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Trouble Maker

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Everything posted by Trouble Maker

  1. http://images.encyclopediadramatica.com/images/d/db/Michael-j-fox43.gif
  2. Good place to go watch games, cheap decent food and beer. For a second I forgot which place that was and got it confused with VIP, which is not a Cougar bar. Then I remembered about Ben trying to fight a retard in VIP.
  3. That shift monolith (I can't call something that big a knob) is horrible. Can that really be ergonomically good to shift with? Trying (again) to find a straight car?
  4. Buy his so he will get a Raptor so I can ride around in it... I don't even know if he's even though of selling it, but I want him to buy a Raptor. :bangbang: Wish he was here to go to Winking Lizards tonight. I'll drink one for ya bro, stay safe over there!
  5. I heard a blurb on CD101 about this I think. Lots of people on this CD and they've been fighting with, maybe EMI to get it released, supposed to be coming out this summer? Yeah, they've been playing this on CD101 and I reallly like it. Thinking more and more Danger Mouse is pure musical genius... even if he may not like white people. I never heard anything from him before Gnarls Barkley, but I really like them. It seems like everything he touches lately is good. Eli, want to go to CD101 day? http://www.cd101.com/sections/events/Calendar.aspx?ev_id=50513 I need to get my tickets soon and will be calling a bunch of people, Howard, Ben, you, whoever to see if anyone else wants to go. I might try to go head down to the LC this afternoon and pick up tickets if I can find my way into the area.
  6. :bangbang: http://www.9-bits.com/BadDudes/Bad_Dudes2.jpg :bangbang:
  8. Toyota is a Japaneses company, of course they hate black people... and everyone else who's not Japaneses.
  9. Like shitty talk radio. I can't stand listening to talk radio, give me music or give me death. Pandora is awesome for finding new music.
  10. I've never liked any burbon, whiskey or tequila. No bad experiences, or any worse than any other time I've had too much to drink and puke. I just hate the way they taste. The only one specific alcohol with a story is Barcadi O, and I love rum. Drank a few gallons of this in a few months time span and burnt myself out on it. In college senior year, so probably my highest alcohol tolerance point in my life. I would have 'fifth nights' were I would get a fifth of this shit and try to finish it on my own. I'd do that at least once a week. Carry around the bottle and a pop to swig. http://www.surdyks.com/Images/Products/633175116783393911.JPG
  11. 1 - tv on 2 - turn to nbc 3 - watch game and know score 4 - ??? 5 - profit
  12. That's insane. I ate 1 supper killer when I was at Roosters last time, it made me cry like a little girl. I can't imagine something like this.
  13. Do you watch the Big Bang Theory?
  14. 1) Teach him Fortran 2) ???? 3) Profit
  15. Clay, I don't have much experience in that area, but if you need a 'dumb' hand helping on Sunday still I can come over. I'm close to UA too.
  16. Because of gearing or more seating position/stance/overall bike geometry? Is the gearing just overall too short, or too close together so if you gear it correctly for the highway it will be incorrectly geared for lower speeds?
  17. http://www.bugatti-configurator.com/bugatti_en.html As hot as the black and black would be, you can get any color you want.
  18. RAV4 is one I would look into. My mom has an 08 (I think). The V6 AWD is a blast. Weighs about 3600lbs and has about 270hp. Very comfortable car, I drove it back from Florida and IIRC got 23-24mpg average over the trip. Rated at 21mpg. Might not be big enough for what you want? Looks like they went to this body style and engine option in 06. Brand new right now you can step into a base v6 AWD for about $25k. The 06's are about $15k (per edmunds). Although it sounds like you can't beat what some of the used biger (american truck frame based) SUV's are going for. Christian (can't remember his CR name) with the MKIII Supra has one and raves on here about it every once in a while too. Maybe he will poop in here.
  19. Holly shit that's a cool course and those guys can ride.
  20. Ahhh, that's why she does so well with you.
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