard and have somehow ended up with almost every gun I own being a different caliber I have to buy.
  16. Because ignorant ass anti-gun people are all "Oh noes, scary Cop Killer bullets like in that movie"... http://www.dailycognition.com/content/image/lethalweapon_l.jpg I still remember the once widely held belief that Glocks were invisible to metal detectors. I'm suprised they didn't get banned in some states/cities too (maybe they did for a while)
  17. +1. This is good advice. Last summer was my first season riding. I'm already in the market for another jacket for next season because I didn't really have a feel for how it needed to fit. I went with a jacket that was a little too long in the torso that bunches up when I'm arched over on the bike. I reasoned that a longer jacket would give better coverage in a fall, but I actually tuck the front portion under when i ride now to keep it from puffing up. I'm sure that's not the safest way to use it. Issue number 2 is that I made sure it fit okay with the liner in but I spend 99% of my riding time without the liner in and it's too damn loose. So I now have a jacket that's both too loose and too long for me. I wish I had asked some questions first, but now I know.
  18. If this is supposed to be informative... Can someone just say who the F or what the F it is about?
  19. Wasn't he being voted for president just last week? "The Mob is fickle, brother".
  20. http://media.urbandictionary.com/image/large/internet-24591.jpg
  21. What would happen to the rest of us if Pat Robertson sold his soul to Raptor Jesus? http://halshop.files.wordpress.com/2007/03/phpw9jvl0pm.jpg
  22. Oddly enough, just last week I was shootin' at some food and up through the ground came a bubblin' crude. Oil that is, Black Gold, Texas Tea. People said Californy is the place I ought to be. So I'm loadin' up the Jeep and movin' to Beverly. Hills, that is. Swimmin' pools, movie stars.
  23. I see what you did there. This is a picture of Chris in the Motherland: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3343/3607868132_2fb38c52b7.jpg
  24. Will do. Thanks. I haven't heard back from BW yet on whether they were able to locate an SU-16CA in stock or had to backorder one. I may swing by there on the way home.
  25. I found out that if I intend to store a spare 30-rounder in the stock I can't fit a P-mag (however they fit the mag well just fine). I see that they have a new "export mag" with smooth sides that more closely matches USGI dimensions. I think it may fit, however they are a good bit more expensive ($20+/ea.). I may snag a couple of USGI's with upgraded followers for now unless I can find one of the E-mags locally to try. I'd like to have the E-mags if they'll store in the stock. It won;t hurt to have a couple of GI spares anyway.
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