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Devils Advocate

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Posts posted by Devils Advocate

  1. This is the first comment listed under a story about the UM lineman transferring to OSU:


    "I have been a lifetime Michigan fan and this is a big loss. This is what happens when a program becomes average and players leave for greener pastures. I must give all credit to the Buckeyes and the program they have built over the past 5 years. Hopefully we can put an end to it sooner than later!"



    ...Even Wolverine fans admit they suck. Someone check the thermometer in hell.

  2. So uhm... me visiting CR like once a month means that I troll here for friends? Buhhhhhhh.............. Says the guy who paid money to have a section created on said internet forum SPECIFICALLY for him to troll in.



    Hobbz: Replacing "jesus" with "Faggot" in my name doesn't constitute a worthy insult. Until you're able to come up with something more effective, please hop off my nuts.

  3. Chicago ROFL. I never seen more bums in my life.


    Were your from don't mean shit. I was born on the Hill, and lived in Galloway and now worthington. Whats that mean? NOTHING! (Cept my bike wont get stolen if i leave my garage open)




    ...And look at you now.

  4. aah I should have chosen my words more carefully and said christ as the son of god good catch


    and if choosing not to follow a religon makes me liberal......


    if I can't see it, taste it, touch it, hear it, or smell it I don't see much reason to believe in it





    Yopu just have to believe, kuz if you dont, youre gonna spend forever and ever and ever and ever and ever in a giant piut of fire with whatever your worst fear is. Forever.




    So, are there atheist dinosaurs in Hell? Cavemen?

  5. Your name is fucking "Hefty Jesus" Seems like every dick head that is not directly involved in a conversation that as far as I'm concerned wasn't an argument to begin with tries the "you live in grove city" shit or the "hey you're 19" as if any of that shit matters. What shithole side of town do you live in buddy?




    So in a post where you condemn me for making fun of such trivial things as what town you live in and how old you are, you try to attack my forum name by simply putting the word "fucking" in front of it?



    Heres a tip: stop breathing that Grove City air.



    PS: Akula, you know better.

  6. WTF do you mean "I know a very few catholics who are saved"? Do they have a special armband that they wear that denotes them as saved, or are you giving yourself god's supposed powers of final judgement to help out your argument? Are you blaming the millions of catholics who werent involved in the child rapings or past wars for the mistakes of the catholics who were? I'm actually confused here, and I think anyone else who thinks for themselves would be too.


    The problem with christianity is that there are so many different variations, interpretations, and grey areas that it makes it completely ridiculous for anyone to claim that they are "correct" or "saved"...



    By the way, is it just me, or does it seem like every time I make a good point you just say something about pot? Kinda like any time anyone brings up something that could possibly disprove the existence of god, religious people just cover their ears and yell 'YOU HASTA HAVE FAITH!1!!1!"

  7. ok i cant take it anymore, before paul types anything else, a special ed teacher should revise all his work and give him a passing grade before it can be seen by the rest of us.


    happy b day :asshole:




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