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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. Very few people have the discipline to do it (myself included), but you could always set up a savings account solely for health care expenses and have money automatically deposited each week. After a while you won't miss the $25 or so (obviously more is good if you can spare it) and you'll adjust. This way you alone are in control of it and you get to accrue interest on it too. This plan sucks if you get the scurvy 6 months in, but over time its probably better than letting someone else waste your money. Yeah the non-copay price of some things is crazy, but if you're mostly healthy you might win out for a while. At least until you can get in a position that offers real health care. Insurance is a gamble. They're betting the majority people are going to put in more than they take out over time. We're betting it'll work out the other way or we'll at least break even in the end. Unfortunately, much like a Casino, the odds are in their favor (for now).
  2. But I'm handicapped because I'm too fat to get off my Rascal scooter and work. Laziness got me so fat in the first place and now I'm to lazy to change. Now I have the Diabeetus. Someone needs to pay me for that shit. Look at all the good I bring to the world by supporting Faygo and Marlboro. I even donate money I didn't earn to the state (lottery tickets).
  3. Agreed, however: Tall fence + Giant dog inside it = win
  4. Reminds me I forgot #9 9. E85 Tune. Paying for race fuel is for sucka's (or people who can afford it).
  5. Ea$y as pie. See what I did there. 1. Swap to EFI with proper fuel supply. 2. Aftermarket block (Dart, R302, World, etc) 3. Good rotating assembly 4. Good Heads 5. Boost (maybe even a properly matched single to keep setup easier) 6. ????? 7. Profit 8. Use profit to buy replacement rear bumper covers.
  6. I often find bagels in two distinct locations in the same store. Some by the butter/cream cheese as pictured (as an up-sell/cross-sell) and in the freezers near the frozen breakfast stuff. The Kroger by me usually has alot more in the freezer than in the butter area. Cliffs - look in the freezer section for more selection.
  7. They're probably usually found behind the counter - for this very reason.
  8. Obama! Weeeeeew! http://peterahall.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/chaaaaange1.jpg
  9. I can see it now. The Lender's Egg Bagel buying frenzy of 2010. It's like assault rifles and ammo a year ago, only bagel-ier. Pretty soon it'll cost more for a bag of bagels than it does for a 20 round box of .223.
  10. It's worth $27k because it's so "motified".
  11. This site is actually free (unless you want your beacon) and has no other BS tacked on. https://www.annualcreditreport.com/cra/index.jsp It's actually linked in fine print on freecreditreport.com's site... I assume because the Gubmint says so.
  12. This happens to my wife all the time. Should I be suspicious?
  13. Geez. F-that. Best solution = Calymores + Trip Wires: http://www.chrisabraham.com/claymore-thumb.jpg
  14. Agreed, but I feel they are trying to make it more difficult than it needs to be.
  15. Yeah, nice and complicated. Final value fees: Auction-style listings Closing price Final value fee Item not sold No fee $0.01 - $25.00** 8.75% of the closing value $25.01- $1,000.00 8.75% of the initial $25.00 ($2.19), plus3.50% of the remaining closing value balance($25.01 - $1,000.00) Equal to or Over $1000.01 8.75% of the initial $25.00 ($2.19), plus 3.50% of the initial $25.01 - $1,000.00 ($34.12), plus 1.50% of the remaining closing value balance($1000.01 - closing value)
  16. Depends on the amount it ends up selling for. They have a chart that lays out the charges. It's fairly complicated, but basically it's X% up to a certain dollar amount, then X% up to yet another tier and so on.
  17. http://rlv.zcache.com/nigerian_prince_t_shirt-p2356614176690180673lg0_400.jpg
  18. That's what I was thinking also, but it's certainly not a bad idea to be extra cautious. I had a similar experience last year. I had a trail of footprints across my back deck in the snow and all around the house on the other side but not near the meter, so I was thinking someone had been up to no good. Upon further investigation I realized the guy must not have gone far enough back the side of the house where the meter is then walked all the way around the other way and across the back deck to get to the meter. He was also nice enough to leave the damn gate wide open when he left.
  19. Yes, and now magically all of my posts were on topic.
  20. Yeah, it's specifically the Vance's end of Cooke that looks like a good place to purchase my next crack house. The area by 71 looks fairly nice, but still close to the ghetto area. I'd prefer not to live that close. It probably tends to be "where the ghetto goes to shop".
  21. I knew someone was going to say that. I'm not really familiar with the area. I've never lived on that side of town so I wouldn't know, but it does look a bit ghetto-y nearby.
  22. It was last Saturday. I thought it was $11.99 for 500 bulk. I forget which brand, they had a few different ones out. It's possible I just misread the sticker since I hadn't intended to actually buy any.
  23. I noticed that Vance's is back to pretty normal pricing on .22LR. Unfortunately they're not right around the corner, unless you happen to live off Cook rd in the ghetto.
  24. Deleted by user. Weak. Now I don't get to make fun of it.
  25. Not to defend WalMart, but I swear every time I go up to one of their self-scan lines it takes me twice as long because some toothless Jethro can't use a touch-screen computin' dee-vice for shit and their attendant is always having to run around holding everyone's hand. The first few times I thought maybe their equipment was to blame, then I realized it's just the people using it. It's probably easier to shut those lines down when they're really busy and force everyone to go to the hand-holding babysitter lines.
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