Other than the celebrations, which could be on any other day of the year had something in history proven otherwise, it's really an arbitrary day. So why do people need/chose this day to make resolutions about their lives? I'm sure it's not something that's been happening in their life for the last few weeks/months. It's probably been going on long before that, maybe/probably even before last new years. So why now?
I'd guess that, statically speaking, more people (%) keep resolutions/things they change in their life, when they do it on a random day than on new year’s day. I guess my thinking is that people that make resolutions on some other random day probably mean it more often. Whereas a majority of the people who make them for the new year just do it because it's what you are supposed to do or are reminded of the fact that they are supposed to make themselves a better person because it's January 1st.
I guess I've never really understood it, just looking for some insight from those of you that have made resolutions for the new years.