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Everything posted by Rotarded1647545491

  1. I'm headed to two days of Drivers School at Summit Point Motorsports Park (WV) this Saturday and Sunday. Five sessions each day driving a 2005 E46 M3 Competition SMG paddle shift transmission. I am SO JUICED! The Shenandoah Circuit is a 2.2-mile (3.5 km) road course that first opened in 2004. Widely considered one of the most technical circuits of the recent crop of race courses, the Shenandoah also boasts a smaller scale replica of the Nürburgring-Nordschleife's famous banked Karussell turn. It's also known as the concrete jungle. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/90/Summit_Point_-_Shenandoah_Circuit.svg/800px-Summit_Point_-_Shenandoah_Circuit.svg.png A little video on the course. Backstretch speeds over 140mph are expected.
  2. I have often said the same of the GTP.
  3. Gold Member since '96. Wouldn't drive an out of warranty car without it, Ever. If had a car flatbedded back from Trails, and from LaRue. No questions asked, no bullshit.
  4. I know this isn't in your direction this trip, but you should check this out: Big South Fork River: Every Forth of July weeked for 5 years. Canoeing, Primative Camping, Fishing. I have 5 consecutive successful trips through Devil's Jump (Class 4 rapid) in a canoe without getting wet. Pristine, Scenic, and You may not even see another soul for the 17.5 mile trip. Big South Fork River: http://gorp.away.com/gorp/publishers/menasha/pad_cum6.htm
  5. I had to put Mojoe's back together after he tried it....alone. It's not that hard, but you definitely need to sets of hands. I'd help but my ass is owned at work until Monday
  6. Yeah it was modified, Opel GTs didn't come with 454s stock. At 1863 lbs, they are ripe for stupid swaps. In it's time, it was labeled as the "poor man's Corvette". My dad and I restored one while I was in high school. Fun car to drive, handled really well, 1900ccs of slowness. Manufacturer Opel Parent company General Motors Corporation Production 1968–1973 2006—2009 Successor Opel Manta Body style(s) coupe Layout FR layout Engine(s) 1078 cc straight-4 1897 cc straight-4 Wheelbase 2,415 mm (95.1 in) Length 4,113 mm (161.9 in) Width 1,580 mm (62.2 in) Height 1,225 mm (48.2 in) Curb weight 845 kg (1,863 lb)–940 kg (2,072 lb) Fuel capacity 50 L (13.2 US gal; 11.0 imp gal)[1] http://www.4x4offroads.com/image-files/1972-opel-gt-261.jpg http://www.modifiedcars.com/pix/cars_large/20831_24385.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_-l2C8nYmCV0/SOLH4fgFyhI/AAAAAAAACd0/beAwR4urBCA/s400/4c90_3.JPG http://www.jaylenosgarage.com/images/your_garage/cars/8643_1236085134487ad4196f1b9.jpg http://www.carandclassic.co.uk/uploads/new/574354.jpg Anyone have $500? http://www.lotustalk.com/forums/f162/73-opel-gt-sale-75927/
  7. Yeah, I forgot what a jackass you are over the off season. Lets hope your obsessive hatred for OSU doesn't cause you a heart attack. Please think about this: You are playing a team with a very unconventional offense. You will not see any other team with that offense again this year. They happen to have led the nation in rushing last year, because of this offense. Do you spend all of fall camp preparing to defend this, even though no one else runs it? OSU played a conservative offense, holding their cards close to the chest to not give away anything to USC. The defense got burned today and needs some work, but again they will never see this type of offense again. Overrated, maybe? Talk to me next Saturday at midnite. Then we all will know who is overated. Until then, go play in traffic.
  8. They can't see us, we're in the spirit world!
  9. Muahahahahahahaha! http://usera.ImageCave.com/Rotarded/patron.JPG.jpg
  10. Marc & Miller Ok, so I'm not gonna flame you jackoffs for hijacking this thread simply because it has served its purpose and found the players we need. Now go fuck yourselves!
  11. That's why you put them on point. Larger shield, survival of the fittest!
  12. I let Diana take on all the tough challenges, and take the cupcakes....It's how I maintain my perfect record. I love it when she's shooting and I overhear the other team's guys saying "DAMN, She can shoot!" I think Joe's match is still going on??????
  13. If Howard didn't back out on us two weeks ago.....
  14. Yo homo, there is gratuitous drinking involved. Especially when we are playing at home!
  15. We need a couple of people to join our Tuesday evening pool league team. Currently the team consists of Sciongirl, Mojoe, myself, and three others. We play in the Hilliard area Tuesday nights starting at 7:00pm. The season lasts 16 more weeks. What we are looking for are a couple of players who can make it to about 10 of the 16 weeks. You don't have to be a pool shark. In fact we could use some "lesser" players to round out the skill levels. This is an APA team, playing APA rules. It's $25 to join the league, then $6 a night, if you play. If you have no scheduled commitments on Tuesday Nights, can commit to joining us for a majority of the rest of the season, or just want to hang with the cool people from CR, please PM me. BTW. We have won both of our first two matches.
  16. Happy Happy Berto! Call me when you are in town!
  17. If your are using vulcanized plugs, they bond with the rubber in the tire and work extremely well. When I worked at the dealership, we plugged hundreds of tires without issue. I keep a plug kit in my tool box at home.
  18. Annette told me you were getting another. You should have dragged her there with you..............
  19. Hmmmmm. Where to start? 3.0? Why would you include this? I think your English scores must be keeping you from a 4.0! Punctuation and Capitalization are your friends! "Professional" Bartender? Again, Why include "professional"? Did you go to the Professional Bartending Institute? Is there such a thing as an Amateur Bartender? Attempting to DJ? Is this something you are going to try, or are you training, practicing to BECOME A DJ? WTF is "studding"? PHAIL!!!!
  20. http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d178/lt1wagner/funny%20stuff/willitfit2.jpg Damn! The diameter of that intake piping is bigger than Turbo Slut's Cooch!
  21. Not to be creepy old guy, but lets just say I think I'd rather see your pics, based upon what I'm seeing in the above blurry pic....... .......although I'd still pick Howard's ass over yours!
  22. If you were on the west side of town, I could probably help. But you isn't! You are about 8 weeks away from seasonal hiring. Easton would be your best bet if you want something evening in retail. I'll keep an eye out.
  23. Don't make me break out my Franco Harris jersey. It's older than your are!
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