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Everything posted by RedLudeSH

  1. Wait until one of you gets confused and tries to get in the wrong car.
  2. Looks like a BAMF to me. Isn't that just a dual-tip exhaust, single muffler 2 tips, not a dual exhaust on a 4 cyl. Looks like it to me.
  3. Dartboard sold along with Nomad, everythnig else is still for sale.
  4. BUMP:::: Everythnig but the Nomad still for sale. GBA is pending till friday but everything else is a Go There was second and third dibs on most of the stuff. So many I cant keep track, if anyone wants the stuff please just PM me and i'll meet you and it yours. Thanks.
  5. "3rd in line on your balls....." LMAO PMs sent to everyone
  6. OK, Just got through cleaning out my Mom's basement and found some stuff I don't need, most of it NEVER opened. Thought I'd see if anyone wanted it. First still have the Game Boy Advance for sale. With box only used a couple times. Coems with Madden 2003 for the GBA and GOLF for original game boy <-which plays on the GBA since it can play all 2000 Game Boy titles put out. $15 for the whole thing. 9 Unopened packs of Golf Balls. Eight of them are 15 packs the other is a 12 pack. They are Titlest XXX I believe. Total of 132 Golf Balls. Some are Yellow some are White. $15 for all 9 boxes. Sega Nomad in box. This thing plays EVERY Sega Genesis game ever produced. Which you can find 1000's of for a $1 apeice. You can hook it up to your TV and have a portable Genesis wherever you go as well (controllers plug into it). It is BACKLIT too it was used a few times and is in perfect condition. Been sitting in my moms basement in it's box for 6-7 years now untouched. Still works and is running in the picture. $25 Wooden Cabinent Electronic Dart Board. New in Box never used. Cost $70 originally. Has like 30+ games built in, electronic scoring a voice anouncer etc. This is the top of the line electronic dart board in a big wooden cabinet. Have to see the pictures but it is very nice. $25 10" Q-Logic ported car speaker woofer box. $80 box they still sell @ Best Buy I believe. Nothing wrong with it whatsoever. The tubing for the port is uncut so you can cut it to match your woofers needs. (No pic of it, I left it in my trunk, but can take one if anyone is interested in it) $10 That's it go here to see the pictures http://www.ohpoc.org/members/chris/selling/
  7. Does that mean you dont want it paul???
  8. it's not backlit. I work today 1:30-9 @ Target on Polaris PKWY I'll bring it if you want it paul, assuming you dont cause it's not backlit wnaplay. My name is Chris you can ask for me at the service desk or PM me if you wanna make other arrangements to get it, im leaving for work now. thanks. -Chris
  9. https://upload.video.google.com/
  10. I just got one for Christmas and am having seriously trouble doing the simplest shit. I got the Gigapack with a 1GB Memory Stick. All i want to do is put some small car videos i've made on there. Not even getting nito the whole ripping DVDs and running emulators and all that. What program do you use and where do you get it. Just thought i'd see if there was any PSP experts on here. So far the programs i've gotten seraching on Google have not worked. Thanks
  11. When I spent hours trying to trouble shoot this problem, I had another Prelude of the same year right beside me where everything worked. 1 by 1 I took every part related to this problem from that car and put it on mine. All the relays, control module, dimmer knob and the combination switch itself. Problem still persisted. So will running a power source to the lights, interupted by a toggle switch allow me to turn the lights on and off manually? I didn't know how the lights work if there had to be a relay of some sort inbetween or what. Can I just put 12v to them off of a constant power source (like my cigerette lighter, suround light for example) hook one side to a toggle switch. Then the other side to the left tailight. Then use a tap from that wire to the right tailight?? If this works i'll do it. This would only be a last ditch effort, I'm off tuesday and plan on busting out the Helms Electrical Trouble Shooting Guide one last time with my volt reader in hand. If I'm unable to locate the problem will my prior idea work???? Thanks.
  12. Who was the guy on here that got a sticker cutting machine recently and was looking to make some custom stickers??? I couldnt remeber what forum it was in to even search. Thanks.
  13. The tailights are not working on my 90 Prelude. I've replaced everything related to them per the helms electrical Trouble Shooting manual and Helms repair manual for the car. They still dont work. All fuses checked and relays replaced as well. Now I'm looking for alternatives since i currently cant drive at night. This will prolly involve some creativity as i just need to bypass the cars way of running the lights and make my own. What would i need to do and or buy to rig the lights to work off of a toggle switch of some sort. what should I tap into etc. I can't drive at night and am out of alternatives. I've been pulled over once and that is how i was alerted to this problem I got a warning but prolly wont be so lucky next time. My brake lights work fine, my headlights work fine etc. any Ideas??? Thanks
  14. My girlfriend is selling her car to get a Honda Element. It has 91,000 miles on it. It is a black Automatic. It has a Pioneer CD player and VW's 8 speaker Mach 460 sound system or whatever it's called. It's black in color, perfect shape, cloth interior, completely babied, never driven anywhere near hard. She's a school teacher and drives it work and back. Perfect car for the woman that has all the features they throw in those things, is completely reliable, probuably cute???? She needs $8,000 for it. Just thought i'd see if anyone is interested. Here's a picture of exactly what it looks like. If anyone is interested i can take pics of the actual car but they'll look exactly like this. http://www.membersls.com/01%20Jetta%20GLS%20Demaree.jpg
  15. That's pretty funny. Left Side Most Relaible All Japanese cars, with the exception of a 2005 monte carlo Right Side Least Reliable German and American, a few Korean
  16. http://www.thatvideosite.com/view/1043.html This is all you have to do
  17. Prolly a repost. Holy shit!!!!! Thats all I have to say http://www.s2ki.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=331400
  18. I can get you 4 brand new looking 99-01 Civic SI wheels with brand new tires for about $350. That the cheapest the guy will go thou. Lemme know.
  19. I have an upcoming project that will require alot of fancy splices, wire tap, but connectors etc. Can anyone recommend a place that has a ton of that stuff, in columbus or online. Radio Shack never seems to come through didn't know if there was any not so heard of places that might be good for connectors. Thanks.
  20. http://flathat.woodstream.net/ColumbusRacing/AaronsVids/merage.jpg 1999 Mitsubishi Mirage 92hp automatic 1/4 mile beast
  21. whats his real name, i dont wanna call like hey is Rolla there??? Or is that his name??
  22. I need a spoiler painted, the only problem is that it is a carbon fiber spoiler that has been painted silver, here it is on the car I bought it off of. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y78/knotfan/Picture108.jpg It is off the car obviously so it just needs painted by itself. I just dont know since it's already painted one color does all that paint need taken off would they go over it. Is sanding carbon fiber safe. Can anyone recommend someone who would paint this spoiler for me from silver to red like below. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a201/mila0504/lowered/lowered001.jpg Thanks You
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