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Trouble Maker

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Everything posted by Trouble Maker

  1. I invited those guys out. I work regularly with the passenger in the 300z and the guy who owns the 300z is his roomate. He's actually on here but doesn't post very often. The guy in the Evo made it sound like he goes out East sometimes, so you'll probably see them out sometime again. That's a pretty impressive kill! Quick rundown on that car: Upgraded turbos, injectors, cams, some forged internals. It's got CCW's too, I know they don't do a lot, but those rims are fucking pimp! :woowoo: I’m actually pretty surprised by that. I mean I know your car is fast, but I just assumed his car would have had more in it. It makes me really wish I would have asked him what turbos he has, I just forgot that night. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that car has more (potential?) in it… Can't wait to see you guys out (Jon and Mike) with your cars, get those beast done! Mike, you know if you need any help to just call me! Let me know when you are going to be doing some tunning, I should have a new toy that might help. The first roll on with me and Ben was from a pretty decent speed. Can't remember exactly what, maybe 60ish. I kept up ok because of the aero helping me. Second was from much slower, sub 40. As would be expected, I got whomped on. It wasn't a great speed for me either I was a 'little' low in second and way to high for first. 40 is a great speed for me in second. I need a chip or exhaust/intake and think I'd keep up from a higher roll. DJ's car is obviously quicker than mine (I think). I'd like to do some different pulls to see how much really, we just got to play around a bit. There was some traffic in front of us so we didn't get a good run in. I think he'll get me no matter what and as the speeds increase he will get me by more because of my cars gearing and I think he's probably got better aero (and more power). I'm sure we'll get some clean runs in before he starts moding it, we hang out enough that shouldn't be an issue. I need a camera in my car and I wouldn't have to explain any of this, I could be much lazier.
  2. You're stuipd and naieve if you don't think information like this will eventually be used in a way we, the normal (I use that term in it's roughest sense on this board) law abiding citizens, would want it to be.
  3. Lol. Can I add up all of my turbos, it might get me to an average length?
  4. It doesn't matter if she's claiming in when it's not due to her in logical terms. Legally she is not (was not) of age to be responsible for her own actions in a situation like that. Also it happened in a work place enviorment, even if the girl was 30 and that happened, it's still wrong. I'm not saying she's not stupd, I think she's just as dumb as the others, but she was still the victim.
  5. I was going to say my dad got an 03' se 6speed with factory lsd for 24k when the 04's were coming out. He got a hell of a deal still, but for a little more money, I like the maxima's a lot better. It's a fun little car, the ONLY thing I can say bad about it is that it's FWD, but you already know that about either car. You guys do realize that 'only' 4k-5k more on a car is $120-$150 more per month on a 3 year car payment right? I can 100% vouch for this if they are anything like the tires on my dad's car. No offense Mr. Stock, but they tires just aren't good tires at anything. They were OK in the dry, but not great, and there's no reason tires that are supposed to be all seasons should drive like they do in the snow.
  6. All of them should just be shot, help the world out a little bit.
  7. Uhhh.... I guess that's just his daily. Not to say he has anything to hold a torch to the KO4S4 guy or Colt boy, but a fast car doesn't make you a cool person either and a slow car doesn't make you an uncool person (contrary to popular belief here). I mean look at you, that neon is supposed to be fast right, and you are so uncool. Maybe with more notice, I'd love to take a trip up. I have quite a few friends that live in Cleveland (not really in, but in the burbs), and one moving to Akron now, that I'd love to go visit for a weekend. Make a whole trip out of it. As it sits I have two cookouts to go to today, one tomorrow, want to clean and wax my car, work on my resume, get a parts list together and order some stuff, maybe work on the car a little bit since some parts came in to start the project. Just too busy this weekend, and I think that's going to be the case with most people. It's not a convenient response either, it's just the reality of the situation with people who work 9-5 (who get's paid salary and actually gets off at 5, let me know where you work!) on a holiday weekend when they don’t get a lot of advance notice. Also, trying to say this in a completely constructively maner, you'd get a lot more people to take you seriously if you didn't post everything in the flame room. Only some people will be so impressed with your cars they will look past that you have, up to this point, had almost no redeeming qualities on this board. Frankly those people probably aren't mature enough, intelligent enough, or care enough to add anything to this board either. It only makes you look either retarded, and/or like you just don't want to add anything to this board. I'm pretty sure it's the second and the only reason you've lasted here this long is because you've been somewhat entertaining. There are always going to be people with fast cars with hardass attitudes, but they don’t belong here.
  8. I'm never going to drink again... starting right before that weekend and ending right after that weekend. Joe, you camping with us fucker? coty, hit one of use up on PM's and we'll get you a few of our #'s. You can camp nears us and we can all hang out and drink if you and your friends aren't a bunch of douche bags.
