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Trouble Maker

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Everything posted by Trouble Maker

  1. What's almost as bad is a show you like getting canceled and they try to wrap everything up in the last few episodes.
  2. http://i.current.com/images/asset/907/291/29/FEDvf.jpg
  3. Come on, you can't seriously think that's what Gabe meant by that? It's always funny to see someone go off of the deep end.
  4. Race him, beat him and after tell him you won because you are Jewish and one of God's chosen people. I bet his head will explode. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3018/3050354749_8d2ce85f29_o.gif
  5. I'm glad to hear someone 'from the right' say (type) that. I'm also glad to see Michelle Bachman did bad in this straw poll. That's another one we don't need in office. INB4 the powers that be don't get their way in the next election and stop all political talk on CR. :lolguy: P.S. I didn't know this guy before I clicked on the link and immediately thought to myself, white guilt on the republicans seeing a black president. double :lolguy: :lolguy:
  6. Troll him into wasting his time and gas. But ya, that's the first thing I do in situations like this; email them my phone number. Better and quicker communication that way.
  7. Went through the initial setup last weekend. It automatically recognized 2k faces in I don't know how many pictures, a lot. She started tagging people and sometimes that number would drop by 30, sometimes by just the 1 she tagged. Didn't take too long. The real test will be when they upload some new photos, how many will it auto-recognize? It's pretty cool because they've already come up with some completely new ideas for how to do their portfolios since the parents will get most of the photos in electronic format. They won't feel like the parents 'missed out' if they don't put a good but not amazing photo in the portfolio, so they can focus on the really good ones and put more of a story to it. It recognized some dolls faces, pretty funny but kind of creepy too!
  8. Don't put in too much in 1 place. "You gota diversify yo bonds nugga!" Wu Tang Clan Financial - Most successful fund management firm on earth
  9. So, was the price too high? Do people really have some hang up about accepting things for free? Well today and today only I will lower my price from free to 1 6 pack of decent beer if it helps you sleep at night. Only some pun intended. Seriously, it's free and I would rather someone get some more use out of this than it get thrown away. But if someone doesnt come pick this up soon I will have bulk pickup come get it as it's jus taking up space in our spare room right now.
  10. Hadn't heard of them, after a quick listen I think I'm really digging them!
  11. Independents Day http://thisisindependent.com/ I wasn't there, just saw the pics (on a friends photo page) and it reminded me a few people had talked about them on here.
  12. http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/313807_221542081237881_160592680666155_609201_1216197119_n.jpg http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/300182_221542157904540_160592680666155_609202_658833172_n.jpg http://www.facebook.com/BHockensmithPhotography?sk=info
  13. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=563&pictureid=5471
  14. My FB is so locked down nobody can get to it and there is no info on my page. :fa:
  15. Plus rep to the OP despite having the worst intro ever since I've thoroughly scatted all over this thread.
  16. http://l.yimg.com/os/152/2011/09/16/CATERS-NEWS-ALBINOSEAL3_163758.jpg
  17. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word_salad :fa:
  18. TJ? Where do you work at TRC? I'm a customer there and spend most of my work day there, so we've probably seen each other around. Welcome to the board.
  19. Word salad is not good brain food.
  20. Down for some classes. I would also like to take a few classes at Wood Craft.
  21. I read $6k/pair was what they were going for.
  22. I'm interested in how many kids will get hurt from when they start playing through college compared to how many will make money off of sports. And there is always this notion in the back of many of their or their parents head that me/my kid could make it big! Each of those kids on a team like OSU are making the school millions. LOL at getting a 'free 80k education'.
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