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Everything posted by Tractor

  1. I agree, that would be the best move.
  2. Tractor

    CCW question

    That is not what the law says. I made the key parts bold. Of course it does not specifically say what to do in the case that one does not have the handgun with them and this is where the grey area starts. Sure you can win in court, but personally I'd just inform them either way to make the situation less tense because you never know what type of LEO you've encountered. 2923.126 Duties of licensed individual. (A) A license to carry a concealed handgun that is issued under section 2923.125 of the Revised Code on or after March 14, 2007, shall expire five years after the date of issuance, and a license that is so issued prior to March 14, 2007, shall expire four years after the date of issuance. A licensee who has been issued a license under that section shall be granted a grace period of thirty days after the licensee’s license expires during which the licensee’s license remains valid. Except as provided in divisions (B) and © of this section, a licensee who has been issued a license under section 2923.125 or 2923.1213 of the Revised Code may carry a concealed handgun anywhere in this state if the licensee also carries a valid license and valid identification when the licensee is in actual possession of a concealed handgun. The licensee shall give notice of any change in the licensee’s residence address to the sheriff who issued the license within forty-five days after that change. If a licensee is the driver or an occupant of a motor vehicle that is stopped as the result of a traffic stop or a stop for another law enforcement purpose and if the licensee is transporting or has a loaded handgun in the motor vehicle at that time, the licensee shall promptly inform any law enforcement officer who approaches the vehicle while stopped that the licensee has been issued a license or temporary emergency license to carry a concealed handgun and that the licensee currently possesses or has a loaded handgun; the licensee shall not knowingly disregard or fail to comply with lawful orders of a law enforcement officer given while the motor vehicle is stopped, knowingly fail to remain in the motor vehicle while stopped, or knowingly fail to keep the licensee’s hands in plain sight after any law enforcement officer begins approaching the licensee while stopped and before the officer leaves, unless directed otherwise by a law enforcement officer; and the licensee shall not knowingly remove, attempt to remove, grasp, or hold the loaded handgun or knowingly have contact with the loaded handgun by touching it with the licensee’s hands or fingers, in any manner in violation of division (E) of section 2923.16 of the Revised Code, after any law enforcement officer begins approaching the licensee while stopped and before the officer leaves. Additionally, if a licensee is the driver or an occupant of a commercial motor vehicle that is stopped by an employee of the motor carrier enforcement unit for the purposes defined in section 5503.04 of the Revised Code and if the licensee is transporting or has a loaded handgun in the commercial motor vehicle at that time, the licensee shall promptly inform the employee of the unit who approaches the vehicle while stopped that the licensee has been issued a license or temporary emergency license to carry a concealed handgun and that the licensee currently possesses or has a loaded handgun. If a licensee is stopped for a law enforcement purpose and if the licensee is carrying a concealed handgun at the time the officer approaches, the licensee shall promptly inform any law enforcement officer who approaches the licensee while stopped that the licensee has been issued a license or temporary emergency license to carry a concealed handgun and that the licensee currently is carrying a concealed handgun; the licensee shall not knowingly disregard or fail to comply with lawful orders of a law enforcement officer given while the licensee is stopped or knowingly fail to keep the licensee’s hands in plain sight after any law enforcement officer begins approaching the licensee while stopped and before the officer leaves, unless directed otherwise by a law enforcement officer; and the licensee shall not knowingly remove, attempt to remove, grasp, or hold the loaded handgun or knowingly have contact with the loaded handgun by touching it with the licensee’s hands or fingers, in any manner in violation of division (B) of section 2923.12 of the Revised Code, after any law enforcement officer begins approaching the licensee while stopped and before the officer leaves.
  3. 30 second mark is awesome.
  4. Tractor

