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Everything posted by Mallard

  1. Yeah, AllPar seems to know people inside Chrysler. They have a lot of credible information very early in development. Sometimes they miss a couple though. Who do you work for? I used to live in Rochester around the corner of Hamlin and Rochester Road. Actually my "Spy" photo's were on M-59 and Dequindre. Now I live in Washington Township. I worked for Continental for 5 years where I tested, tuned, validated, released, bench-marked Electronic Stability Control systems for Chrysler products. I left there about 6 weeks ago and currently work for Takata.
  2. Well, now it turns out my wife likes it so much she's going to drive it and give me her Altima, but oh well. For the last few weeks we've been looking at new cars to replace my 04 Mazda 6. After driving a lot of cars, the top of the list was a new Regal, Lacross, and Equinox. We ruled out most Ford's because they were thousands more for comparable equipment, Chrysler's won't be good until they're all done being refreshed (hitting dealers in a couple months), the Nissan dealer around here is full of ass holes, plus we really wanted to buy something from a Detroit based automaker (gotta support the local economy). We liked the Equinox and felt it was a really good value, but there's a 3 month wait for a new one, so we decided to look around. On Saturday I drove by a dealer that had one sitting in their used lot. I didn't even think of it at the time, but it was the last day of the month and about an hour before the dealer closed. He threw out a price that was a little high, so I low balled back. They made a counter a little lower, so I said I would just wait for a new one, got in my car and started to drive away. The salesman chased my car down and they gave me $300 less than my offer + $900 extra on my trade. Needless to say, I walked out with a new (used) 2010 Equinox 2.4L AWD almost completely loaded and got their price down over $5k. CLIFFS: An hour before close on the last day of the month is a good time to buy a car. I won't even attempt to take my own pics, but it's exactly like this one. http://image.motortrend.com/f/12632794/1125_0812_07z+2010_chevrolet_equinox+interior_view.jpg http://www.caranddriver.com/var/ezflow_site/storage/images/reviews/car/09q3/2010_chevrolet_equinox-second_drive/gallery/2010_chevrolet_equinox_interior_photo_7/2798543-1-eng-US/2010-chevrolet-equinox-7_cd_gallery.jpg http://autoworld.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/chevrolet-equinox-2010-interior-img_8.jpg?w=510 http://www.autosavant.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/2010-chevrolet-equinox-black.jpg I have to say that the Equinox has some of the best seats you can find in a car in this price range. They're very supportive, nicely contoured, and so far have proven very comfortable. Even the middle row is nicely contoured, plus it sides forward/backward almost 8 inches so there's a ton of leg room back there. The 2.4L isn't going to win any races, but it gets good mileage and doesn't feel slow around town. Getting on the freeway is where you wish it had more power. The V6 isn't any faster, so I don't think it's worth the extra cost. I wish the put the 260 Hp/260 lb-ft Ecotec DI Turbo engine in it, but nothings perfect. There's plenty of room for passengers, cargo, bikes, etc. so hopefully it proves to be the perfect daily driver, long trip cruiser, cargo carrying, family vehicle that we so far think it lives up to be.
  3. "Rumor" is a 6.4L with around a 12% power increase over the 6.1L. http://www.allpar.com/model/upcoming.html
  4. Michael - The regular GC's are all over dealers up here. They're really nice, but can get expensive. Racer - The new SRT engine is much, much nicer than the old 6.1L
  5. test vehicles have the standard Jeep GC bodies right now. Don't take the bumpers and exhaust as production at this point.
  6. On my way to work last week I passed a new Grand Cherokee SRT-8 test vehicle. My camera phone couldn't get too good of a pic, but you can see it rides a little lower, black SRT rims, and it had large Brembo calipers 8) http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h92/mallard1055/0726000714.jpg http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h92/mallard1055/0726000714a.jpg
  7. It's most likely a WSS. If your car doesn't have ESP it can't be too much else. If you have low fluid the red BRAKE lamp comes on, not the ABS lamp.
  8. Mallard


    Those exhaust tips are disgusting, and the rear end is equally as bad.
  9. I like the STi swaps better. the car just looks funky being this wide.
  10. +1 dumbasses. It's pitching and in order to give the "driver" or more lifelike G-load under acceleration, braking, etc. Apparently you guys never went to Disney and watched the simulators as you stood in line.
  11. I don't know him, but it's always sad to hear about something like this. I wish him the best. Never give up hope and always keep fighting.
  12. http://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/applicant_recipients/Eligibility.htm There are tons of rules for getting food stamps. There are lots of rules for unemployment too, but there are so many people on it right now they don't have the resources to audit everyone. When my wife was on it she had to keep a list of every job she applied for, and had to meet a minimum number of applications per week. If she received a job offer and turned it down (which happened on two occasions) she would have to go through an audit to explain why she turned it down. If it was within a certain % of what she used to make and they deemed her reasons unacceptable they would cut off the benefits. I think some of you are a little naive as to how bad the job market really is out there. It all depends on what field you are in and what your experience you have. My wife was laid off for 10 months and was continually told she was unqualified for engineering jobs because she didn't have the exact experience they were looking for, or told she was over-qualified because she had too much experience/education. (and I mean things like, "I'm sorry, but we're looking for someone with 12 years of door handle experience.") She eventually got a job doing the exact same thing she used to, but for a different company. There are people from her old job that are still laid off too. Right now we have a temp at my work who has been laid off for 2 years and can't find a job. He's at the point where he just needs ANY job so he can support his family, but multiple people have told him that he's over-qualified.
  13. Not true. http://www.fivecentnickel.com/2010/06/02/paying-income-tax-on-your-health-benefits/ Multiple sources can be cited, if needed.
  14. I am so sorry to hear about this. I'm glad your daughter is going to be ok and seems to be recovering well.
  15. I always wanted a Targa top in a Jeep.
  16. Doors, headlights, hood, fenders, taillights, all don't seem to be correct. Appears to be a Corvair powered kit http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://members.cox.net/rarevair/gt43.gif&imgrefurl=http://members.cox.net/rarevair/gt40.htm&usg=__RTm2ZUnF-9x7a1XRFlT-TvFLDjQ=&h=425&w=945&sz=158&hl=en&start=16&tbnid=R-SJ_tFBbQNzWM:&tbnh=105&tbnw=234&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dgt40%2Bkit%2Bcar%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG%26biw%3D1440%26bih%3D685%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C571&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=850&vpy=146&dur=8047&hovh=150&hovw=335&tx=160&ty=54&ei=pR5KTJ24GcSMnQfJqcHjDQ&page=2&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:16&biw=1440&bih=685
  17. That appears to be just a shitty kit car.
  18. They're probably looking for the best place to land in Dec 2012.
  19. I agree that it's probably a function of age. Think about when we started going to meets. We were mostly young ricers plus Sam, Kyle, and the rest of the RX7 club. Now you're probably the age those guys were at the start of CR. I'd say go to cars and coffee and try to meet people. Maybe some hang out on the weekends, or at least they'll actually be worth talking to.
  20. A Sky or Solstice would be pretty much impossible.
  21. pats16valve's distusting picture. Your project looks to be coming along nicely. I'm glad you made the engine bay all black. It makes it look a little cleaner. Good luck with your project.
  22. This song makes me wonder what T Pain and Drake sound like without autotune.
  23. It's not your neighbors fault, it's yours.
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