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Everything posted by AngryBMW

  1. I got you, bruh. I'm working with my underwriter on some details that I will have for you Monday or Tuesday at the latest. -Marc
  2. Fly back, judo chop his throat, take car and his wallet, park car until you come home and have time to complete yourself, fly back and eat sushi. Like a boss. -Marc
  3. Quit sending me dick picks. Homo. -Marc
  4. So, did you give her a link to CR? -Marc
  5. She's going to come up...who should she ask for? -Marc
  6. Old Wedgewood Pub location? I'll send a bartender your way. -Marc
  7. After BeerFest?? Ugh...I may not be alive. -Marc
  8. Someone should link the thread to his FB to remind him to come on back and earn some new clients! -Marc
  9. Hello CR! I am currently the head of my banks community action committee and we are focused on helping our surrounding area through various forms of charity. Throughout the year, I help plan, run, and participate with many different organizations that all work to help those less fortunate. Last year, with the combined efforts of our offices throughout Ohio, we raised and donated over $5,000,000! I am sure everyone here is familiar with the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization so I will focus on this particular event as opposed to the organization. The Bowl for Kids Sake event is the BBBS largest fundraiser of the year. We are hoping to raise $450,000 this year which will be used to help mentor thousands of children in central Ohio. My team goal is to raise $200 per person, or $1,000 as a team. I have signed up 3 teams at my bank and will receive a match from corporate on all funds raised. If you can, please follow the link to my page and help support a great cause! Any amount given is more than appreciated. http://2014bfks.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=462212&lis=1&kntae462212=FF292EFC285A4601B8B599CDAE58F485&supId=378252347 Thank you for your support! -Marc
  10. Same. And they are still fun to slide around with when desired -Marc
  11. I bought a truck for winter use so I don't have to drive my fun car in the weather. With that said, I do have a set of blizzaks for the bimmer and when I did use them (for 2 winters) they were perfect. I drove through 17in of snow with them and had zero issues. Turned my traction control off so it wouldn't bog down and hit the gas. I had a great time . -Marc
  12. 90% off? Seems like bad business...but great for the consumer! Do they sell anything other than artsy stuff? -Marc
  13. LOL. I love being towed behind a car. I used to make jumps behind the Giant Eagle in Powell on snowdays in high school and tear it up! I can only imagine how difficult it would be when there isn't any snow... No friction baby...just friendly banter. -Marc
  14. Try carving this:http://www.google.com/imgres?start=116&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=587&tbm=isch&tbnid=3vCCR7pZv0tYpM:&imgrefurl=http://yaymicro.com/stock-image/numbered-empty-parking-lot/1947903&docid=An23Hk7XvXFHxM&imgurl=http://image.yaymicro.com/rz_512x512/0/876/numbered-empty-parking-lot-876ffd.jpg&w=512&h=359&ei=rMTFUoS1F6amygGd8YDQCw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=203&page=6&tbnh=141&tbnw=207&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:37,s:100,i:115&tx=106&ty=68 I snowboard. Skiing is for pussies. -Marc
  15. Old man on a sled...this could be interesting to watch! -Marc
  16. I'm on the fence about Clear Fork. I used to go there for ski club and it was a dog track...think even smaller than MRM or Snow Trails. There is a reason it's only $15 but, if it doesn't expire, what the hell right? I'm totally down for getting together for MRM...you buy a season pass? -Marc
  17. Gracias. Still doing the college ID's for MRM? -Marc
  18. Or you can spend 2 hours and build it yourself with a level and install the felt. I paid to have mine moved twice by Scots and was tired of paying them. I did it myself last time and it is perfect and was a lot easier than I expected. -Marc
  19. AngryBMW

    Dress Shoes

    Johnston and Murphy. Id go to the Jeffersonville Outlet as you will get them for a serious discount. Amazing quality, 100% leather, can be had for $80-400 per pair. They are all I wear to work now. I just had a pair resoled after 4 years for $64 and couldn't be happier. -Marc
  20. Hey, at least Cleveland hasn't started legal proceedings to sue the organization for not fielding a competitive team like Cinci did a few years ago! As a die hard Steelers fan, I am truly saddened by how awful the team has become over the years. The rivalry between Cleveland and Pittsburgh used to be arguably the best in sports and over the past decade has been beyond a let down. I hope they can pull it together like Cinci did and become respectable. I don't mind the 2 free wins every year but come on...it can only last so long! -Marc
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