I'm very fluent in Access and it can't do what I want.
What I want is basically and electronic notebook that people can just click on the tabbed sections to go to different parts of the documents. I already suggested hyperlinked documents, but the powers that be don't like that idea much.
I don't know much about Word XP for Windows since I use Office for Mac. I have a really great feature in mine where I can make a notebook with tabbed sections and what have you. I just wanted to know if there was a feature like this in Word XP. I'm doing something for work and this is all I have. I did some Google searches and came up with nothing. I'm attaching a picture of what I'm talking about. Thanks smile.gif
You need the 4 pin i.LINK firewire cable from any electronics store.
It's too bad that Sony tried to create their own "Firewire" by just taking away the 2 power pins from the cable.
And if you were really serious about video editing, you'de get a Mac and Final Cut Express for starters
And North does = *** SUK
I got to experience that first hand. Whooopdeeefreakindo Groveport really was jacked, so I went to Fairfield Career Center for Computer Support Technology in 11-12. I thought I heard somewhere that the freshmen are actually at the highschool now
So why does Mercedes offer one of their cars with a Magnesium engine block? I'm gonna say that the car would not make it to the road if there was a problem with safety.
I got a guy at work here trying to tell me that his Eagle Talon runs better when he takes the headers(lol) and exhaust off. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but there is no way in hell a car is running without some type of pipe scavenging the exhaust gases. Even then, I'm sure the car needs the O2 sensors in the exhaust to get some kind of readings. So my question is, do DSMs run better without an exhaust?
Short Version:
Had a supercharger, motor blew, sold supercharger(I think), and put in built low compression motor. Then got smart, dumped the car, and bought an 02' SS
Well here's a gif of her new video.
Avatar for Sam
And here would be the video.
[ 17. November 2004, 12:34 PM: Message edited by: 00 T/A ]