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Everything posted by Tractor

  1. Here's a few of the more interesting vehicles at a military show near Marengo. Not a big show, but still a good time and most of the vehicles (except some willys restorations) aren't to the point where they don't let people touch them. The reaction from the kids as they hold on to the wheel of a big truck or peer through the sites of an M60 BMG is priceless. 1 http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/automotive/IMG_97801.jpg 2 http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/automotive/IMG_97761.jpg 3 http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/automotive/IMG_97751.jpg 4 http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/automotive/IMG_97731.jpg 5 http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/automotive/IMG_97671.jpg 6 http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/automotive/IMG_97661.jpg 7 http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/automotive/IMG_97641.jpg 8 http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/automotive/IMG_97631.jpg 9 http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/automotive/IMG_97601.jpg
  2. Its a jeep, no way around that and if your other choices are cobra and cadillac I'm not sure you've spent enough quality time in a jeep. They are built very simply and with a certain type of person in mind that doesn't mind the noise, hot/cold weather, very bad ride compared to any sedan or other "car" type vehicle and most trucks these days. If your planning to do some trails, beach driving, or something similar then a jeep would be awesome, but then remember you'll have to do maintenance and if trail riding you will break things eventually and wreck the body.
  3. I'll try to bring my truck down. Might need a special parking spot though.
  4. The full frame won't effect low light rooms, but faster glass and higher ISO capabilities will. If I were doing interior shots I'd pickup a couple cyber sync triggers and use an off camera flash to get the light where and how I want it.
  5. Yeah I have the 16-35L II, awesome lens but on a full frame you do get some barrel distortion at 16mm. Its not as much as the Mark I and easy for lightroom to auto correct using the lens profile. Personally if your just shooting indoor/outdoor shots of houses I'd save even more money and get the 5D Mk II. It will be a huge improvement over the 40D (I have one of those too so I know) and the 5D Mk III isn't all that different over the Mk II except for price. You could possibly get an awesome deal on it using the canon trade in program to swap your 40D. Then use the rest of the money for really good glass which is going to make a much bigger difference in photo/video quality.
  6. I'm not an expert on it, but it sounds like it was sorta your fault. Sure they could have done a better job of stopping traffic, but it could also be argued that you should have been more aware of what was ahead. The cable could be looked at as a stationary object and you were in motion so you would be at fault. I'm just throwing some ideas out there, but basically you'd almost have to have them admit a mistake and pay you damages. If they don't want to do that then you don't really have any recourse due to mistakes on both sides.
  7. Gary Fong is a photographer who's been quite successful by not being a photographer. Just like Ken Rockwell except better:-)
  8. I do know of at least one film company (they do a lot of documentaries ie history channel) that switched to 5Dmk II's as their main video cameras. I use a 5Dmk II and personally wouldn't use it for video either, but I'm in no way a video expert or even hobbyist and have only used the video mode a few times playing around. You mentioned that you want to use it for your real estate business. If thats the case then the 5Dmk III is full frame vs 1D's aren't unless you get the full frame model which is $$$. For that type of photography I'd think full frame would be all that is necessary and if you have a 5Dmk II now I wouldn't bother upgrading unless you just have money to throw away. If you do have money to burn I'd get some tilt-shift lenses which would make your building shots look much better.
  9. chevy c40 dump trucks had the two speed rear end. Not sure which other ones. My duece and a half can be split shifted using the transfer case when you have a heavy load. The sequence is; Transfer case - Low range transmission 1st gear 2nd gear 3rd gear transfer case to high range transmission 2nd gear 3rd gear 4th gear 5th gear Doing this on the street would be very annoying and you'd have shifted 5 times before you even got through an intersection. Its slow enough empty and using only high range you can easily use up a green arrow making a left turn.
  10. I expected more wind from that distance. Very cool
  11. I lived off Dempsey for about five years, five years ago. Not a bad area, but it is going downhill. Right now places are really cheap.
