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Trouble Maker

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Everything posted by Trouble Maker

  1. Yeah, I'm not 100% clear on what you are trying to do either, and more importantly why or to what end.
  2. You should go streaking in your front yard.
  3. While I don't completely disagree with you it's not that simple. I know every back way from my work to home. If 270 is completely FUBARed the 15 minutes of my commute near/around the city, can easily turn into half an hour and I've had it last 1 hour or more quite a few times. If the highways are bad most will know or see it and take back roads. Sometimes you will get lucky and hit x back route and it was clear while y back route was fucked. Other times you won't get so lucky. It sounds like everything was pretty much fucked on that side of town this morning.
  4. I probably would have just called off of work if I lived or worked on that end of town. Not.worth.it
  5. As far as I can tell RAV 4's were available in V6 (and 4WD if wanted) from 06. Mom has an 09 (I think) V6 4WD and that little thing scoots.
  6. If you really wanted all of your calls go through GV, I wonder if you could just forward all calls from your current number to your new GV number.... which would then forward the call to your current #. But it would mean all calls went through GV.
  7. A few years back that was the place to pre-party. Empty, not too many douches wanting to fight and cheap drinks during happy hour. Get your buzz on there and go someplace that charges 10 times more for drinks but is actually enjoyable to be at. I don't go out anymore so I'm not sure about now. :fa:
  8. Someone from my negihborhood growing up, older brother of a friend from back then, spent a few years in jail for doing a ride by (bike) shooting. :lolguy: Only funny because no one was actually shot.
  9. So I should be able to get the 4s at new contract rates, if I sign a new contract, and keep my unlimited? But I should go through the Apple site because of some BS they are pulling on the AT&T website? I'm not under contract right now with my 3Gs if it matters. What if I switch to a different phone? What if i wait? I'm thinking about waiting for the Prime, but if it means I may or won't be able to keep my unlimited data where I could now I may just jump on the 4s.
  10. That turd of a car will never be a collectors item.
  11. Historically hasn't that been the case with most of the 24hrs of LeMans races?
  12. Only if you show up with your Lexus.
  13. That's no joke. I last rode at alum a month ago. :no: But have gotten some hiking, paved riding and running in there to try to keep in shape and enjoy the outdoors. This season has sucked; rain, rain, rain, more fucking rain, hot as fuck, more rain. It's finally nice out now.
  14. Nevermind, I just found the douche I was thinking of. I got screen names confused. :fa: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=93614
  15. Dinner at parents for dads bday tonight. I also need a little more notice if I'm going to make it because I have to take my bike to work to get there by 6 and to not waste time going home to pick it up. But aren't you too fast for all of us anyways? :gabe: Maybe next time.
  16. I despise UPS, I find I have about a 50/50 chance of getting them to leave the stuff at my door, even after 1st attempt. I've RTSd' items because it was impossible for me to have them drop it off at my house. I always select another shipping option when I can and half of the time the places send it UPS anyways. :dumb:
  17. I know it's a completely different car, but this reminds me of an issue I had with the S4. There was a vibration that would 'come and go'. I ended up being able to pin it down to being load dependent i.e. low speeds took more hill and/or throttle but higher speeds (higher load) took less. The drive shaft was a 2 piece deal with a rubber 'donut' holding it up in the middle and that went bad. If this sounds like it might be it, check that out. But I agree with his post in general, first go through and visually check everything in the suspension/drive-train. Anything lose or worn?
  18. How's this phone sit in the mix with the iPhone 4S and the (rumors) of the Prime? I'm on AT&T if it makes any difference in the hardware e.g. net speeds due to chip issues.
  19. Like I said in the other thread, my iPhone 3GS battery is shot. Just waiting to see the official info on this phone to decide between it and the iPhone 4s
  20. Hmm, nice upgrades but not completely blown away. I need a new phone due to my current battery having issues. But I want to wait to make a decision until next week since the new Google phone should be announced then. I'm really digging the idea of pay with NFC and was really hoping the new iPhone would have it.
  21. Crazy how small a million in hunods really looks. The stack of $10k really makes my current savings look small. :lolguy:
  22. But it's usually one of the first thing that get's cut from government funded programs. :dumb: It hit's close to home since I have a schizophrenic uncle. We can take care of him but it's really sad to think about what would happen to someone like that who doesn't have a support network when they decide to cut mental health funding.
  23. Their kids are 10/7 months old. :lolguy: They are just exploring and trying to learn their world. You will still have to tell them not to play with dads laptop and to play with theirs.
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