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Trouble Maker

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Everything posted by Trouble Maker

  1. I'll still get to see some snow driving in a car after all..... Glad to hear the tires did as well as you had hoped. You know I haven't been at home much lately to help him massage and clean it, so I bet it's sore and sandy.
  2. Shop around, you can get an early (90 or maybe 91) turbo awd for that much in decent condition. It will take some patience. Whatever you do KEEP IT STOCK if you are going to DD it.
  3. You should see what it does in the mud. Even more sad I didn't get to come out now that I know Bill came out with his truck.
  4. Lol. That frame is nasty looking, nothing some time and effort won't cure though.
  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser_hair_removal Going in for my first treatment next week.
  6. Lol, you just have a bunch of wiskers hanging off of your balls and nothing else down there?
  7. I dunk the whole shebang in iodine every morning. Doctor says I have to. Starting to turn yellow...
  8. I'm sure you have some flashlights you can mount on it. If not, go to walmart and get a few mag lights. Duct tape them to the front of it.
  9. Lol, I just dropped one of those off earlier.
  10. Yeah, Jesus, worst month or two to move (jan-feb). We moved at the beginning of November and I was a little worried. We had a perfect weekend though. I'll never move in the winter given a choice. I can't remember where we rented it from. Ben took care of all of that. Maybe he will chime in. It was kind of a mom-and-pop place that rented Budget I think. They were great to us. The only problem is, it is on the Westside and IIRC you're out east.
  11. Mike, for that price I say fuck the thing. Put a clutch in it, make sure none of the spots are going to cause issues down the road (i.e. rust), keep up on regular maintenance and drive it until it dies.
  12. http://img309.imageshack.us/img309/8526/thisisnotfunnyclown2yj.jpg
  13. Or you can just link to all of their white papers. http://www.stoptech.com/tech_info/tech_white_papers.shtml And a link to some more white papers by the same guy who wrote a lot of those. http://www.teamscr.com/techarticles2.html That should be enough to keep you monkeys busy for a while.
  14. "Bull Shit. You couldn't pull me over, and even if you did I'd activate my car's wings and I'd fly away."
  15. Yeah, Joe told me about that car this past weekend. Congrats on picking it up, hell of a deal.
  16. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=police+columbus+ohio&ie=UTF8&om=1&z=16&ll=39.965132,-83.001494&spn=0.00893,0.014591&iwloc=F
  17. They must be assuming that resale value is going to be shit on EVO's, although that's not at all what I've seen. Sounds like some not very smart people are getting raped on their leases. I'm surprised that's even legal to do.
  18. Not with stock power, there's not enough HP for the aero of a stock bike. Gearing has little to do with that.
  19. I said gaawwwdd damnnn. So, how much room did that end up being with how you set them up?
  20. Another smart person has joined this thread. Rejoice Err. You should come live on the moon with us where everyone isn't as dumb as these people. http://www.electronic-chaos.com/events/mooninites300x220.jpg
  21. The driver of that when they took it to the salt flats is one of the driver training instructors at TRC. I wonder if they show anything about the salt flat run. http://www.trcpg.com/Buckeye%20Bullet%2009162004.htm
  22. Wear them out so they don't struggle as much on the dog raping stand.
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