  12. Getting the CCW is the first step. Next is the life changing part, you must carry it at every possible opportunity and practice drawing with different types of clothing on, this includes clearing the gun of clothing before trying to draw. You also must learn to pay attention to your surroundings as much as possible. Bad guys don't like getting noticed from across a parking lot and move on to some unsuspecting target fumbling for their keys or something.
  13. I've had a deputy knock on my door at 3-4am and I didn't have any trouble knowing who was there, but thats me and my house. I could totally see this type of thing happening at the two apartments I've lived in over the years. I'd look through the peep hole before opening the door with a gun pointed at a person yet unidentified. If the dude had no peep hole then he couldn't do much else other than have the gun at his side which he probably did and one of the cops freaked.
  14. USGS Topographical maps have elevation points of just about all rises/summits (if in hills) marked on them. Remember each time your GPS takes a reading it is within specs to be 1-2 ft off +/- your correct elevation so its not at all impossible that between two units you were off several hundred feet at the end of your trip. At least this is how civilian GPS units worked a few years ago. Now I use an android device for mapping and don't really know their accuracy.
  15. I don't think I've been to a shoot in several years where I didn't bring 100-150lbs of equipment, and I don't have external power packs to add to that weight. I simply bring everything I could possibly need "times 3, or 5 for backup." Your right those photos would never have left my desk either. Several of them probably would have been deleted the moment after I shot them as simple lighting tests, but I sure as hell wouldn't have published them. I'd have told them the photos were erased by the airport metal detector first.
  16. I do love the color's in that shot.
  17. Even still the hard light coming from the side of the subject is just poor placement in lots of the photos and really should have simply been turned off and either A) no flash used, or B) just bounce and on camera flash off anything at all or the ceiling and you could get much better photos than what was produced. Looking at them closely I wondered if they were even "the photos," to me they seem like they are more of what a "guy with camera" might get during a pro shoot rather than what anyone even a moron would get "doing the shoot" as the main photog.
  18. Thanks, I'm very proud of that one because if you tried to shoot it you'd soon find out that the bright white core is about 15-20 stops brighter than the magenta cloud surrounding it which is way outside the range of digital cameras. This means you must shoot it twice, once to get the core exposed and next to get the faint detail, then combine them while blending well enough to not notice the two photos easily. Core shot I think is about 30, 10 second shots combined then combined onto the faint regions about 30 photos at 2-3 minutes each combined, processed, and then adjusted to bring out the detail. In all the photo would take about 8-10 hrs to complete.
  19. I like the compositions just fine. On a photo of that type you should at least crop to straighten the horizon as much as possible, it really fixes the photo. Besides that they are just outside of the camera's ability without a tripod. Lightroom could fix the noise and photoshop could remove motion blur pretty well if you wanted, but obviously its still best to just get it right while taking the photo. EXIF was 1/8th sec, F/3.1 @ ISO 800
  20. Oh and I just love this recent one of my oldest daughter. We took her and little sister to Innis Wood for a fairy photo shoot a few weeks ago. http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/Ava/547223_10151773380665531_477306197_n.jpg
  21. This one is probably my all time favorite, I have it in my bed room printed as 16x24 on metallic paper and is the last and first photo I see each day. I don't think that version is my final edit, but could be wrong. http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/SchoolRuinsweb.jpg This one of Orion Nebula is something I dreamed of capturing since I was probably 6-7 years old and finally got the equipment and skills to do it. http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/M4211-18-08.jpg
  22. My brother in law does high rigger work and makes good money, but he also spends a good bit of time waiting for the next project.
  23. If you were welding with a stick it's perfect, except you forgot all the spatter. Since I know very little about this process I'll leave it to an expert, but it looks goods to me.
  24. I will show up sometime but 100+ is to hot to hang around a parking lot.
  25. You missed my point completely and might as well bitch about my grammar next. You did however prove me wrong on the nut shot, as I must have hit your epeen pretty well.
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