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Trouble Maker

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Everything posted by Trouble Maker

  1. In soviet Russia car modifies itself! How's Jason doing over there?
  2. buelliganx1 to wife: Have you gained some weight lately? Wife: http://alltheragefaces.com/img/faces/large/2-panel-mega-rage-l.png Wife goes and delets all of your 'stupid car shows'
  3. Maybe, I like to talk about 'mother nature' (not a sentient being) possibly doing this. With technology we've outgrown what this planet could otherwise naturally sustain. In any population you have an ebb and flow with the system it's contained within. The population grows by birth. Dies by starvation, not enough food will reduce the population until the population is in balance with the food supply. Dies by predation, too many predators will reduce the population. Consequently the predator population will reduce due to starvation. http://archiehopeful.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/graph.jpg Populations can also get too large and be more effected by disease. We've put un-natural systems in place that greatly reduce the effect of what we would normally perceive as the limiters to the human population. We have to start looking elsewhere to what will next effect us. In part it will be food and water but really that's limited by energy. And people think being conservative with energy is just some kind of hippy idea to make the air more clean. :lolguy:
  4. The LA thing I heard on NPR the other day when they were talking about this exact thing. I also knew the world population off of the top of my head... 'everyone' is freaked about about that number which is really only significant due to the number of fingers we have. It's actually not 7B yet but that's a nice round number and close enough for these conversations. The rest I looked up. Most of it is ideas I have is just due to what someone else posted, but I don't know the exact info so I look it up. Wiki and Google are amazing resources.
  5. If everyone in the world stood up we would all fit in LA, which is only about twice as large (land area) as Columbus. The world has ~149M km^2 of land. That over 7B people is only 46 people/km^2. Columbus population density is ~3,600 people/mi^2 for a reference. So no, overpopulation from a land sense isn't really an issue. The real concern is energy and food. From that perspective we are already overpopulated IMHO for what the planet would have otherwise naturally supported. Something will quell it at some point, it's just natural.
  6. To the topic at hand, Andy Dick is a drunk, coked up child molesting worthless piece of garbage. http://www.google.com/search?gcx=w&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=andy+dick+molester
  7. Only OGRE is Ogre. Just sayin' bro.
  8. Look you piece of trash. This is at least the second time I've seen you come back with the Pee Wee Herman "I'm rubber and your glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks back onto you" defense. If you want me to keep replying to the drivel coming out of your keyboard please at least attempt to post something original.
  9. Because that's the best time to have a ton of weight transfer really fast, when you are going 240mph. :fuckyeah:
  10. This shits crazy. Just started 'investing' less than a month ago in some pretty basic funds. Just a place to park our money where it shouldn't lose real value like it was sitting in savings. Up 3% in 3.5 weeks. You won't see that in a year in any savings account. I can't believe we had all of our money sitting like that for as long as we did. Although we bought at a lower point (hopefully) so if we would have invested sooner these gains would just be a recovery from losses. I've not the stomach nor the time to do what you guys are doing though!
  11. My dad got the mothers headlight polish stuff and it worked pretty well. He had some left over so I did both our our cars. His were a little fogged as were mine and they are 99% clear now. The womans were pretty bad and this helped, but didn't completely clear them up. I'm sure if I spent more time and/or preped better I could have gotten them pretty clear. I may try it again sometime to see if a second pass helps anymore. The kit comes with enough polish to do at least three cars. Might be worth a try before you throw money at new housings.
  12. http://www.motifake.com/image/demotivational-poster/0901/biatch-slap-demotivational-poster-1231431167.jpg
  13. Definitely post that up here if it happens, my parents would be interested.
  14. Most of us are adults here, hopefully that's unnecessary. If someone can't handle drinking and not driving I personally think they shouldn't worry about drinking in general or coming to this event.
  15. Rolling coal on the other 90 cars running lemons. :fuckyeah:
  16. You know what I hate? When worthless people agree with me. It makes me feel a little worthless by association.
  17. Exactly, someone who knows Andy and his wife should 'accidentally' tell his wife about this. :fuckyeah:
  18. I actually like the way their stuff taste a lot and will buy them sometimes but they are expensive. I don't miss meat every once in a while in a really well prepared dish.
  19. Usually one of the lean cuisine things or something of the like. The healthy choice meals are good too and you get a decent amount of food. Plus Some fruit and veggies. Granola bars, which I do TLC so I'm not eating HFCS. This week I got a bag of the pre-chunked up cheese, pepperoni and crackers to snack on. It's all about variety. If you are trying to eat healthy do as much real food as you can. I wish I could get away from the healthy choice things but they aren't horrible and are just too easy. Making enough for dinner and using the leftovers is also a great idea to eat healthy and not spend too much. If you fell like you can't eat the same thing the next day as you just had for dinner, you can always freeze it and pack it a few days later.
  20. I train at that Y but I only train in affliction so I don't think our training styles would match up well.
  21. I think most people would eat just about anything at that point, but some might not be able to stomach killing what we used to consider pets. Therefore I think you should be who kills and cleans our cats & dogs that we eat. You shouldn't have much of a problem with doing that.
  22. Dude looks like he's trying to shit a large concrete filled baloon out every time he gets on the gas.
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