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Everything posted by Tractor

  1. I suppose a concrete saw could be rented to cut it. It could take a different blade since the blacktop will be much softer. The rental company would likely know that part.
  2. Well if your lot slopes down around the back of your garage you could take up like 12" of blacktop across the front of your garage and put in a storm drain (concrete and steel) then just pipe it to the back yard. You could use the big black slinky pipe (can't think of name) then just let it pop out of the ground where ever it finally meets the grades elevation. Or you could dump it into a gravel bed underground. I piped all my roof drains around to the back of my house. several run under my driveway. I live on a hill, but I wanted to get as much water away from the house as possible.
  3. Is your lot elevated enough to allow a simple gravel drain to route the water away from the garage. There are lots of options if you think about it.
  4. And since this has become the kids thread http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/Ava/IMG_7394.jpg
  5. Very nice! What lens is that? Its quite sharp if its the kit lens. Definitely a keeper
  6. I adverstise my business on there since its free and it gives me another free web link to my site. I get inquiries and sometimes I get a booking so its not all bad.
  7. Here's the yahoo story on it. 12 more pics inside http://news.yahoo.com/nphotos/Flooding-opens-up-sinkholes-Guatemala-City/ss/events/wl/053110guatemalahole
  8. I know. Other photos don't have it looking so perfect so it wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't cleaned up a little for the dramatic effect.
  9. I'm getting worried http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/2010/06/01/2010-06-01_massive_sinkhole_swallows_building_in_guatemala_city_in_wake_of_tropical_storm_a.html
  10. I've been all over, but I haven't been that far up Le Veque Tower.
  11. One of the reasons you can't get much effort from the companies is that they are self employed for a reason. Some just don't have it together enough to be responsible and if the bills are paid they don't look to hard for work.
  12. I can just see Shamanki's ads, "Call me, CR approves"
  13. Sounds good to me. I dated my wife while she was finishing high school:-) We've been married 9 years this year I think.
  14. Oh I know, I was just putting it out there as general knowledge for anyone interested. I don't do this full time yet so I'm still cheap. I just like to do a complete and professional job anyway. I typically won't do a "shoot and burn" where I just hand over an unedited DVD of the photos because that will look bad on me. If you are interested or have questions let me know. Even if you don't want to use my services your on CR so I'll help anyway I can. evan@photographybyevan.com
  15. To further on that comment, think about this. That price range will put a single wedding photographer in a position to take home around $50,000 per year so thats not even a great job from a professional's perspective. If your business stays in the midwest (not destination weddings) then you shoot typically 25-40 weddings per year and your considered busy. Also to comment on time to shoot a wedding, sure you see us shoot for 3 hrs, but in the digital age we have to do all our processing ourselves (film labs used to do most of it) so on a typical wedding I spend another 8hrs at my desk going through each photo removing, duplicates, blinkers, obvious bad shots/test shots. This can bring a stack of 1000 photos down to about 600. Then I usually get 50-100 that I consider FIVE STAR and I edit them much heavier and use them in promotions and put them in the first draft of the client album if they ordered one. This still isn't including the time we spend driving to and meeting clients at least once and hopefully twice or three times (engagement session and perhabs rehearsal night). Or driving to the venues to check lighting conditions and rules about equipment placement.
  16. Yes that was pretty lucky. There must be something about throwing the can and not exploding, because when my brother finally threw the can the fire didn't stay with it very well either. I would have expected the fire to ignite the whole can and boom or at least really awesome flame shooting out then boom.
  17. Thats the second time I've seen that happen. The first time my brother did it and I was there.
  18. I think I'd be more impressed by the whole "31 and only 15 pounds overweight part" the good 40yrd time should go along with that by default.
  19. I have a Sony CX100. It works good, but I'm no expert in video and I bet if I had any clue what I were doing it would be even better. Hehe so I guess it takes HD video of my daughter which is why it was bought. We still don't use it that much because I prefer my still pictures.
  20. Egress from high altitude??? survivable??? yeah thats exactly how I want a "cut short" sub orbital trip to Europe to end.
  21. Tractor


    Met with a potential wedding client at Loveland Castle near cinci. That place is very cool if anyone's looking for something to tour.
  22. I second the craigslist ad suggestion. It is a free web link back to your site. I use it and I get as much traffic from craigslist as I get from any other means of advertising I do at the moment. Also get the business on facebook and have her get people becoming fans. That is a great free way to network.
  23. The first thing to do is search engine optimization. Google it, read how google identifies and classifies web pages, and then set up your sites, tags, text areas, site maps, etc... The next thing to do is get your site linked with other similar sites. Since its a sewing machine repair shop, you'd wanna get linked on sewing forums, and other sewing related sites. This will help google validate your site as related to sewing. After that your pretty much where my site is now. To move up the list I'd have to buy ad space on other wedding related sites. You can do the ad words program, but from what I've read it gets expensive quick. It might just be a wedding photography thing, but $900 per month seems to be about normal for my field. And that might not even work. I'd think for something as specific as sewing machine repair you could do well on google just by following my first suggestions and also by mapping your company on google maps.
  24. I take polls all the time. All I gotta do is get up on a Saturday and answer my phone. They seem to have locked on to me and I get calls all morning to about 1pm. Gets ridiculous around election time.
  25. Very nice, though the photography is horrible. I'm surprised its even watermarked being that underexposed.
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