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Everything posted by Mallard

  1. Recently my wife has been forced to switch to a Gluten Free diet. We've met several people with similar, or worse, conditions and have been told that it's becoming a lot easier now that things are starting to get labels and restaurants are starting to offer gluten free menu's. However, it's still quite difficult when we eat out. And especially difficult when traveling. We will be driving down to Columbus and I'm looking for places to eat. Does anyone on here have Celiac or a Gluten sensitivity? Does anyone have any suggestions for restaurants? I found Outback and Baja-Sol Cantina both have quite a few things on their menu. Are there any others? Thanks.
  2. Quote from the description on the video:
  3. I head those TVS cars are pretty nasty! 80 lb/hr injectors?!
  4. http://www.freep.com/article/20100512/NEWS02/100512007/ The news said last night that it was $250k worth of "lingerie, toy's, and lube." The $10k mentioned in the article sounds more reasonable.
  5. You mean like a Corvette (among other cars)? My favorite part of the LFA is this nugget published in Automotive Engineering International
  6. Agreed. Not worth the money. Buy an E63 AMG and be done with it.
  7. If it's a Cobalt, there are people already swapping the s/c for turbo's and tuning with HP Tuners. The turbo could be fun, and now with the turbo Cobalts, you could probably piece together a setup for a decent price (or pull stuff from a Saab 9-3). Although, it seems like a lot of added complexity. I would probably just upgrade to a TVS1320 and call it a day. (if it's a Cobalt) What kind of car is it?
  8. It has radar sensors and video camera's that detect and identify objects. It will determine if you are about to crash into something and automatically stop or slow the vehicle.
  9. +1 I'm going to wait for the male morning-after pill.
  10. I am going to blame all the weather disasters on you. I bet if I log on to CNN and look for pictures of tornado's, flooding, oil washing up on shore, etc. from this weekend I'll see Berto's truck in the background of every single one.
  11. Mallard

    370Z Fail

    The test is called the "Lightning Lap." It's a test where they compare sports cars by the lap time they can achieve at Virginia International Raceway. So, yes. I would hope it was driven like a race car. That's the point of the test. To see if the cars live up to their marketing hype. This one did not.
  12. Mallard

    370Z Fail

    In their defense, it was the "Lightning Lap" test, which is only for performance cars. Up until now no car has had that type of issue (Even Cobalt's, GTI's, Genesis Coupe, etc). I'm not sure who the driver was, but for this test they usually select pro drivers. It wasn't some hack journalist at the track because there were free doughnuts for breakfast.
  13. Wow, pic 28. It's probably not a good idea to walk your child through a pool of bacteria and sewage.
  14. Mallard

    Stupid GM

    Yes, and the Cadillac SRX.
  15. Mallard

    Stupid GM

    Easy now. The Regal GS will most likely come here, which is identical to the OPC, except it has a 255HP/295 Lb-ft turbo 2.0L Ecotec instead of the 2.8L T V6.
  16. This is true. I watched it on the History Channel and it's very convincing.
  17. No. Not even close. The Great Pyramid is an engineering marvel because of the size of the blocks, the tools that existed, the timeline in which it was built, how intricately it's decorated with little to no light available, and the precision in which it was constructed. Even today we can not say how they actually built them, given the language, tools, and the supposed time it took to construct. That's why they are a marvel. http://www.europa.com/~edge/pyramid.html This CNN 'engineering marvel' is a giant steel box that will be lowered into the water by a crane and rest over one of the 'seeping' holes in the drilling boom. Yes, it's 5000 ft down, but the pressure is not an issue (unless they pump all the water/oil out after it rests on the bottom). The box is hollow and open at the bottom, the pressure inside and outside the box will be the same. It has a hole on the top, which will be hooked to a tube that feeds the oil into a ship at the surface.
  18. The box idea has been in process since almost the start of the leak. I've seen pics posted of the construction of them since late last week. I think it's a good idea, and I'm not saying it's not a good solution. I challenge the author's belief that it's an 'engineering marvel' though. They great pyramid is an engineering marvel. The supercollider is an engineering marvel. This is a solution to a problem. Not to mention that later in the article the author said they've already started drilling the relief well (last I heard it was going to be quite a while before the second rig could get out there). Not to mention they think Apollo 13 is fiction. My gripe is that this level of fact checking and crappy reporting is something I expect from a blog, not a worldwide news source like CNN.
  19. A friend of a co-worker is doing an E30 M3 LS3. I've seen pics of the build and it lloks like he's done most or all of the work himself. Should make for a fun car! If there are kits out there he either didn't know about them, or didn't think they were good quality parts.
  20. This is from CNN.com http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/05/03/oil.spill.desperate.measure/index.html?hpt=C1 Secondly: I don't think building a giant metal box qualifies as an 'engineering marvel.'
  21. The 2011 Challenger gets some revisions that aren't out yet. The 2011 Mustang is definitely winning the hearts of a lot of people. The 5.0L may make close to the same power as the LS3 Camaro, but it makes it's power up high in the RPM band and doesn't have as much torque as the Camaro.
  22. Proper tires are a must too.
  23. Nice find. Those wheels have to go.
  24. I've seen quite a few 3 door MiTo's and I think they're hot. Pretty sure one of them was a GTA (?) with a really 'sporty' interior and nicely bolstered seats. I would rock one as a daily for sure.
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