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Everything posted by Tractor

  1. You do know that NCLB was written primarily by Sen. Kennedy right? It was let through by Bush to get some other things done that needed through. Its called a compromise and sure I don't like it, but sometimes things happen that we don't like. BTW I'm all for vouchers. If my daughter ends up going to school at all it will be a private school.
  2. I posted a few weeks ago about the cult created by Rev Sun Yung Moon moving into the house next to me. Well the health dept did a surprise visit to the house and caught 65 of them living in the 3 bed room house and kicked them out. They were planning to house over 160 people there asap. So anyone wanna buy a nice 65 acre farm in Marengo? I'm guessing its back on the market.
  3. Create an amazon division. Problem solved. Evan
  4. Tractor

    Debate 3.0..?

    I think the candidates should just let the spinners talk. Not really worth watching any of it really.
  5. The lights look to me like an artifact caused by another light source in the area. florescent lights specifically will cause this sometimes.
  6. Yeap, my brother is the dude in question. He pays nothing in since he makes very little. Has a wife + 2 kids and gets back 5K every year. I know since I'm usually at the table while mom is doing his taxes and helping me figure out mine which with my investment crap is starting to get annoying enough to pay someone to do it. Evan
  7. No we should be aborting because it shrinks the democrat voting population:-)
  8. So says the Communist News Network and Associated Press Obama (hehe picked that one up from Rush.) Evan
  9. Tractor

    Issue 6.

    Okay I'm reasonably capable of reading legal documents, but I see nothing thats gonna get the casino off the hook. Well the only thing that could even be considered a tax break is the part about the $15million licensing fee being used as a tax credit until its exhausted. Basically that means if they make enough to pay $15million in taxes the first year then they pay no tax, but will for then on out. I don't care either way, but I'm always for anything that will create jobs or boost a local/state economy. The lies on the radio about this bill are really pissing me off. Evan
  10. Yes now is a great time to buy. We might be heading for a total collapse, maybe not, but minimize your risk by getting into a nicely rated ETF mutual fund. Usually the better ones require a higher minimum starting price (such as $2500-10K.) Just don't buy into a load fund or annuity and you should see profits if you wait it out then sell when you've had a very up years. Also mutual funds can be sold after 180days of owner ship without penalty otherwise you get an early termination fee which can eat your profits easily. Hehe anyone notice the one thing thats up big in the last few months is the US Dollar?
  11. I've made a nice little pile lately playing banks on all the political news. Got out of the short term stuff last thursday except I got a bunch of gold now that companies like Yamaha Gold (AUY) are below $7 per share. It'll be back up again soon and I'll cash out.
  12. Are any of you boy scouts also Order of the Arrow brothers? Evan
  13. Yeap kids should just be in Boy Scouts. Everything on the OP's list was taught in my troop. Especially cooking animals, Yummm. My troop hunted/fished, but we were a hillbilly troop. Evan
  14. The bill that was presented for the vote today was a "too little, too late" bill. It was changed a bit from the bill that was talked about last thursday and was only going to be 250billion up front which wouldn't even come close. Hell 750bil ain't gonna come close either, but you ain't getting to hear about that at the moment. Wait a few years even if they do pass one of that size and we'll be doing it again. Also the latest bill let the CEO's off the hook. I'm glad this one didn't pass so congress can argue out a new better plan that might actually work. Evan
  15. Hell Obama don't vote and he's running for pres:-) I do understand why you don't vote though. I don't like to vote at all, but I can't let Obama off without a fight in the only way I can make one. I'd almost vote for a third party and just wish everyone would go together on that and get rid of the dems/reps. Evan
  16. Funny, I thought that site showed me how ignorant the rest of the world is. Or how smart because they all would like nothing more than to see the big dog (US) ruined. Evan
  17. That would be a very funny thing to watch. I guess by "trying" he meant they figured out how heavy they are and ditched them. Evan
  18. Oh crap I knew it was bad, but didn't know it was that bad. I guess I'll be more careful when I'm servicing the copier at that Somalian school on Morse. Evan
  19. Sounds like your admitting to leaving the scene:-)
  20. That shit right there is whats wrong. I'm sure the board and some other top people knew where the company was headed and they still signed a guy up like that and payed him. I bet there's a few customers that don't fall under FDIC that would love to have some of his paycheck right now. Evan
  21. Well at least I will have a lot of Asian teens running around the area:-)
  22. OMG I have seriously bad luck with neighbors. I can't even make this shit up. Its Sun Myung Moon. Or at least its his "church" trying to move in next door. Would be one thing if it was a church, but they want to move over 150 kids here to live in a 3-4 bed rm house and call it a school. here's a link to info about Rev Moon http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun_Myung_Moon So far they might be getting kicked out because the county realized what they are trying to do. They weren't even going to build more living area or anything. Evan
  23. Washington post did the same thing with Reagan years ago on election day. Evan
  24. Must have been taken with a cellphone because I didn't think even a 2mp could be that noisy in daylight. Evan
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