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Everything posted by Tractor

  1. Most people are sheep.
  2. I would be fine with a rule that pushes companies to be "more easily able" to provide emails and other normally private information to courts if ordered by an investigation. It would just speed up the process and make it more universal. I'd be against anything else though.
  3. This, you can enlarge a photo a good bit sometimes with photoshop. Though you shouldn't have a problem getting at least an 11x14 out of it.
  4. Tractor

    Flight 587

    Since it was so close to the time of 9/11 I can see where there would be a connection in peoples minds. The national transportation safety guys have the data recorder and if they say it was overuse of rudder than I guess thats what we have to go on unless you can get the data recorder and look at it yourself. It would not surprise me if it was terrorists and was covered up, but I have a feeling that if it were terrorists so soon after 9/11 it would have been used as a "call to war" more likely than covered up.
  5. Shots look great. The only thing you should keep in mind is composition, it takes practice and I still catch myself not watching out for it as well. What I'm meaning is things like the "rule of thirds." Some of the shots have way to much sky, grass, or both. Unless the sky or the ground have something very interesting in them or in some way are helping to tell the story they are just taking up space. Its typically best not to center subjects also. Though when shooting horizontally putting that old pickup truck in the far left 1/5th of the frame and letting a lot of that beautiful scenery show across the remaining 4/5ths would be completely exceptable. This is an exception to that rule of thirds that works. Of course photography also falls into the realm of "art" so one guys art is another guys trash so don't take any criticism to seriously.
  6. My family took a nice vacation to West Virginia last weekend. I was curious if any of CR's rock climbers have done Sceneca Rock? From my photo below it looks pretty massive and it is, but from photos I've seen of rock climbers on it I guess its a 5-10ft wide ridge when you get on top. Must be a great view from up there. I'll never know, hehe. http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/ScenecaRock.jpg Bonus photo from Lindy Point in nearby blackwater falls state park. This one I was able to walk a nice flat path to get to:-) http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/LindyPoint.jpg
  7. so no camera phone photos will will like a decent phone instead of underexposed, noisy crap. hehe can't wait for the girl with camera thread now:-)
  8. True, desaturated seems to be popular. I'm always going back and fourth in my thinking about how to process. I prefer as "true to life" as possible, but its annoying to see photogs that look "different" and eye catching and I know all they did was use one of many filters that get floated around the net to achieve the look. hehe sorta like what TOPAZ does to the noobs.
  9. Not to argue to much, but the 2 that seem desaturated, that is an effect of shooting into a bright sun and in these cases not caused by the saturation slider.
  10. The last shot was confirmed to be a night shoot in the snow.
  11. Very nice. They look very real.
  12. Thinking back I'm gonna say the F/11 aperture cut the flare down and got the sun nearly properly exposed and at the same time caused the rays due to the closed aperture blades. At least I hope I can reproduce it because I put it on facebook and my next engagement client wants something similar.
  13. I did get some of what I wanted I'll post up when I get through editing.
  14. If the flare looks good let me have:-) Here's some of what is being done this year from some of the photogs on a forum I'm learning from. http://www.toddbaughphoto.com/posts/fm/anna_blog09.jpg http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq351/alanabramsphotography/Silke/IMG_0408.jpg http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k221/Adonis79/mk32of40.jpg And then at night by the queen of flare http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4046/4451198789_3fdda931f6_o.jpg
  15. Very cool. I'll have to take my daughter there.
  16. Those are some really nice shots and yes very nice set of animals to have lurking around a farm.
  17. Here's a pic from an engagement shoot I did yesterday in the arena district. I was actually going for the lens flare effect that seems to be this years (in thing) for wedding shoots. Instead I ended up getting this. http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/IMG_8958.jpg By the way the arena district is really cool for engagement or even modeling sessions. I'm actually surprised all I usually see is just a wedding party at the arch. So much more potential around the area. I could spend a week there with a model easily.
  18. This, and then just to "keep it simple" you did plug it in to a known working outlet? Breakers do pop. Its also possible the saw has some type of fuse or possibly since your talking a good bit of amps the "go switch" is burnt a little and not working. Lots of possibilities I'd have to put a meter on it to know for sure.
  19. Tractor

    Get outside

    Yeah very nice tonight. I'm going to "Astronomy weekend" at Blackwater Falls state park in West Virginia next weekend and my scope is being packed up for the trip.
  20. I do agree though, this stuff should not be put on video.
  21. Actually one of the posts did remind me of my grandpa and his garden. He uses live cage traps to keep ground hawgs, rabbits and other things out. He then employes gasoline and fire just so you get the idea. Hehe wouldnt that make a great video you double standard pussies.
  22. What did you use to fix the focus ( just sharpening or more tools) Its a very nice save.
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