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Trouble Maker

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Everything posted by Trouble Maker

  1. Is there a niche market for porn staring men with very small penises? Just wondering, looking for a side job to make some extra money.
  2. All most $10k. No thanks, if I wanted one I'd pick up a 98 or 99 after the C6's come out. I bet you'll be able to find decent ones that have not been recked for ~$15k.
  3. I'm pretty sure Kyle doesn't want to be your man slave. graemlins/gay.gif
  4. Nice bike, you didn't tell me it was purple. graemlins/gay.gif Get that shit painted this winter! tongue.gif
  5. Intrested but I suck, I'll still go out and have fun though. How many people out at a time, all 9 or is that with a few subs? I know there are a few other people on here and a few from Columbus DSM who do, at least one of them on here (but the ones from Cbus DSM I've talked to all ready played somewhere at the time).
  6. It's one of the enforcement areas they got the grant for a few months back. The deal was anyone could apply for the money and it was for a case study to see if more cops in high accident areas during rush hour would benifit from more cops. It was a grant type deal which was a state wide effort and a few areas in columbus got approved. 315 up north being one of them and the whole n/w to n/e side of 270. A radio report said they reported XX% less accidents in thoes areas and were geting more money/money for longer now that it has 'been proven effective'. Just what I heard on the radio, would be good to read it somewhere.
  7. Someone on Columbus DSM I believe bought that 90 manual car that's a timing belt vicitm that JP posted for a friend. Someone just posted about a 90 they are parting out, doesn't say if it's a manual or auto.
  8. Never said OSU wasn't a good school, I believe it is. It is also a very good value. I just couldn't go to a big school. I knew every one of my teachers before the end of my freshman year including ones I hadn't even had yet. By my Junior and Senior year I had all most, if not all of my EE teachers home numbers that I could call whenever I needed anything (within reason not waking them/their kids up). For my senior project I had 5 other people in my group and 1 teacher was assigned to us and only us. You can't buy that if it's important to you. There was only 1 non-traditional student in the whole engineering school as far as I knew and not very many people knew that he was. I would think OSU might be a far better choice for someone who is a non-traditional student and it would be great because you wouldn't have to move (assuming you live in Columbus).
  9. Did what? [snicker]this should be funny[/snicker]
  10. Broken becuase he raced it. "Thank you! Come again!"
  11. Someone that lives near that land rode a quad over last weekend.
  12. I like option 1 but option 2 might turn out better.
  13. Your car was down for I'm sure much longer than his will be and yours was just leaking oil, he has to replace a whole tyranny. Rag on people when their cars break but then rag on them when they don't drive them. Rag on them when they are too slow, but then rag on them when they are down being modified for any longer than a weekend. Make up your fucking minds. I swear people on here are worse than women sometimes.
  14. I've all ways thought that until I talked to a few people who actually owned bikes. Mostly young guys with crotch rockets too. They never told me anything that was that bad, most of them were paying less for full coverage on a bike that I was paying for liability on my Talon (~80/mth). But one should all ways check before they get anything else; I was very surprised that my insurance isn't a lot higher now that I have the Audi. I wouldn't hold my breath with 4 speeding tickets in 5 months though. graemlins/eek2.gif
  15. Suspension of disbelief is your friend, I can't believe some people who bitch about things in movies being unrealistic. Yet you say in another thread that you liked the first F&F and your also a Michigan fan. Why am I even trying to convince you to enjoy a good movie every now and then? If I wanted a real to life movie I'd go out and create some of my own drama and figure out what I think life is instead of living vicariously through movies or trying to gather the meaning of life from a movie! I like very unrealistic movies. Van Helsing is supposed to be a Super Hero!!! I'll once AGAIN bring up the classic heroin, please go research it and get a clue (Hint: one of the qualities is some super human capability).
  16. Yeah, how late might you guys be out? I want to wax the car and clean the interior.
  17. NurkVinny logic>you That makes baby Jesus happy that someone posted that.
  18. What I suggest if you have a small amount of scratch you are willing to spend on it is an Infinity Basslink. Could sell your current stuff too and not be out much money if any at all. Have heard good stuff about them and I currently own Infinity Kappa 2 way speakers that I've been very pleased with. I should have bought of of these for my car instead of what I have now (single 10" sealed and amp, but too big) MSRP for $500 but you can find them on ebay left and right for ~$200 new. Small (14.5"X12.5"X8"), 200Watt amp built in, single 10". That should be plenty for your application.
  19. Well, I finally got the fuc%ing tickets! I called back and fourth with them half a dozen times telling them their automated system didn't work for them to tell me to keep trying. They were saying not very many tickets had been bought for the 8 showing but online and on the phone (numerous tries) was saying that the 8, and only the 8, showing was sold out. Manager finally, reluctantly, took my information over the phone! graemlins/nutkick.gifgraemlins/slap.gifgraemlins/trout.gif
  20. Note to self: never listen to anything this guy says because he has absolutely no clue as to what he is talking about.
  21. The news said he was working on a roof and fell off onto another worker who was holding the nail gun.
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