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Everything posted by Tractor

  1. My theory is dems controlled the banks into the ground and reps controlled the oil price into the ground as a counter. This is one fun election cycle with to much fishy business for sure.
  2. Tractor


    RAX FTW!! I just saw one down in South Parkersburg, WV this weekend. While we're on the old food topic... Anyone remember the Long John Silvers fish or chicken wraps? I'd love to eat those again, but I'd probably eat them every day like I did when they were around.
  3. Here's a shot I took the other day of the Pleiades star cluster. Look this one up on wiki and prepare to be amazed by the history, mythology, science about this object. I always enjoy reading the mythology behind the things in space and this ones loaded. http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/M45web.jpg This shot is a close up of the star with the blue fuzzy next to it. I used a camera lens for the first one and my telescope for the second pic. http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/NGC1435web.jpg
  4. The Obamas only make a little over 4 million a year. Well at least that was last years income report.
  5. Umm? In case some of you don't know it, there are union and non-union jobs. Unions don't enforce fair treatment in-non union environments. Do we hear of non-union workers being unfairly treated? Hehe only if they are non-union working in a union plant:-) There is also something called labor laws. Laws which didn't exist when unions where created. Today unions are nothing more than thugs forcing the largest American companies out of business and creating very difficult red tape and inefficiencies in work places.
  6. OPEN YOUR EYES DUDE!!! People without jobs do in fact file for tax credits. I know I have 3 cousins, a father inlaw, and various other people I'm around at family events that do it every year. My brother makes so little that he has no taxable income per the tax tables yet he gets back over 5K. Amazing how well you can really live in America without a job or any attempt at getting one. You wouldn't know my relatives from any other middle class families by looking at their cloths, homes, toys, or cars. Evan
  7. Yeah I like Canon, but that says nothing. Nikons most recent cameras are very nice. The last generation was a little noisy. Really now I'd say the only difference between them is the feel and the menus/controls. I really like Nikons built in off camera flash control, but there are ways around that problem. If your not wanting to get a prosumer DSLR then a Canon XSi or a nikon D90 would do well. You could also get the older versions for a pretty good price right now since the new ones just came out and everyones trading up to them. Go to Midwest Photo Exchange they are always very nice and helpful when I go in there and they have a good selection of gear.
  8. That is something a lot of people think about rich people. The way I think about poor americans is that they don't need to much at all to survive either. Hell give them less and they will work to get what they need. A lot of them will probably lose weight in the process.
  9. I wouldn't call sitting in a warm/cool house, being very very fat, and having a few kids all with the latest toys and cell phones for everyone, "really tough." Usually people revolt against the rich (read that leaders.) No ones ever revolted against business owners. Well mostly because eventually government ends up owning the businesses and basically rationing out survival to the poor helpless citizens. Your right, but so far its only happened when government was involved from the start or took over. Kings, emperors, gods whatever...
  10. hehe nice one Eric. I did listen to franken sometimes when I was tired of rush and WOSU. The shows format just wasn't very helpful at all to its success.
  11. I agree. My wife and I started out eating rice, spagetti (no meat to expensive), sandwiches, and we saved a little to go get a nice meal once per week at a restaurant. She had massive credit card debit that I found out about after we were married a couple months and I made us that budget. We had a car loan, rent, and she had a job paying less than 8 an hour. It was the middle of the tech bubble thing so I worked a lot of different jobs. We finally after a year and a half or so paid off her debit. Then a few years later while still having jobs under 10 an hour we bought our first house. 5 years after that sold it and moved into a nice one in the country on 5 acres and are approaching 100k per year. I can't wait to get above 108K so we can get taxed even more for our hard work.
  12. Its all 20,000 to the poor guy. doesn't matter to him how he got it. 20% tax for everyone, then I'd be happy.
  13. Occasionally I do find it going around in my head while I'm driving around at work. You don't? COMMIE
  14. I'm gonna say that since its on obamas site it can't possibly be at all biased. If that is true then good for him, but likely we're not getting accurate answers. Especially since he seems to feel we should all redistribute the wealth more evenly. I don't want my wealth given to anyone else unless I give it away myself. If it were my decision all social programs would be cut. It will be very impressive watching people who would normally be a lazy bum get off their asses to get food. Sure some of you bleeding hearts will think this is mean and if you believe it is then please go down to the homeless camp and give away a lot of your money. If you honestly can't do that then shut up since you now see my point.
  15. Thats a WTF moment right there. I bet he got a good talking to about it because that was pretty obvious.
  16. Saw a amish guy and his 2 boys plowing their garden with a couple of those last spring south of Mt Vernon on 586.
  17. Oh and on that note. I heard obama at a rally today actually do just that. He said, I'll try to quote as best I can, "now after this rally today, go vote."
  18. Yes its illegal. No party signage, pins, or any of that is allowed to be near a polling place. I'm not sure of the exact distance it has to be at, but I'm thinking maybe 150 feet or 100 yards or 300 yards or something. Its stated in some rules I've seen before.
  19. ACORN's feeding the homeless people if they go vote so I say its legal now.
  20. Would you like me to go take pictures of vets memorial and show you all the obama signs and obama activists down there holding some of the signs? I'm pretty sure that isn't even legal in itself. Oh not to mention the ghetto walruses sitting at tables with obama signs registering voters. I was down there today for work and saw it with my own eyes.
  21. I"m not sure what all the dems are bitching about "mccains negative compaining." McCains a total bitch and WILL NOT attack obama. Especially where he's most vulnerable. I would totally not be suprised if McCain is working on obamas side to give him the election. I hate them both and words aren't enough.
  22. No tax cut for me. I guess I should feel rich:-) Oh and happy to know that my brother who is a pos will get even more of my money.
  23. Wanted $700K or so for the place last time it was listed.
  24. Doubtful those people seemed like the type who would want way more than a reasonable amount. Probably the only reason that group was looking at it. They have billions and wouldn't give a shit as long as it was a place they thought they could hide. Evan
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