  9. Something you MUST get to have the full expierence of the weekend. It lets you get into the 'paddock' area. This is the area right up to the pits, where they work on ALL of the cars (including the LeMans cars in the garages right next to the pits), pull them in and out to get to the races. Like someone else said, you don't get into the pits, but that really doesn't get you shit anyways. This will be my third year in a row going. :woowoo:
  10. 2g maf sold if it's stock... do you have or would want to sell just a 1g intake cam? What are the cams you have, stock AT or MT cams? More info on the tublar exhuast manifold (I'm assuming this is a turbo exhuast manifold)?
  11. Probably becuase he had enough sense not to go that fast at Ledges. Wrecking in some spots there in a car=death in a hosptial bed. Wrecking on about half of that track on a bike=instant death. Tire to the head at 60+mph sliding=instant death... meaning there really are a million ways to die at that track on a bike.
  12. ~350hp and ~2000ft-lbs of torque.
  13. I was really glad to hear a non-homosexual song at the end. Very nice looking car you got there. Thing looks like a beast. Can't wait to see it out sometime, hopefully you can make it to Columbus at some point this summer. I'm sure we will be rolling over there at some point too.
  14. That's a pretty wide range, and my guess is if he's really stating that, he has no clue how much money he has in his car.
  15. Yeah, two stations I don't ever care to listen to on the radio. Thanks for telling us about it before hand! :asshole:
  16. Yeah, that's stupid if he didn't do something to directly cause the accident. If he didn't do anything to directly cause it, then under this law theoretically someone in this thread could be charged with the same thing for trying to be pulled over for speeding. I've known quite a few people that didn't know they were being chased by cops while they were on bikes. It could happen in a car too. Let's say you don't see anyone on the highway, decide to have a little fun in you car, so you do a little run up to 100 or 120mph. No harm done, but you pass a cop that is very well hidden and just don't see him start to come after you. You get off at the next exit or two and you go to a gas station right off of the highway to get some gas, or a pack of smokes. The cop loses control getting off of the highway and dies. You go to jail for at least a few years for what should have been a six point ticket for wreckless opp. More than likely your life is ruined, not too many people have the will to climb back up to being a productive member of society (whatever you may deem that) after getting out of jail. Let's say that 10 or 20 years down the road they decide to start interpreting the law differently, or even use this as a 'stepping stone' to pass more stringent laws on things of this nature. You're doing 76 in a 65 and you see the cop after coming over the crest of a hill, slow down to 65. You see him pull out after you and you immediately pull over, but the cop didn't see another car and gets hit. The person in the car, their kids, and the cop dies. Now do you get charged with that for every person and go to jail for the rest of your life? People who pull out the bull shit, "well they know the law (or should have) and the broke it, so they deserve the punishment" don't deserve they paper that their birth certificate is written on with our great state seal. This subject pisses me off so for those of you who aren't too bright, I'm not suggesting that you should move to another country, but I am suggesting you don't deserve to be alive. Just because a law is written and enforced some specific way doesn't mean it's right. I guess if it 'protects' the general public, then any law is ok. That is until it negatively effects your life by taking someone away from you that you care about, god forbid it actually directly effecting you by you being charged with one of these laws. As long as it's only negatively effecting a smaller portion the community then it is positively effecting (while not effecting me in any negative way) then it must be a good change. People who think like this don't deserve to live in this great free country of ours, and will soon make it so it's not so great and not so free if they have it their way. Yeah, there alwasy needs to be a scape goat to draw and quarter when the public is pissed. I completely agree but there wouldn't need to be any new laws in place for that to happen. Since pursuits seem (to the general public) to happen more often with bikes, why don't we just outlaw bikes and cut the problem off at it's roots?
  17. Uhh shit, that sucks. Do you know what happened? Are you talking about Lee Howie (Howe)?
  18. I watched that about 12 times, that was great!
  19. Then you're probably going to pay some money for anything that is worth a shit. I'm sure you already knew that though. I know you are trying to do this cheap, but I wouldn't trust a $30 kit with that much power. Is it really worth you're car burning to the ground to save a few bucks?
  20. Post who it was. That way when someone else is trying to hook people up with a job here, they will know not to offer anything to that person. It's really nice that we have this section for people that need work or need to hire someone. Kind of pisses me off that someone would abuse it like that, and I wasn't even involved in the situation.
  21. I've seen cops there before too. It's right after the speed limit drops form 65 to 55 so It would be very easy to get a hefty ticket there. Think if you are cruising along at 74 in a 65 (that's what I usually do), and you don't see the signs or just forget. You're going to get hit with 74 in a 55. I'm sure that's why they sit there.
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