    CCW question

    Law says it must be an "official" interaction. I'd say no, but then some LEO will try to cite you for failure to notify when your not even armed.
  5. hehe, anyone want to practice that? you can come to my place and do it all day, just don't hit my windmill.
  6. I've been in some really amazing sideways situations in my 99 GC on 270 and so far nothing like that has come close to happening. I even had a +60mph trip on the other side of a ramps guard rail (don't ask) completely side ways through half of the ramps length and pulled out of it at about 40 and continued back onto the highway and about my business. One thing I will say is that the rear will go out of control very easily. When I-71 does its "full stop" thing on the way back up to morrow county I've been in those exactly fast left right situations dodging cars. The bad part is you usually have to do a lot of recovering to get the vehicle to get back to straight, it over corrects like mad. In their video, I watched it quite a lot and it seems like the volvo is going considerably slower than the GC. That and they seem to be trying to roll it pretty bad opposed to just trying to steer it left, then right quickly.
  7. No kidding, I have a hard time not dumping magazines from my back porch every evening.
  8. Thats exactly how it is everytime I visit my wife's family in Parkersburg, WV. Her dad is my hero, he's like 70 and married a 30yr old chick thats completely nuts. She decided that the neighbors flower bed is an access road to her back yard and drives through it all the time honking her horn and screaming shit out the window on her way to and from getting her ice tea at wendys 6-7 times per day.
  9. 90% of my gear was used when I bought it and it works flawlessly, but this is all L series lenses and pro bodies so I didn't expect anything less. Changing ISO on the fly is paramount to event shooting, not so important with other subjects though.
  10. I used investopedia.com live simulation for paper trading in combination with losing real money before I learned to make profit. Picking good stocks to invest in isn't really that difficult if your truly going to "invest" vs trade. The game I mentioned earlier will help a lot with learning to pick those companies and let you run through 100yrs of history within a few hours to see the results. Investing to me would be for someone with loads of money who doesn't want any risk and simply wants better return than bank accounts can offer. In this type of investing you don't bother with cheap stocks or new start up companies. Stick with the bigger better run companies, read industry projections and the news to simply put money in and wait for down the road. This is what your 401K's and mutual funds do already except they take all the thinking out of it for small gains. Now "trading" is a whole other ball game and I have my own methods of picking companies and they are extremely complex. I really don't care what company I pick or what they do, I look at the industry projections, and then read a bit about the company through sources like the S&P reports. The next thing I do is start watching their charts and maybe even place a paper trade so that I'll remember to pay more attention. Then I watch the stock along with the world and US news to see how its effected by different situations, ie fed meetings, world events, etc. This takes months and even years to analyze an individual stock, but I watch hundreds of them so there's always something I'm trading. Once I feel I "know" the stock I place real money on it and these days I don't make bad trades (though sometimes I don't hit the bottom or top, but no ones perfect.) Once I've gotten a stock I want to trade I plan my trade and start watching the MACD, stochastic, and williams charts. Then along with a nice candle stick chart with calibrated moving average lines, volume, and bollinger bands I start to pick my entry point or exit point. I suggest reading up on these chart types as well as many others that I haven't messed with yet. Especially important are the candle stick chart patterns. The last thing I do before actually placing a trade is check news and company investor pages to see if anything important is coming up. Typically around the release of a quarterly report isn't the time to be buying or selling unless you know something that everyone else doesn't or have learned how a particular company behaves at these times. Same with fed meetings and more recently meetings of Euro banks. Oh last big important point, try to keep trading purely technical on your end and let the rest of the noobs trade with emotions. You'll make money simply doing this.
  11. http://www.roninsoft.com/wsraider.htm Bottom of the page has a link to the shareware version though the full version is something that I have paid for in the past and the program is worth it.
  12. Wall street raider is a nice little game you can download to learn about longer term and market trading really quickly. I played it when it was DOS based.
  13. The secret to IPOs is that the company holds an invite only sale weeks before the public offering and in the case of FB it was a classic "pump and dump." if you looked at the Fed/Sec filings for FB you could have known this.
  14. Nope, its been all but sold off and is still posting >65million per year losses (well loss for last year anyway, its totally out of business now it seems.) Sinking ship thats up to its rudder.
  15. One thing to remember about the investing industries, people tend to invest when they have money and when the markets are really booming. This lends to getting stuck when prices come down, panic selling, and just plain not thinking. Now if you learn to invest in the downs and cash out when things look "too good", you can do really well over the long term. My uncle is a day trader, and got me involved over 15yrs ago while I was still a teen. Life hasn't gotten me to the point where I can trade with a lot of cash yet, but with what little I've had at my disposal I've done very well (mostly because I can't afford not to.) I have had plenty of losses, but over all I've been able to beat the indexes many times over just by paying attention and I've purchased a lot of fun toys over the years without having to spend family money. I'm currently going through a major overhaul of things and am preparing to maximize my savings which will equate to maximizing my investment cash. With any luck I'll actually be able to retire someday and if I do I'll write a book because it'll be a good read;-)
  16. I agree with Supplicium. Keep GE, I'll also second keeping AMTD. The Investing market isn't so hot right now and should pick up over time as things continue to improve slowly. AMTD isn't actually in all that bad of a situation, just average for banking/investing companies and probably won't get a lot worse. As for Nortel, I did some quick research on it and its finalizing selling off all its assets and going out of business. Personally if I found myself with a stock in this position I think I'd just have to take the loss and get back what ever its still worth. Maybe buy something to make you or your wife smile just to cheer you up over it.
  17. Taking your gain/loss this week into consideration I'd sell apple, fb, anything with a loss and start fresh. There are profits to be had and you'll just miss it waiting if you hold.
  18. I'm in the car right now so can't say much except that you need to stop trading for awhile and just invest in longer term stable companies while you learn the why and how of trading, stock picking, and timing. If your interested you can do well but it takes time.
  19. You could try this realtor Sid Huck http://public.remax.net/public/pages/AffiliateProfile.aspx?aff_spc=res&rows=0&usrprof=42C4DC40-6B18-4EA7-9DB2-A2B4FFE8CBF6&resultindex=-1 Not sure if the info is current. if its not I'll get you better contact info. He's my personal realtor, been in the business for a long time, and knows people. Not just one of those guys who puts your house on the list and collects his commission. I don't know much about 401K's I don't have one (though I could see the benefit for some people.)
  20. Do any of the CR Vets have experience with the buggy (Desert Patrol Vehicle?) It would be kinda cool to hear some stories. Doing a little reading on it, it sounds like a blast.
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