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Trouble Maker

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Everything posted by Trouble Maker

  1. Your not a real man if you don't try to destroy one of thoes every chance you get.
  2. Sorry, I though it would have been obvious from my previous post (before that one) who I was and wasn't talking about. I definitely wasn't talking about what you said. If you went on a rant about how you hate semis and whenever they are in the fast lane you speed around them and then brake really hard in front of them, then yes I would have been directing that towards you. I have my pet peeves about people on the road. Semis in the fast lane for any amount of time do bug me. I can't stand people going bellow the speed limit. But I don't go around trying to get into wrecks with people who do things that bug me. Or even try to get into wrecks with people who would be at fault. The most I will ever do is lay on the horn and flick them off, usually does the job for my frustration.
  3. I’m going to be as nice about this as possible and then not post anything else after this. One day everyone posting about doing stupid shit in cars to people who make them mad will realize how dumb it is. Why would you get into a wreck if you could avoid it, even if it will be the other person’s fault? I hope some of you realize this very soon. The others I hope never realize it, and wreck in a ball of fiery flames, while hurting nobody else. Bittersweet.
  4. This kid pees on chicks for fun, his actions are totally inexplicable and he seems to be mentally unstable. It's better not to ask questions like this sometimes. tongue.gif
  5. Only 'less than half' ok 20k? DEFINTELY NOT WORTH IT. I was thinking really cheap would be a few grand (like 2 or 3) and it still probably wouldn't be worth it to fix one up you could get for that cheap.
  6. Holly hell, I looked at it the day this was posted it 'only' had 2.2 million hits! That measn it got 4 million+ in less than a day! They must have 'reset' the price. Because when I looked at it it was also $33X,XXX.
  7. What if they don't notice you doing that, spin you off the road into a ditch, guardrail or cement wall. Then your neck really is hurt. Sure, the accident is 'their fault'. But it's your own dumb ass fault you have to go to the chiropractor for the rest of your life.... ...fucking idiot.
  8. This wasn't even funny, thanks for wasting my time.
  9. ~7.5lb. lobster>* http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid114/pc9d874d08650963f0d79aaed06d438ed/f8d9bef0.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid114/pedb9ba57e27d3f82800d9eff726bb174/f8d9bef3.jpg
  10. There was a good reason he had to switch schools.
  11. Trouble Maker


    I saw that fight, I bet he couldn't remember his own name right afterwards. I don't think he was necessarily acting humble, but just had no clue what was going on. I would honestly be semi-impressed and think it would be kind of cool if he won. I wouldn't necessarily be surprised though. From what little I've watched K1 fighting and what little I know about fighting in general, it seems more like the sway of the fight hinges upon how the opponents skill sets are matched up. I would bet that, if Tyson were going to seriously get into K1, they would match him up with people with skill sets he matched up with better (or would be easier, comparatively for him to beat) for at least the first fight or two. I think a decent amount of the people in K1 would eat him alive though (just from what little I've watched and how tough these guys seem). Are there very many people in K1 that are just boxers?
  12. Trouble Maker


    I'll pay to see that. He'd end up crying like a little bitch, that'd be great.
  13. Cool, thanks for clearing that up. Naturally a notchback will be more rigid than either a hatch or definitely a drop top. I guess it just depends on if you want to look any good driving around or if you are just doing it to have a racecar. I personally couldn't drive around something I thought looked bad just because it was fast. I'd also bet people who think the notchaback look better than an equivalent hatch is few and far between, and they more than likely own one or did own one.
  14. Meh, I was never a really big fan of Fox body notch backs. Like the styling on the hatches and verts better. Is that 'plain' looking becuase it's an LX 5.0 and the GT's had the styling/body kit package? Were all fox body LX's notch backs and GT's hatches (something I've allways wondered)?
  15. He's full of shit (obviously), it's a 14 second car more than likely (if that). [ 27. April 2004, 01:00 PM: Message edited by: Neo Pee ]
  16. If you guys sit in the corner (with the round table in smoking like usual) you will probably have ugliest, largest, worst waitress in the history of the world. At least when I had to reminde her to get me my beer after 20 minutes she didn't charge me for it.
  17. Trouble Maker


    I'll have to tell my dad it's a good time to go find them. He's been talking about going Morel hunting for a while but didn't know specifically when they came up.
  18. Rane, I doubt you get a chip for that. The chip themselves cost more than that.
  19. Make sure you have a good filter in it too.
  20. Tech TV articles on moding your XBox, general info, has some good links. http://www.techtv.com/unscrewed/ihateyou/story/0,24682,3544856,00.html One of those good links is this site, looked through it a little, looks like some good info on there too. http://www.xbox-scene.com/ As far as I know the XBox mod chip simply lets you played copied games and lets you use other utilities, install 'programs' on the XBox. These programs allow you to do things with your XBox, such as mirror games on your HD or a media player for instance.
  21. Look at her house every single day and find shit to call the city/cops about. Give that bitch a dose of her own medicine. Fell for ya, bad neighbors suck a big one. Sorry, but not too much of a legal expert or had any experience with this. My guess would be it would almost be up to the discretion of whoever came out and looked at it. You might get a cool person the first time that says it's all right, but then she calls them again in two weeks (if that) and you get captain hard ass at your house giving you a ticket. How far away is the storage place where you keep your boat, or if you keep it at a friends or something, is there a storage place you could keep it near your house for the summer so it's close when you want to use it?
  22. I think it looks decent, not my bag, but it looks all right. The slingshot on the other hand, wow, I love the way that looks. Reminds me of an M Coupe, which I love, and will own one some day (maybe in a few years when the 01's/02's come down in price). It actually looks a decent amount what I think a newer M Coupe would look like with Z4 type styling (the only good looking redesigned BMW IMHO). The slingshot does sound anemic on the power side though.
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