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Everything posted by Tractor

  1. So your all serious and none of you LOL'd? Even just a little?
  2. I guess I'm old school, but I don't particularly see anything wrong with it and the yelping made it pretty funny to me. As someone said it could be another country where they still consider an unwanted litter of puppies a nuisance. Where and when I grew up that was the standard way of getting rid of them except most people put them in a sack so they weren't going to survive. Not here to argue and I won't respond to OMG your a jerk type comments, its just the way things were 15-20 yrs ago in southern, OH and I bet it hasn't changed much.
  3. Maybe they are looking for pieces of the spotlight that fell off the other helicopter:-)
  4. I do know BOA had an office downtown. I can't remember what building, but I was there servicing their copier once. Its either in the Huntington building or One Columbus.
  5. I've seen cases at mid west photo in clintonville. I"m sure someone there knows about them.
  6. Electrostatic interference, totally normal. I stuck my radio on AM many years ago and never used FM again. As a side note about AM. During a meteor shower (such as the perseids going on right now) you can improve your meteor sighting chances by setting multiple radios around you on AM channels for cities say 100miles away that you can't normally pick up well. Just as a meteor is burning up the signal will increase from that station and direction.
  7. Move to the country and burn it;-)
  8. Cool, I've always wanted to, but just never put it high on the hobby list.
  9. I just picked up a gateway very similar to this last month http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0334569 at microcenter. Only major difference is mine was a core 2 duo system. Its been awesome so far and no complaints except I don't get enough chances to use it.
  10. First vid looks like aircraft lights. I've seen that configuration lots of times flying over. Second vid is pretty cool, but I'm not to worried since it appears to be low tech due to the "smoke trail" being left by the main object. I agree all UFO vids suck and theres no real good reason for it with today's cameras. I wanna see a UFO because as a photographer I'm not gonna be shaking all over and the focus is gonna be spot on.
  11. If its green and in the yard its grass. Flowers are anything green with a different color on the top. Sorry I'm to hillbilly to be much help.
  12. I've got family who've abused the system for generations as well.
  13. We had a good time. Didn't get sunburned this year. I enjoy the displays more than the show because as some have said it gets old and to me after I've seen an F-18 demo not much else is gonna impress me. Did anyone get a good shot of the F-18 creating that cone of condensed air around it during a high speed pass? I got just the beginnings of it, but wasn't paying attention and already stopped my shooting when it was in full effect. I was thinking I should get a photography pass and go there with a 100-400 maybe next year. Doesn't cost much more and you get to park on the flight line.
  14. You know, the blue angles formation flying never really impressed me. I like seeing what one can do solo. Do like seeing what an F-18 can do solo though. Very impressive when it doesn't have to worry about hitting another plane.
  15. I'm taking my Dad, and nephew this weekend. I haven't been there for a few years, but its always awesome. http://www.usats.org/
  16. create a facebook fan page for it as well. I'll let everyone I know in ohio from other photog forums know about it asap.
  17. I got a suggestion, hehe. You can get members by posting it up on craigslist. There are plenty of local photographers in there that need help.
  18. Thanks for posting this. I just started playing with it. Pretty cool except when a hacker is on the map.
  19. I do primarily weddings, but have been known to do senior pictures.
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