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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. Actually, my post is an Office Space reference like the title of the original post. I don't disagree with what you're saying. I don't even feel comfortable listening to music at work, though others around me used to at a very low volume. Nowadays no one does since we're in earshot of the guy who signs the checks. I'm pretty sure no one else wants to rock out to some Alanis Morisette and James Taylor with me anyway.
  2. But I was told that I could listen to the radio at a reasonable volume while I'm collating.
  3. I guess I assumed that since it had everything else. If it did it's definitely shorter than the other one as it didn't protrude. The original one was maybe 5" long like most I have seen. I'm hoping maybe there was one on there already. I sure hope so. I don't really think it would be that big of a deal but I'd sure feel better knowing I didn't do it wrong.
  4. Weak, I was just throwing some stuff away and I realized that I never thought about the in-tank "sock" strainer-filter until just now since the rest of the module is all in one. I would assume I need to have swapped the sock onto the new module? I don't remember the Haynes manual mentioning it either, so I guess I was just absent minded and forgot. I don't forsee me dropping this stupid-ass tank again just to do this all over again. It's a plastic tank, so I can't imagine there's much stiff in there to get sucked in the tank (I hope). Shit.
  5. We pried on it forever then while I was posting my last reply it just started coming unstuck on its own. It's all back together and running now. Thanks for the tech/parts help guys, and thanks to Cred05 and Nther91 for labor help.
  6. Okay, apparently this tank is held on by hopes and dreams or some sort of Voodoo magic because it won't come down. I have both straps loose and all connections off yet its like it's held on from above. Anyone know a trick to getting the tank to come down? The Haynes manual says to remove the exhaust heat shield and I popped some of the rivets loose so it could hang and it can;t be holding the tank up.
  7. Sweet. Is that a puddle of pee behind her?
  8. http://www.jegs.com/images/logos/tracktestedlarge.gif
  9. Same problem I had. I have kind of weird hands I guess. I may have to buy one now.... damnit.
  10. Also, if you win you get a golden copy of Mario Brothers 3 and the admiration of all the world's 13 year olds. Most notably that of Fred Savage. http://www.thefullgamut.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/thewizard2.jpg
  11. Highbrow is most certainly NOT a Nazi. Helicopter, yes. Nazi, no. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/a/a4/Highbrow-art.jpg/240px-Highbrow-art.jpg (I'll stop thread shitting now, I promise)
  12. http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1272/543238082_95f5e1aa45.jpg
  13. It's almost half full unfortunately. I think with a floor jack and a piece of plywood we can probably lower it without spilling it all in our eyes. I'm making arrangements to get the pump module today if I ever get a free second.
  14. This is going to make me a much safer driver!
  15. Agreed. I have a bottle of that too, but I tend to like something with a little more kick. I use this stuff more "in" dishes rather than "on" them because it has alot of flavor but isn't too hot for anyone.
  16. The Kroger by me has it. Look in the "Ethnic" part of the sauces. This type of stuff is typically in its own area separate from but near the normal salsa stuff.
  17. Mexican food - El Yucateco Red or Green. The chipotle version is good on certain things. Warning: Under no circumstances should a human ever consume their Kutbil-Ik. It's like taking a Mayan roundhouse to the tongue. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41X65HFZA6L._SL500_AA280_.jpg
  18. http://news.cnet.com/i/bto/20070723/dogs-fighting.jpg
  19. I kinda wanted to, but I just have no desire to ever feel awkward or "on-the-spot" in my own home. Having this guy out again would no doubt be a bit awkward, pleasant attitude or not. The guy was actually pretty professional other than the dirty sales approach, so I doubt it would be a problem. I'd just rather have someone come out and do their damn job the first time.
  20. Well, I wrote them a Unabomber Manifesto last week and sent it to the company owner. It was actually a pretty professional letter, just a bit long at about 1000 words. They had their head sales guy call me yesterday and try to smooth things over. He offered to have someone come out (again) and give me a quote this time. He was very apologetic and genuinely seems to want to make things right. So, I agreed and they offered to send the same guy or a different person if I wanted. I told them the first guy could have just done his job the first time and it's just awkward now so I'll have someone else out. He said he'll make sure they cut me a good price on the quote. I'm not convinced that I'll see any real discount but I would like to finally get the quote for some basis of comparison. The 2 quotes I have now are for failry "cheap" equipment (Goodman), so I'd like to see what it would cost me to go with slightly "better" equipment. To be continued...
  21. If these tools can rent a vette for that much I'm about to start renting my Jeep out for $100 a day. I'll be rich by the next time you see me post.
  22. So you're telling me I shouldn't be packing this fine piece around with me anymore? It's a relic so it should be legal, right? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v691/twistedfocus/DSCF0459.jpg
  23. Well you're still going to get tickets because your car "Smells Fast". Or at least it smells faintly of hand sanitizer. Either way - Tickets.
  24. Makes sense. I think my renewal was sometime in the spring, which may be a popular time for new teachers to start piling on. They still got the renewal to me before it officially expired, which is all that mattered.
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