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Everything posted by Tractor

  1. Find the closest one and then go from there. Rates will be determined by type of rock, distance to your place, and number of tons. Usually you need over 15 tons for a real price break. I used National gravel over in Delaware last year when I had 480 tons hauled for my driveway. Evan
  2. Didn't say it cause I like it. Only because we got enough hicks and WT around to sell it. Evan
  3. Heh too bad it wasn't waggin:-) Evan
  4. Did you replace the valve cover gasket along with the spark plug hole gaskets? They are kinda hard to get out with just a screw driver and hammer, but it works. The holes I"m referring to are on the valve cover where the spark plug boots would pass through. Evan
  5. I say buy up the surrounding homes and burn them. Then install a larger NASCAR track:-) Well that is if they really want to bring in the money. Evan
  6. Fuck that. My `94 corolla wagon with a 4 speed auto and 300K on the clock gets over 30mpg. Actually it gets 26 because I'm usually working with the engine running several hours of the day or napping at lunch with it running. Also the car is loaded to the roof with copier/printer parts and tools. Evan
  7. You mean you guys have never seen an ass pimple? Evan
  8. Pretty easy. Just use pry bars or find someone with the correct tools for the job. They look like pry bars, but have special ends to help in the process. I've done it a lot of times since up here I get charged between 25 and 35 per tire. Back home wouldn't waste the time when I could get it done for $4. Also good way to unseat the bead is to place wheel on ground and drive over rubber with heavy truck. Evan
  9. Just being in a job were I end up walking in to customer offices all day long, introducing myself, and making an attempt at being professional while I listen to them and repair their copy machines has helped a lot with social anxiety for me. Also being the team lead doesn't hurt either since I end up doing a lot of talking when we're in a group. I've learned to relax and just be my usual silly self. Evan
  10. I know I got this one, social anxiety, seems a lot of people in my family have it. Lots of lefties too, and I bet now days if I was a kid in school they'd label me with some form of autism. Actually social anxiety disorder is a symptom of autism anyway. Schools have begun to realize that the people they used to label ADHD, and "learning disabled" just have different wiring in their brains and learn in different ways. They understand things in different ways and make the population diverse. Most of these people used to end up in technical fields such as auto repair or welding because they got sent to the local trade school due to their "different" way of learning. Hopefully the system has learned they shouldn't be told they aren't worth teaching like they did in the late 70's through the mid 90's. I'm sure I'm nuts too, but thats just my hillbilly coming out:-) Evan
  11. Nope no law against it. Actually if you look around there are signs pointing to where you should park your tire at most intersections. At the bigger intersections there ain't lines or signs, but you can clearly see the box you should sit in most of the time. Evan
  12. I had a cop in westerville bitch at me once about squealing in a parking lot. I got out of a ticket though. I was in my trail rig and I showed him there is no possible way to turn the truck without it squealing the tires. I even offered to let him try:-) Evan
  13. Blah Mines over 300K just finally had a water pump and thats the only engine part its ever had. The problem sounds like a bad spark plug and/or wires. Engines take fuel, air, and fire to run. Your forgetting fire:-) I'd pull out the plugs and scrape off the gunk:-) Thats what I've done. Never changed the plugs either. Evan
  14. No amount of cops short of so many we have ZERO freedom will prevent a terror type attack. I'd like to suggest that either A) Bush's boys have done a super job of keeping us safe since 9/11 or B) No terrorists (or other crazies) have attempted any assaults of any type since 9/11 I really like Bush and I got his back on anything to do with the military, but I think (B) is the correct answer. I've said before that I work all over town as a field service technician and that I go in 90% of the buildings in the Columbus metro area. I see no possibility that the current level of security we have at any building would protect us from any attack. Just yesterday I was waived through security at the state house (by highway patrol officers) without any checks. I protested and they said "We see you in and out all the time and your carrying tools." I did get them to check my stuff and felt better:-) A real terror attack would be a van of guys with automatic weapons and explosives pulling up to a school. That would scare the shit out of the US people and theres nothing we can do about it. Or hell I was waiting in line the other day at the county court house and thought to myself "There are hundreds of people here who could all die if a suicide bomber was in the crowd." Now that right there is scary. I was in line to get through the "Security check point." That right there is the stuff that bothers me about all the "Homeland" security BS that we get fed. Someone tell me how the government could protect us in these places? They must be doing a great job or no threat exists. Evan
  15. Well it is a "Breaks and Smokes." Besides that are you sure thats a breather tube? Small engines aren't that complicated. Usually I just stare and poke them until I figure out how things work on them. Evan
  16. ??? I'm just talking for the post count. Evan
  17. Bring it. Can't wait to see what rate my company will reimburse me at:-) Evan
  18. Good idea. I keep forgetting about alldata. Evan
  19. Try another place. Most of the time they will let it slide and give you your stuff. They know how hard it is to get all that crap together and if anythings fishy you'll be caught eventually anyway (In their opinion.) I have 2 relatives that work at the license/title places. No they ain't local or I'd send you to them. Evan
  20. Anyone know a good place to get a technical manual for the NP 203 transfer case? It came on GM, Ford, and Dodge trucks `60-80's though I'm not sure if it would be included in their transmission manuals. Evan
  21. Tractor

    QSL is Dead :\

    Yeap same old story's been going on since the days of the muscle cars. Nothing we can do about it except buy a place or stay home. Evan
  22. I"m religious (and suck at it), but I agree no religion has any place in a public school. If the teacher wants a bible or whatever on his desk thats fine, but no teaching it. Also government should have no position on it other than don't teach it. If someone feels they need to make it part of their lesson plans then they need to get a job at a private church school. Evan
  23. Only problem I see is that Ford and subsidiaries aren't in a big pile at the bottom of the list. Oh well they'll just have to make due scattered along the roadsides:-0 Evan
  24. The people should be armed with the same weapons the military gets. Its no different than the days of the pistol and musket. At the time those were the end all of elite weapons too. Now excuse me while I go pick out my howitzer, because my yard would look sweet with field guns. Evan
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